All Life points: 1,600
Life points: 1,600
All Combat experience: 72.6
Combat experience: 72.6
All Release date: 3 March 2003
Release date: 3 March 2003
All Combat level: 44
Combat level: 44
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 1002
NPC ID: 1002
Disciples of Iban are cultists who worship Lord Iban. They are located on and around the suspended bridges just outside Iban's Temple in the Underground Pass.
They always drop the top and bottom of Zamorak robes and become aggressive if talked to by anyone not wearing these. Additionally, if lost, the Iban staff may be obtained as a drop from a disciple in a broken form, which can be fixed by the Dark Mage in West Ardougne for a fee of 200,000 coins.
Killing one with an Iban staff is the requirement for the easy Tirannwn achievement, Iban You from Hurting Me!