RuneScape Wiki


Abbreviation Floor Type
Fr/Frozen Frozen floors
A1s Abandoned 1 floors
Furn Furnished floors
Aba(2)/A(2) Abandoned 2 floors

Abandoned 2 is assumed if no number is specified

Occs Occult floors
Warps Warped floors
High Warp/HW High warped floors (usually floors 57+)
A/O Abandoned 2 or occult floor
Frafu Frozen, Abandoned, or Furnished (floors 1-29)
Abbreviation Floor Class
C1/Rush Complexity 1 dungeon
M/Med Medium sized dungeon
L/Lfg Large floor (L can be also used for leech)
Large is assumed if no floor size is given
F1, f2, f3, etc. Refers to floor numbers
Ab2/Occ/Warp +1/2/3/4

Refers to the amount of people still needed to start that floor. Example: Occ+2 means that 2 more people are needed for an occult floor. F44+3 means that 3 more people are needed for Floor 44.

Common abbreviations[]

Proceeding is a list of common abbreviations within Dungeoneering itself. Parties often use these abbreviations to shorten typing time and thereby decrease the overall elapsed time.

Abbreviation Meaning
g1/g2 Personal gates 1 and 2; used to denote which gate has been used for a particular door
gd Guardian door
gt/ggs "Group teleport," or "group gatestone". If used as a standalone, the player is requesting anyone who is idle to teleport to it. (ggs is typically only used by lower level players)
gtgd "Group teleport, guardian door." Teleport to the group gatestone to clear a guardian door room
de "Dead end"
denk "Dead end no key"
dewk "Dead end with key"
gdm "Guardian door marked" (when idle, players should make their ways to the mark and finish the room)
[X] g/ gtd [X]/g8d [X]/gated [X] Personal gatestone dropped at X location, usually with regards to a key or skill door.
g2 [X]/gate 2 [X] Gatestone 2 dropped at the specified location
ht/base Cast Home teleport OR used to direct team to a location using the home/base as a reference point.
mgt [destination]
mgt [player]
"Move group teleport." Move the group gatestone to the target destination or player. Target player should drop a personal gate stone at his or her current location, teleport to the group gatestone, pick it up, and return to his or her personal gatestone.
hgt "Hold group teleport/gatestone"
hgte "Hold group teleport for end." The person who has the end door gated should hold the group gatestone and be ready to move it to the end when called
mgtb/sgtb "Move group teleport to boss." Move the group gatestone to the boss room. Superseded by "mgte" when boss is dead.
mgte/sgte "Move group teleport to end." Move the group gatestone to end (when boss is killed)
gt [skill]/ggs [skill] Teleport to the group gatestone and open the skill door mentioned (usually level and skill are announced, i.e. "gt 99 con"). The abbreviation "ggs" is usually only used by lower level dungeoneers.
gtb "Group Teleport Boss." Meaning the group gatestone is inside or directly outside the boss room.
gte "Group teleport end." Teleport to the group gatestone and end the floor
bgt/buying/buy "Buying group teleport/gatestone." (requesting to move the group gatestone)
sgt/selling/sell "Selling group teleport/gatestone." (requesting that someone move the group gatestone); if no conditions precede or proceed the request, it is to anyone with a useful location at his gatestone.
gh x "got herb x type." (such as got herb Winter's grip, Lycopus and etc.)
nh "no herb"
path [door] Open the door (i.e. "crimson wedge" or "cw") and "path" it (follow it until it dead-ends).
crit/critical path Critical path (the path that leads to the boss)

Usually ascertained by the experience obtained from a skill door. Experience from doors in the 460 and 505 range is often critical, though may also be bonus, and this only holds true if at least one player in the party has level 99 in the skill required. The critical path is always continuous, i.e. it will always be one piece and will never be disconnected from another part of itself. The critical path contains keys and skill doors for bonus rooms.

Note that in free-to-play Dungeoneering, any door giving from 210-255 xp is considered critical in 5:5, assuming at least one player has level 50 (or higher) in the given skill.

bon/b path/bo Bonus path (The path that gives you extra experience and will eventually leads to dead ends or skill doors over level 99)

455 experience or less is a bonus door and 510 or more experience is also bonus. Doors that give 510-535 experience are doors that require level 100-105 in the given skill; therefore, they are bonus. This all assumes that at least one player has level 99 in the skill, and the dungeon is the highest difficulty it can be (i.e. 5:5).

Note: in the free to play version, any door giving an amount other than 210-255 xp is considered to be bonus in 5:5, assuming at least one player has 50+stats. Also, any door requires a level of 50 or more to complete is considered bonus. 

bonk [X] "bonus key X". Used to state that the door opened by this key will be on the bonus path.
b/boss Boss (called as soon as it is found)
me While not an abbreviation, per se; "me" is used similarly to "g1"/"g2" to mean the player has placed a gatestone at the door
cgt "Carry Group Teleport [gatestone]" Usually a command given by the host indicating that they would like someone to carry the Group Gatestone along a particular path.
pgt Personal Gatestone Teleport or Path Group Teleport [Gatestone]
skipping/melting Used when someone in the party is using the Gorajan trailblazer outfit or a Lock melter to skip/melt a puzzle/gd room.

Monster abbreviations[]

Abbreviation Monster
ns Night spider
sg Soulgazer
Eddi/eddy Edimmu
Necro Necromancer (or the Necrolord boss)
Primal Refers to a primal (tier 11) Forgotten warrior
Trollgazer A colloquialism for seekers, as they bear a visual similarities with soulgazers, and may thereby be confused for each other at a glance.
dino(s)/dinosaur(s) A colloquialism for mastyx, as they bear a visual similarity to dinosaurs

Key door abbreviations[]

Within a dungeon the names of the different keys and doors are often abbreviated. To form a door abbreviation state the colour first then the shape e.g. crimson corner could be cco or crco.

It is most common that the shortest abbreviation be used, such as: cco rather than crco, sp rather than spent, and so on.

Key door colour Abbreviation
Crimson c, cr, crim
Gold go
Yellow y, ye, yell
Purple p, pu
Silver s, si, sil
Green gr, grn
Orange o, or
Blue b, bl
Key door shape Abbreviation
Shield s, sh
Corner co, crn, corn
Crescent cr, cres
Wedge w, we
Diamond d, dia
Triangle t, tr, tri
Pentagon p, pent
Rectangle r, re, rec

Players should avoid using "g" for colour, as well as "c" for shape as they can be either the gold or green colours and corner or crescent shapes, respectively.

Puzzle door abbreviations[]

Descriptions of how to solve the puzzles can be found here.

Alternatively some puzzles such as the statue bridge/grapple tightrope are more commonly referred to only by skill levels required to complete (that the person calling lacks) e.g. gt 86 con. Some puzzles which use the same name within the dungeons have been omitted e.g. Pondskaters.

Abbreviation Puzzle
cf/ cfs Coloured Ferrets
Fish ferret/ff Fishing ferret
Ramo Ramokee familiars (special guardian door)
Merc Mercenary leader
Mono Monolith
Maze Toxic Maze
Frem/fremmy/skills Fremennik camp room
Flowers/ivy/vines Flower roots puzzle
Coloured blocks/blocks The coloured recesses puzzle
Ports/Portals Portal maze (Warped floors only)
Books Coloured bookcases (Occult floors only)
Polt Poltergeist
Barrels The push barrel puzzle
Riddle room Enigmatic hoardstalker
Pillars/Stumbles Lodestone power
Construct/Robot Magical construct
Lodestones Crystal puzzle
Grooves/spikes Suspicious grooves
Emotes/motes/emo Follow the leader
10stats Can refer to either the sliding statues, 10 statue weapon, or 3 statue weapon rooms.
Levs Lever/switches room
Ms/pushpulls Moving statue room
Ghosts/Goats Ghosts guardian door

Boss abbreviations[]

Abbreviation Bosses name
Bulwark Bulwark beast
Rune/runebound Runebound behemoth
Hope Hope devourer
Night/Night gazer Night-gazer Khighorahk
Shadow/Shadow forg Shadow-forger Ihlakhizan
Flesh/fleshy Flesh-spoiler Haasghenahk
World/Gorger World-gorger Shukarhazh
Ballak/pumm/pummeler Bal'lak the Pummeller
Thunder/Thundy/Thunderous Yk'Lagor the Thunderous
Kal/Kalger Kal'Ger the Warmonger
Astea Astea Frostweb
Geo Hobgoblin Geomancer
Lex Lexicus Runewright
Necro Necrolord (note: "necro" can also refer to the necromancers)
Curse Unholy cursebearer
Trio Skeletal trio
Dread Dreadnaut
Ram/Ramma Rammernaut
Saggy/Sag Sagittare (note that "sag" can also refer to Sagittarian equipment)
Gulg/Gulega Warped Gulega


While Dungeoneering, directional indicators can be used, such as "altar 2w1n of ht" which would indicate there is an altar 2 rooms west and 1 north of the Base/Home Teleport. You can use the compass near the minimap to navigate using these directions.

Abbreviation Direction
N North
S South
E East
W West
NE North-East
SE South-East
SW South-West
NW North-West
Boss Boss Room


Abbreviation Meaning
Kata Katagon metal
Gorg Gorgonite metal (can also refer to a Gorgonite forgotten warrior)
Prom Promethium metal (can also refer to a Promethium forgotten warrior)
Saggy, Saggi, Sag Saggitare boss, Saggitarian Forgotten ranger, or Saggitarian equipment
Zeph, Zeppy Zephyrium, typically referred to as a material for making an altar
Bovi Most typically refers to Bovistrangler branches, but can also refer to any items name using the branches.
Ssh The Shadow silk hood (can also be the silver shield key)
Bn The Blood necklace
Hex The Hexhunter bow
T1, T2, etc. Referring to ring of kinship customizations or resource tiers, i.e. tier 1, tier 2, and so on
SuiLees The host suicide keys (picks up no food and tries to complete the critical path as quickly as possible) and there is a leecher (someone who does nothing) on the team. As one could probably assume, the "Sui" is for suicide, while the "Lee" is for leech; therefore, any number in front of a letter means that there are that many of that type; for example, "sui2l" and "1sui2lee" both refer to a single suicider with two leeches.
SuiKeys Suicide keying, no leech. The host picks up no food, suiciding to complete the critical path as quickly as possible, without a leech. Often done as a favour to someone, or to try to improve keying time. Just as with "SuiLees," a number in front of the "Sui" implies that many suiciders; for example, "2SuiKeys" means two suiciders, no leeches.
J/L, JL Join-and-leave. Once the dungeon starts, participants leave the dungeon. Common with item hunts, i.e. attempting to obtain primal, sagitarrian, or celestial equipment from bosses. This is done because 5:5 dungeons have a higher rate of yield for top-tier equipment.
Tyff(s) Thank you for the floor(s)
Row Multiple dungeons with the same party. Usually, party members will click the skip button on the Winterface, then click their respective buttons to continue. Leaving at this screen implies that one is done running the row, and the host will need to find a new member to replace them. It is considered rude to the host and team to join a "Row" but leave after the first floor.