Dragon helm (charged) was removed after an update.The contents of this page no longer exist in RuneScape , and this article is kept for historical purposes.
Dragon helm (charged)
100,000 coins
60,000 coins
40,000 coins
Makes the wearer pretty intimidating.
The Dragon helm (charged) was a dragon armour that could be worn in the headwear slot available to pay-to-play meleers . It could be obtained by storing summoning scrolls in a Dragon helm (e) . It could hold up to 110 summoning scrolls and required a Summoning level of 50 and a Defence level of 60 to wear.
Stored scrolls would be activated automatically during combat if the player was using the corresponding familiar. Only combat-oriented scrolls could be stored.
Disassembly [ ]
Defined properties:
All Junk chance: 34
Junk chance: 34
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Trivia [ ]
As of an update on 4 June 2018 , all enchanted and charged variants of headgear were removed from the game and replaced with their unenchanted variants.
Melee (removed) Ranged (removed) Magic (removed) Slayer helm (removed) Feather headress Other