All Life points: 200
Life points: 200
All Combat experience: 25.8
Combat experience: 25.8
All Release date: 20 February 2006
Release date: 20 February 2006
All Combat level: 5
Combat level: 5
All Is members only: false
Is members only: false
All NPC ID: 3222
NPC ID: 3222
The Drunken man can be found in the upstairs of the Rising Sun Inn in bustling Falador square, and in one of the rooms upstairs in the Jolly Boar Inn, just north-east of Varrock.
He drunkenly staggers around aimlessly, and serves no real purpose apart from a bit of comic relief. When spoken to, he gets confused and thinks there are two of you, and then starts mindlessly ranting about "giant hairy cabbages." When in combat, he is no different than a normal man, he does not get weaker because he's drunk. His drops are also the same as a normal man.