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Divine fire spirits are a phenomenon that can replace fire spirits while adding logs to a bonfire or a portable brazier if the ability to get them has been unlocked and chosen at the Memorial to Guthix. They are unique to the player; only the player receiving the divine fire spirit event will be able to see it. When these spirits appear, the player can click on it to collect a reward. Collecting a divine fire spirit also awards Divination experience. At level 99 Divination, 430 Divination experience is awarded to the player.


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Coins 250Coins250Common250
Sign of item protectionSign of item protection1Uncommon5,028
Sign of lifeSign of life1Uncommon12,813
Vibrant energyVibrant energy10Common3,910
Lustrous energyLustrous energy10Common2,050
Sapphire glacialisSapphire glacialis1Common173
Ruby harvestRuby harvest1Common2,784
Snowy knightSnowy knight1Common414
Black warlockBlack warlock1Common424
Gold charmGold charm1–2CommonNot sold
Green charmGreen charm3–4CommonNot sold
Crimson charmCrimson charm1UncommonNot sold
Blue charmBlue charm1UncommonNot sold
Portent of restoration VIIPortent of restoration VII1Uncommon4,988
Portent of restoration VIIIPortent of restoration VIII1Uncommon1,682
Sign of the porter IISign of the porter II1UncommonNot sold
Sign of the porter IIISign of the porter III1UncommonNot sold
Sign of the porter VSign of the porter V1UncommonNot sold