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Druid's Circles quest series is a series of quests involving the stone circles.


Druidic Ritual icon Druidic Ritual[]

Druidic Ritual
Main article: Druidic Ritual
The druids have decided to join the defence of Taverley and Burthorpe, and they're looking to get their god on their side. By concocting a potion with the help of their herbal specialist, you'll gain Guthix's favour and send the trolls packing.

Eadgar's Ruse icon Eadgar's Ruse[]

Eadgar's Ruse
Main article: Eadgar's Ruse
Sanfew requires a rare herb for the next part of the purifying ritual.

Travel back to the Troll Stronghold to find this herb that the trolls use as an ingredient for their favourite dish.

Minimum requirements[]

Items Required[]

Drudic Ritual[]

  • 1 coin

Eadgar's Ruse[]



  • 11,250 Herblore experience



Music unlocked[]

Druidic Ritual[]

  • None

Eadgar's Ruse[]
