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For other variants of this item, see corrupt, ornamental, dragonbone, spiked.

Dragon platelegs detailed

Dragon platelegs are a piece of dragon armour that require 60 Defence to be worn. It is dropped by bronze, iron, steel, adamant, rune and elite rune dragons, though it is mostly a rare drop. They can also be found in the Motherlode Maw. They have the same bonuses as the dragon plateskirt.

Dragon platelegs are commonly worn in conjunction with other types of body armour such as a Rune platebody and Granite body by players who can't afford dragon chainbodies or dragon platebodies. Players also commonly wear it paired with a Fighter torso for its damage bonus and/or its looks.

A pair of dragon platelegs can be combined with a dragon platelegs/skirt ornament kit (or) to make a gold-trimmed dragon platelegs (or), with a dragon platelegs/skirt ornament kit (sp) to make a spiky dragon platelegs (sp), or with a dragonbone upgrade kit to make a dragonbone platelegs. None of these cosmetic enhancements change the stats in any way.

Combat Stats
RequirementsDragon plate armour set (lg) equipped
60 Defence
Attack MeleeLegs slot
60Tank armour
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour249PvM: 1.2%PvP: 3.15%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses

Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Adamant dragon1161Rare
Motherlode MawN/A1Rare
Rune dragon1271Rare
Steel dragon1001Rare
Elite rune dragon1301Uncommon
The Magister8991Uncommon
Bronze dragon861Very rare
Iron dragon981Very rare


[FAQ] • [doc]

See also[]


  • After the updates of 25 March, 2009, the appearance of equipped dragon platelegs slightly changed with the addition of spikes to the knees.
  • Upon getting Dragon platelegs, in the Adventurer's Log, it will say "After I killed a [Bronze/Iron/Steel dragon], it dropped dragon platelegs."
  • Dragon platelegs have experienced a dramatic drop in price from around 1,000,000 coins to under 160,000. This could be due to a number of reasons, such as rising supply, less demand, or more use of other popular types of leg armour such as Bandos tassets, Barrows, etc.
  • In My Arm's Big Adventure a captured Adventurer has his Dragon platelegs kicked across the Troll kitchen by the Troll Cook Burntmeat. Burntmeat discovers Goutweed inside the platelegs and interrogates the Adventurer about it before boiling him into a stew.