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Queen help book
This is the quick guide for Desert Treasure.
For a more in-depth version, click here.


Start pointQuest map icon
Desert Treasure icon
Speak to the archaeologist in the Bedabin Camp.
Member requirementP2P icon Members only
Official difficultyMaster Master
Official lengthVery Long
RequirementsSkill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable.
Quest Quests:
  • 53 Thieving Thieving (a higher level is recommended for a higher chance of success)
Ironman badge Hardcore Ironman badge Ironmen:

These are not required if you obtain the Magic Logs required as a drop instead.


Items requiredItems from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added.
Enemies to defeat

Diamonds of Azzanadra[]

Items needed: 650 coins, 1 charcoal, 1 ashes, 1 bones, 1 blood rune, 6 noted steel bars, 12 noted magic logs, and 6 noted molten glass
  • Take a magic carpet to the Bedabin Camp.
  • Talk to the archaeologist (Asgarnia Smith). (Chat 2)
  • Talk to the Archaeological expert (Terry Balando) in the digsite Exam Centre about desert treasure.
  • Talk to him again for the translation.
  • Return to the first archaeologist. (Chat 2)
  • Talk to him again and offer to help him. (Chat 1)
  • Run south to the Bandit Camp.
  • Talk to the bartender at the pub for a beer. (Chat 21), then talk to the bartender about four diamonds. (Chat 2)
  • Talk to Eblis, east of the bar. (Chat 411)
    • If you are wearing any sort of Zamorak or Saradomin outfit he won't talk to you.
  • Use all the items on Eblis, then talk to him again.
  • Run south-east, and talk to Eblis by the lodestone.

Blood Diamond[]

Items needed: Garlic, silver bar, spice, food, air spells if using magic
Graveyard map
  • Enter the pub in Canifis and talk to Malak. (Chat 5133)
  • Collect the silver pot from Ruantun, who lives in Draynor Sewers.
  • Take the pot to the High Priest on Entrana.
  • Return to Malak in Canifis and speak to him.
    • He will hit you for 50 damage.
  • Crush your garlic, use it on the blessed pot then add spice.
    • Uncrushed garlic cannot be added into the pot. If you add the spice first, the pot will become useless and you must start again from taking the silver bar.
  • Prepare for a level 84 boss fight.
  • Run to the Graveyard (map pictured right).
  • Use the pot on the tomb. Then kill Dessous.
  • Return and speak to Malak.
  • Bank the blood diamond immediately!
    • While holding the blood diamond, a Stranger capable of dealing over 5,000 damage per attack can spawn at any time.

Ice Diamond[]

Items needed: Any cake or a chocolate bar, spiked boots, climbing boots (unless you've completed Eadgar's Ruse), fire spells if using magic, and combat gear with plenty of food and a few restore potions.
  • If you don't have spiked boots get them first from Dunstan in Burthorpe.
  • If you used your climbing boots to get the spiked boots, then get a new pair of climbing boots from Freda.
  • Travel to Trollheim (you can use the Trollheim Teleport or walk there).
  • Take the north-western-most of the forks north of Trollheim
  • Talk to the troll child near the ice gate.
  • Use cake/chocolate on him. Talk again to help him. (Chat 1)
  • Protect from Melee, and head east through the ice gate.
  • Kill 5 trolls, then travel through the cave entrance to your east and keep running.
  • Kill Kamil when he appears.
  • Climb the ice path to the north with your spiked boots.
  • Break the two ice cubes at the top.
  • Talk to the trolls, the child will give you the diamond.
  • Bank the ice diamond immediately!
    • While holding the ice diamond, a Stranger capable of dealing over 5,000 damage per attack can spawn at any time.

Smoke Diamond[]

Smoke Dungeon entrance location

Smokey Well

Items needed: Face mask or slayer helmet, ice gloves, water spells if using magic, ice arrows if using ranged, combat gear for a level 84 boss fight
  • With your mask and gloves equipped enter the Smoke Dungeon.
    • If Smoking Kills is complete the dungeon can be entered from the Pollnivneach well (go west after entering Pollnivneach well). Otherwise the player can enter the Smokey Well west of Pollnivneach.
  • Light the four standing torches (1 in each corner of the dungeon).
  • Open the burnt chest in the middle of the dungeon.
  • With the warm key, open the gate on the eastern side of the dungeon.
  • Defeat Fareed. Must use melee, water spells, or ice arrows.
  • Bank the smoke diamond immediately!
    • While holding the smoke diamond, a Stranger capable of dealing over 5,000 damage per attack can spawn at any time.
Smoke Dungeon map

Shadow Diamond[]

Items needed: A few antipoisons, lots of lockpicks, earth spells if using magic
  • Talk to Rasolo who is west of the Fishing Guild by the fenced area. (Chat 31)
  • Return to the desert Bandit Camp.
  • Unlock the chest in the small southern tent. You might use many lockpicks.
  • Prepare for combat before returning the cross to Rasolo.
  • Equip the ring, run into the fenced area and down the ladder.
  • Run to the grey point (see map legend) and kill Damis by defeating him in both phases.
    • If Damis despawns, run a small distance back from where you came, then run back.
  • Take the diamond once he is defeated.
  • Bank the shadow diamond immediately!
    • While holding the shadow diamond, a Stranger capable of dealing over 5,000 damage per attack can spawn at any time.
Shadow Dungeon map

Jaldraocht Pyramid[]

Jaldraocht Pyramid map

A map of the pyramid's interior

Items needed: All 4 diamonds, food if you are a low level
Items recommended: Energy potions
  • Show the diamonds to Eblis at the desert mirrors.
  • Directly south is a pyramid, use the diamonds on the obelisks.
    • Blood diamond in the north-west obelisk.
    • Shadow diamond in the south-west obelisk.
    • Ice diamond in the south-east obelisk.
    • Smoke diamond in the north-east obelisk.
  • Climb the ladder at the top of the pyramid.
  • Run through the pyramid using the map. Don't stand still, or you may be transported back to the start.
  • There's a possibility that scarabs spawn in Azzanadra's room so bring a weapon, antipoison, and some more food just in case.
  • Talk to Azzanadra.
  • Quest complete!


Desert Treasure reward
Additional rewards/activities
Music unlocked