RuneScape Wiki
RuneScape Wiki
This article is about the battleaxe. For the hatchet, see Dragon hatchet.
For this item's off-hand variant, see off-hand dragon battleaxe.
For other variants of this item, see corrupt.

A dragon battleaxe

The dragon battleaxe is the strongest battleaxe that can be used outside of Daemonheim. It can only be wielded by members who have at least 60 Attack and who have completed the Heroes' Quest. It can be bought from Happy Heroes' H'emporium in the Heroes' Guild for 200,000 coins, or as a reward from a Gold Chest in the Shades of Mort'ton minigame. However, it is advised that players buy this weapon from the Grand Exchange in Varrock or another player as prices are normally lower.

For a long time this weapon had the highest damage rating for all one-handed weapons, surpassed by Korasi's sword, Chaotic equipment, Attuned crystal dagger, Drygore weaponry, and Khopesh of Tumeken. It's worth noting, however, that all these degrade (with the exception of Korasi's sword).

Combat Stats
RequirementsDragon battleaxe equipped
60 Attack
Attack MeleeMain hand slot
Average (3.6s)
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses

Special Attack[]

The Dragon battleaxe has a special attack called Rampage. It requires 100% adrenaline and the player deals 20% more melee damage while their hit chance and defence are lowered by 10%. The player's strength level will be increased by 20% and attack, defence, magic, and ranged levels will be decreased by 10% in addition to the buff it provides. The buff lasts for 60 seconds and the altered stats will take normal time to recover.

The damage buff stacks with both Berserk and the Zaros godsword special attack.

Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Gold keyN/A1Rare
Motherlode MawN/A1Rare
Shade Catacombs/RewardsN/A1Rare
Winter Weekends (2012)N/A1Rare

Store locations[]

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Seller Location Cost Currency Base stock Members?


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  • The player shouts "Raarrrrrgggggghhhhhhh!" as the special attack is performed.
  • In the 2012 Winter Weekends during week 5, it was a possible drop from the snowmen raids.