Pick up the Sundial gnomon (right click and select take) that will be dropped by the last bandit.
Use it on the sundial.
Align the sundial to the symbol of Apmeken. (Monkey head)
Talk to Ozan.
Head north-west for a cutscene.
During the cutscene, select any of the options. Do not skip it. (~•~•~•~)…
[Any option]
[Any option]
[Any option]
[Any option]
The Kalphite Cavern[]
After the cutscene, keep entering any of the tunnels.
Ozan will eventually tell you that he is sitting on something uncomfortable.
Inspect the third sundial after Ozan fixes it and align it to the symbol of Crondis. (Crocodile head)
Enter the tunnel that the sunbeam points to.
Walk through the tunnel and enter the next tunnel.
Slice open the Dung kalphites until the Kharid-ib is found.
Slashing weapon can be found near cave entrance if not equipped.
Look for the sparkling ones which will hold the gems that are needed. Graphical settings need to be at high to see the sparklings. According to the new RuneScape client, sparklings can be seen with minimal settings, too.
Players with level 80 (boosts may be used, must be visible) can mine a crack in the room below the quicksand for 20,000 experience and access a secret treasure room, which contains a Scabaras mask and a Was (sceptre). To reach the fissure room, go down the well (north-west of the Kalphite Lair, fairy ring BIQ) and go in the tunnel in the east wall of the Kalphite nursery. Then go through the tunnel all the way to the other side and enter. You will find yourself in the room below the quicksand.