RuneScape Wiki

Divine adamantite rock detail

The divine adamantite rock is an item that can be created at level 73 Divination, using 40 lustrous energy and 25 adamant ore. It can then be mined by anyone with a Mining level of 70 for adamant ore. If anyone other than the owner mines it, the owner can randomly be awarded noted adamant ore.

Adamant ore mined from this will not count for daily challenge.

Just like every other divine location, players can only craft one of these per day, increasing to three per day after completion of the Juna storage bot in the Hall of Memories. Boosts cannot be used to harvest from a divine location. This divine location will fill your daily limit 3 times faster than normal.

Mining divine adamantite rocks yields up to 18,841 coins per day with a total level of at least 2500, without using vis wax.


Divine adamantite rock Divine adamantite rock
Divination-Make-X GE icon
15.3 XP--
Divination Divination level73
P2P icon Members onlyNo
Lustrous energy 1Lustrous energy402058,200
Adamantite oreAdamantite ore252275,675
Total price13,875


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