A sheepdog.
Dogs are a type of animal that were brought to Gielinor through the World Gate by Guthix during the First Age. They came alongside humans, who came from the same plane as they did. Dogs are commonly kept as pets by humans, either for companionship or work. Players are able to purchase pet dogs from the pet shops in Taverley and Yanille.
Dogs come in a wide variety of breeds, meaning that their appearance can differ greatly between individuals. They are closely related to a number of other creatures, most closely wolves. A number of other creatures such as Hellhounds bear a resemblance to them, but it is unknown if they have any direct relation. If players are doing the dog slayer task, it is recommended to slay Wild dogs at Brimhaven Dungeon, as their main spawn contains 6-8 wild dogs, as well as a multitude of wild dogs mixed in with other spawns.
Types of dog[]
Other dog-like creatures[]
Notable dogs[]
- Scruffy, the pet of the Carnillean family
- Snowy, one of the first dogs on Gielinor
- Cerberus, a guardian of Paterdomus who is fought and killed during Priest in Peril
- Lycurgus, the replacement of Cerberus.
- Sir Chen Rescoo, Patch, Little 'Elper and Oddie, stray dogs the 2012 Christmas event
- Holly, Monty and Willow, corgis from the Diamond Jubilee
- Sinclair Guard dog, a dog who guards the Sinclair Mansion
- Lumbridge guard dog, a German shepherd brought in to help defend Lumbridge during the Battle of Lumbridge
- Icthlarin, a god with the head of a Jackal
- Bouncer, General Khazard's pet hellhound
- Muncher, Death's pet skeleton hellhound
- Hati and Sköll, extremely powerful wolves of Fremennik legend.