RuneScape Wiki
Dorgesh-Kaan Average Chest
Dorgesh-Kaan Average Chest
Release date 20 March 2007 (Update)
Members Yes
Quest No
Location Dorgesh-Kaan
Examine A stone chest.

Thieving from the Dorgesh-Kaan Average Chest requires 52 Thieving, and gives 200 experience for looting it. To open it, a lockpick is required. The chest's loot will respawn once every 210 seconds. If players are trying to loot the chests for charms, it is suggested that they thieve from chests that are not located in Zanik's House or Oldak's House, as there is a lesser chance of obtaining charms from those two locations.

Getting there[]

There are multiple ways of accessing Dorgesh-Kaan.

Obtainable loot[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Coins 100Coins33–216Common33–216
Oil lantern (oil)Oil lantern (oil)1Common5,577
Bullseye lantern (oil)Bullseye lantern (oil)1Common2,168
Mining helmetMining helmet1Common945
Frog-leather chapsFrog-leather chaps1Rare2,064
Frog-leather bodyFrog-leather body1Rare2,614
Cave goblin wireCave goblin wire1Common4,471
Earth talismanEarth talisman1Very rare185
Dorgesh-kaan sphereDorgesh-kaan sphere1Very rareNot sold
Fire talismanFire talisman1Very rare209
Sealed clue scroll (easy)Sealed clue scroll (easy)1RareNot sold
H.a.m. robeH.a.m. robe1Rare44
Bone daggerBone dagger1Rare2,635

Zanik's house[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Bone boltsBone boltsUnknownUnknown49
Dorgeshuun crossbowDorgeshuun crossbow1Unknown2,723
Bone daggerBone dagger1Unknown2,635
Sealed clue scroll (easy)Sealed clue scroll (easy)1UnknownNot sold
H.a.m. robeH.a.m. robe1Common44
Newcomer mapNewcomer map1Unknown189
Big bonesBig bones1Unknown203
Mining helmetMining helmet1Unknown945

Oldak's house[]

This drop table is incomplete.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Light orbLight orbUnknownUnknown6176
Empty light orbEmpty light orbUnknownUnknownNot sold
Water talismanWater talisman1Unknown2,528
Chaos runeChaos rune7Unknown1,064
Nature runeNature rune2Unknown810
Mind runeMind rune14Unknown266
Dorgesh-kaan sphereDorgesh-kaan sphere1UnknownNot sold
Coins 100Coins106Unknown106

Charm rates (including Oldak's and Zanik's houses)[]

No charmGold charmGreen charmCrimson charmBlue charm
Represents a 90% confidence range based on a sample of 931 kills.
1 charm is dropped at a time.
Add data to the log (requires JavaScript).

See also[]
