This article is about driftwood found on Uncharted Isles. For other uses, see Driftwood (disambiguation).
Driftwood is a level 92 Firemaking resource that can be burned for 454 Firemaking experience, and 563.5 Firemaking experience on bonfires. Driftwood can be found on the Uncharted Isles on the ground. They may be sold to the Junk of One Cyclopsshop on Cyclosis for 5 chimes each, or to the Bamboo Market 101 shop on Waiko for 1 chime each.
Five pieces of driftwood are required as part of the Flag Fall miniquest. Ten additional pieces are also required for the Jed Hunter miniquest. They are also needed to light braziers for contracts.
The examine text of a fire lit from driftwood originally identified it as a willow log fire. This was changed with the update on 1 August2016. Afterwards, it is identified as a log fire.
Before 24 July2017, driftwood could not be added to a permanent bonfire.