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RuneScape Wiki
For locations of wisp colonies, see Energy rift.
Divine bronze rock detail

A divine location is a gathering hub that can be placed almost anywhere using the Divination skill. They are useful for six skills, with divine locations covering a range of levels within those skills. You will need the required level to harvest from them, as boosts will not work.

The creator of a divine location may receive noted resources and extra experience from that location if another player uses it. The chance of the creator receiving noted resources is usually 40%, except with Divine adamantite rock (30%), Divine box trap (30%), and Divine runite rock (20%). However, the creator can only receive contributions from up to five players at once. This feature allows players to make full use of their Divination, even if they don't have the gathering skills required to use their divine locations. Players receive normal experience for these actions even if they themselves don't have the required level to use their divine locations.

Divine locations reset each day at 00:00 UTC. Gathering from a divine location will not count towards challenges, and it will not grant item xp to the gathering tool used.

There is no official world for divine locations; however, the Burthorpe bank on world 2 is a popular spot for them, as is world 3 Grand Exchange for F2P.


One divine location can be created per day. After filling the third memory storage bot in Hall of Memories the player may create up to 3 divine locations per day. This limit is shared across all divine locations. However, players can place more than one location per day.

Players may only collect a certain number of resources from divine locations per day, both through their own gathering and contributions from a created location, based on their total level and will be notified when they are close to their daily limit, reaching a maximum cap of 250 resources once level 2,500+. The maximum cap may be temporarily increased by using vis wax or the Bounty of Crondis from the Desert pantheon aura, but not both.

If a player has capped the resource and gains another 10 total levels on the same day (thus increasing the daily limit), they will not be able to gain the additional cap difference until reset. Players can check how many resources they have gathered through the quick chat phrase "I have gathered ... items from divine locations today." Alternatively, right clicking "Check limit" on a divine location in the inventory will prompt the message "You have used X% of your daily divine location gathering limit."

Total level name=skillstat_total_level|type=int|value=0|range=35,2715|sublist=calcresourcelimit name=daily|type=output|value= gives you 0 resources per day.

let(level, skillstat_total_level) if (level > 2500) {

 let(cap, 250)


 let(cap, floor(level/10))

} let(daily, " gives you " + cap + " resources per day.")

Some divine locations count more towards this limit:

Item type Location Resource count
Hunter Deadfall trap 2
Herbs Herb patch I 2
Logs Magic tree 2
Fish Swordfish bubble 2
Ore Adamantite rock 3
Fish Cavefish bubble 3
Herbs Herb patch II 4
Divination Simulacrum I 4
Fish Rocktail bubble 4
Divination Simulacrum II 4
Hunter Box trap 5
Herbs Herb patch III 8
Ore Runite rock 12

All divine locations remain active for approximately 30 seconds, with the exception of the Divine herb patch III (~25 seconds), the Divine magic tree (~25 seconds), and the Divine runite rock (~20 seconds).

A player can still place a divine location after they have reached their daily limit but they will not be able to collect from it and will not receive any noted resources.

Divine trees[]

Chopping divine tree

Gathering resources from a divine maple tree.

These require a Woodcutting level to use. The owner will receive noted logs if other players use the location. The Inferno adze's and Seer's headband's special effects do not work with divine trees. However, the Lumberjack clothing bonus experience will work on divine trees.

Divination level Tree Materials Divination XP Woodcutting level Resource count XP per collection XP per resource GE price per collection GE price per resource
7 Divine tree Divine tree 5 Pale energy
20 Logs
1.8 1 1 25 25 291 291
21 Divine oak tree Divine oak tree 15 Bright energy
20 Oak logs
5.1 15 1 37.5 37.5 591 591
31 Divine willow tree Divine willow tree 20 Glowing energy
20 Willow logs
7.2 30 1 67.5 67.5 248 248
44 Divine maple tree Divine maple tree 25 Sparkling energy
20 Maple logs
9.3 45 1 100 100 108 108
62 Divine yew tree Divine yew tree 30 Vibrant energy
20 Yew logs
13.2 60 1 175 175 167 167
83 Divine magic tree Divine magic tree 40 Brilliant energy
5 Magic logs
18 75 2 250 125 380 190

Divine rocks[]

Mining divine rock

Gathering resources from a divine mithril rock.

These require a Mining level to use. The owner will receive noted ore if other players use the location. The special effect of Varrock armour does not work when mining divine rocks, neither do the effects of the Imcando pickaxe. However, the Golden mining suit bonus experience will work on divine rocks.

Divination level Rock Materials Divination XP Mining level Resource count XP per collection XP per resource GE price per collection GE price per resource
3 Divine bronze rock Divine bronze rock 20 Pale energy
20 Tin or 20 Copper ore
1.2 1 1 17.5 17.5 226.5 226.5
19 Divine iron rock Divine iron rock 20 Flickering energy
15 Iron ore
4 15 1 35 35 449 449
31 Divine coal rock Divine coal rock 30 Glowing energy
20 Coal
7.2 30 1 50 50 112 112
61 Divine mithril rock Divine mithril rock 30 Vibrant energy
20 Mithril ore
13.1 55 1 80 80 197 197
73 Divine adamantite rock Divine adamantite rock 40 Lustrous energy
25 Adamantite ore
15.3 70 3 95 31.7 227 75.67
94 Divine runite rock Divine runite rock 80 Luminous energy
6 Runite ore
22 85 12 125 10.4 1,419 118.25

Divine fishing bubbles[]

Fishing divine bubble

Gathering resources from a divine fishing bubble.

These require a Fishing level to use. The owner will receive noted fish if other players use the location. The fishing outfit does provide bonus experience while harvesting divine fishing bubbles, but Shark outfit's consume ability does not work.

Divination level Bubble Materials Divination XP Fishing level Resource count XP per collection XP per resource GE price per collection GE price per resource
1 Divine crayfish bubble Divine crayfish bubble 5 Pale energy
20 Raw crayfish
1 1 1 10 10 406 406
11 Divine herring bubble Divine herring bubble 15 Flickering energy
20 Raw herring
3 10 1 30 30 675 675
20 Divine trout bubble Divine trout bubble 15 Bright energy
20 Raw trout
5 20 1 50 50 382 382
30 Divine salmon bubble Divine salmon bubble 45 Glowing energy
20 Raw salmon
7 30 1 70 70 508 508
41 Divine lobster bubble Divine lobster bubble 70 Sparkling energy
20 Raw lobster
10 40 2 90 45 353 176.5
53 Divine swordfish bubble Divine swordfish bubble 70 Gleaming energy
20 Raw swordfish
13 50 2 100 50 341 170.5
79 Divine shark bubble Divine shark bubble 60 Lustrous energy
20 Raw shark
16 76 2 110 55 1,427 713.5
89 Divine cavefish bubble Divine cavefish bubble 70 Radiant energy
15 Raw cavefish
20 85 3 300 100 1,993 664.33
91 Divine rocktail bubble Divine rocktail bubble 80 Luminous energy
10 Raw rocktail
21 90 4 380 95 4,498 1,124.5

Divine herb patches[]

Picking divine herb patch

Gathering resources from a divine herb patch.

These require a Farming level to use. The owner will receive noted herbs if other players use the location. Unlike the trees and rocks, these give multiple types of rewards, depending on the Farming level of the person using it.

Divination level Patch Materials Divination XP Farming level Resource count Avg XP per collection Avg XP per resource Avg GE price per collection Avg GE price per resource
12 Divine herb patch I Divine herb patch I 5 Flickering energy
10 Clean guam
3.1 9 2 24.9 12.5 4,792.43 2,396.21
51 Divine herb patch II Divine herb patch II 20 Gleaming energy
20 Clean irit
11.3 44 4 67.9 17.0 4,464.6 1,116.15
82 Divine herb patch III Divine herb patch III 10 Brilliant energy
5 Clean cadantine
17.5 67 8 200.7 25.1 6,519.6 814.95

Divine hunter spots[]

Searching divine box trap

Gathering resources from a divine box trap.

These require a Hunter level to use. The owner will receive noted hunter materials if other players use the location. Unlike the trees and rocks, these give multiple types of rewards, depending on the Hunter level of the person using it. The Enhanced yaktwee stick bonus experience will work on divine hunter spots.

Divination level Trap Materials Divination XP Hunter level Resource count Avg XP per collection Avg XP per resource Avg GE price per collection Avg GE price per resource
4 Divine kebbit burrow Divine kebbit burrow 25 Pale energy
20 Raw beast meat
1.3 1 1 93.1 93.1 1,586.5 1,586.5
24 Divine bird snare Divine bird snare 30 Bright energy
20 Raw bird meat
5.4 1 1 69.0 69.0 453 453
34 Divine deadfall trap Divine deadfall trap 45 Glowing energy
24 Kebbit claws
7.5 23 2 180 90 2,686.6 1,343.3
64 Divine box trap Divine box trap 45 Vibrant energy
20 Chinchompa
13.4 53 5 490.9 98.2 1,246.75 249.35

Divine simulacrum[]

These require a Divination level to use and additionally require Fate of the Gods completed to create. The owner receives divine energy and noted portents and signs if other players use the location. Unlike the trees and rocks, these give multiple types of rewards, depending on the Divination level of the person using it.

Divination level Simulacrum Materials Divination XP Divination level Resource count Avg XP per collection Avg XP per resource
75 Divine simulacrum I Divine simulacrum I 100 Elder energy 16 65 4
92 Divine simulacrum II Divine simulacrum II 100 Elder energy 16 86