This is a list of all the bosses that can be encountered during Dungeoneering in Daemonheim. All bosses can potentially drop a section of the Dungeoneering journal in addition to their regularly-listed reward(s} below.
Each boss that drops one-handed weapons (except for Icy Bones and Bulwark beast) also drop the respective off-handed version which may or may not be of a different material to the main-hand drop.
Floor Type | Boss Name | Dungeoneering Level Required | Floors | Optimal floors[1] | Drops |
Frozen (Floors 1-11) |
Gluttonous behemoth | 1 | 1-11 | 1-2 | Boots |
Astea Frostweb | Shoes and wands | ||||
Icy Bones | Vambraces and throwing knives | ||||
Luminescent icefiend | 5 | 3-11 | 3-5 | Daggers | |
Plane-freezer Lakhrahnaz | 11 | 6-11 | 6-8 | Gauntlets | |
To'Kash the Bloodchiller | 17 | 9-11 | 9-11 | Mage gloves | |
Abandoned 1 Also found in Abandoned 2 (Floors 12-17) |
Skeletal Horde/Divine skinweaver | 23 | 12-17, 30-35 | 12-14 | Full helms |
Hobgoblin Geomancer | Leather boots | ||||
Bulwark beast | Pickaxes and hatchets | ||||
Unholy cursebearer | 29 | 15-17, 30-35 | 15-17 | Staves | |
Furnished (Floors 18-29) |
Rammernaut | 35 | 18-29 | 18-19 | Mauls |
Stomp | Coifs and Ranged shields | ||||
Har'Lakk the Riftsplitter | Rapiers | ||||
Lexicus Runewright | 39 | 20-29 | 20-22 | Hoods and orbs | |
Sagittare | 45 | 23-29 | 23-26 | Longbows and arrows | |
Night-gazer Khighorahk | 51 | 26-29 | 26-29 | Plateskirts | |
Abandoned 2 See monsters listed in Abandoned 1 above (Floors 30-35) |
Shadow-forger Ihlakhizan | 59 | 30-35 | 33-35 | Kiteshields |
Bal'lak the Pummeller | 65 | 33-35 | Warhammers | ||
Occult (Floors 36-47) |
Skeletal trio | 71 | 36-47 | 36-38 | Shortbows and arrows |
Runebound behemoth | Robe bottoms and Magic shields | ||||
Gravecreeper | Chainbodies | ||||
Necrolord | 77 | 39-47 | 39-41 | Chaps and off-hand throwing knives | |
Flesh-spoiler Haasghenahk | 83 | 42-47 | 42-44 | Platelegs | |
Yk'Lagor the Thunderous | 89 | 45-47 | 45-47 | Battleaxes | |
Warped (Floors 48-60) |
Blink | 95 | 48-60 | 48-50 | Longswords |
Warped Gulega | Robe tops | ||||
Dreadnaut | Platebodies | ||||
Hope devourer | 101 | 51-60 | 51-53 | Leather bodies | |
World-gorger Shukarhazh | 107 | 54-60 | 54-56 | Spears | |
Kal'Ger the Warmonger | 113 | 57-60 | 57-60 | 2h swords |
Gluttonous behemoth[]
Required level: 1
Recommended Protection Prayer: Protect from Magic
Floors: Frozen
This boss will constantly heal itself by devouring bovimastyx corpses off to its side when it has lost more than half of its life points. It is vital to block the body or bodies to prevent it from healing; it is still possible to attack while doing this. When soloing, there will be only one carcass; in a group, there will always be two, but the behemoth will only heal itself once in the dungeon. It is advised to wear the strongest melee armour available and use the Protect from Magic prayer. One strategy consists of two melee players blocking the behemoth that can take its attacks handily, meanwhile the rest of the group can attack unscathed. If you or your entire group die when it reaches less than half of its life points, it will heal itself to full health as soon as you re-enter into room. This can be countered by reducing it to almost half of its life points and then teleporting using a personal gatestone. Restock on food and reenter the room again to finish it off. If in a group it is strongly recommended that all players enter the boss room all at the same time for a faster kill.
Bulwark beast[]
Required level: 23
Recommended Protection Prayer: Protect from Magic
Floors: Abandoned
This boss has thick rock armour which prevents all melee and ranged attacks from doing damage unless broken down first. However, Magic attacks are capable of piercing it right away. The player must wield a pickaxe and attack it until the armour is broken through then switch to your normal weapon. If you have a pickaxe on your tool belt it will be used automatically. If you enter without a pickaxe in your possession and you don't have one on your tool belt there is one in the corner of the room. There will be a bar on the top of the screen to show the progress of breaking down the armour. It is important to remember that, in groups, there will only be one pickaxe spawn and the rest of the party must obtain their own. The Bulwark beast attacks constantly with all three forms of combat. Normally it would be helpful to use melee protection prayers from melee attacks that you are the weakest to but he will drain all your prayer points if you are facing him. The player should then only activate melee protection prayers whenever the beast turns away. He does not, however, drain prayer points of players who are using Protect from Magic or Deflect Magic. Breaking the armour does not give any Combat or Mining experience.
Stomp (monster)[]
Required level: 35
Recommended Protection Prayer: Protect from Ranged
Floors: Furnished
Reward: Ranged helms and ranged shields
Stomp is something of an oddity because it is just a big, immobile head protruding from a portal with 2 dangling feet. When fighting this boss, ranged is recommended followed by melee. If the players attacks with melee it will follow suit so protection prayers against melee should be used. He uses all three styles of combat with four kinds of different methods of attack. First, when within melee range it will smack the player with one of its arm-like mandibles. Second, if player is at a distance it will throw rocks or, third, shoot a ball of energy at the player. Its special and fourth attack, only used in its final stage, is to throw a large rock at a player's location and any player that is within one square of where the rock lands will take massive damage equal to 25% of their life points. The special attack can be half-negated with the Protect from Ranged prayer. He also performs a special feat when he reaches three divisions of remaining life points which are 66%, 33% and 1%. At each division he causes a earthquake bringing down rocks and two small crystals from above. There will be a warning sound that the earthquake is imminent so the player should move toward the middle of room in order to not be blocked from getting to the crystals without having to mine. If the player is blocked, there is a heavy chance you will fail that particular stage because of the time factor. There are two lodestones to each side of Stomp. The player(s) must quickly take the crystals and place them on the two lodestones to activate them. Often the fallen rocks will be in your way back to the lodestones so use the pickaxe on your tool belt to clear the path. Once both lodestones are activated on time Stomp will enter the next stage and the fallen rocks will be cleared from the room. If you fail to charge the lodestones within the set period of time Stomp will heal 1/3 of its life points back and you must repeat that stage. Once the third stage is complete (1% of life points left) the portal will close and Stomp will die.
For solo players, at 100% to 66% life points, fighting at a distance with protect from ranged will block most of the damage. At 66-34% life points, melee armour and protect from magic will block most of the damage. At lower than 33% life points, protect from ranged is recommended for all players. This is especially true for melee fighters as they might have difficulties evading the special attack and the prayer blocks half of the damage even if hit. For team players, it is worthwhile to notice only the ranged attack hits all players at once. A good set of melee armour and using ranged should be enough to keep health high. Favouring protect from range over protect from magic is advised.
Runebound behemoth (m)[]
Required level: 71
Recommended Protection Prayer: The attack style to which you are weakest
Floors: Occult
Reward: Magic robe bottom
This boss can use all three protection prayers SIMULTANEOUSLY. When all three of them are active it is immune to ALL ATTACKS and can also release a special attack. His protection comes from three crystals in the room each representing a combat style. Deactivating one will deactivate the beast's corresponding protection prayer but this only lasts for a short while. After it reactivates the crystal's power will be returned to the beast. You have to wait a few seconds before you can deactivate it again. Therefore, it is recommended to use two attack styles to kill this boss if solo. If in a group each player should use a different attack mode and be assigned to a different crystal. One way to prevent him from using his special attack is to activate a protection prayer which will prevent him from using the mode of attack you are defending against. If, and when, all three crystals are activated he is able to deliver a special attack with a roar, scattering orbs of acid around the room. These orbs can potentially kill a player in just one hit, cannot be blocked by protection prayers and can only be avoided by running around the room or teleporting out with a gate stone.
Hope devourer (m)[]
Required level: 101
Recommended Protection Prayer: Melee
Floors: Warped
Reward: Ranged body
During the entire fight he creates an aura in the room that damages you every few seconds and lowers your combat stats. The Hope devourer only uses melee to attack you directly. One attack method is a charge that stuns and hits with high damage, similar to the Rammernaut's charge. Its special attack, however, is signified by a very long roar which will do damage and disable any active prayers. When it disables your prayers, it regains health so be careful when using them. If, during the special attack, you turn off prayers and wait to turn it back on after the roaring stops the player can block the healing of the devourer. Due to the fact that all of its attacks are close-ranged and that it can be can be snared or otherwise stopped from moving well-prepared mages will have the upper hand in this fight.
Plane-freezer Lakhrahnaz[]
Required level: 11
Recommended Protection Prayer: Protect from Range/Magic
Floors: Frozen
Reward: Gauntlets
This boss' territory is covered with ice which causes the player to slip and slide around the room. The boss frequently moves away from the player or pushes the player away by turning it's eye red. One useful strategy is to place a gatestone outside of the boss' room, then whenever Lakhrahnaz starts moving away from you teleport out. He will come back to the entrance and wait for you, and when you re-enter he will be unable to push you and will stay there for a short period of time giving you an opportunity to attack him.
Night-gazer Khighorahk[]
Required level: 51
Recommended Protective Prayer: Magic
Floors: Furnished
Reward: Plateskirts
This boss is impossible to hit unless you have at least one of the four burners lit in the corners of the room. Every burner that is lit determines how much damage you can deal. With one burner lit you inflict 25% damage, with 2 - 50% and with 3 - 75%. With all 4 burners lit you will inflict maximum (but normal) damage. It is not recommended to try to light all 4 burners when doing solo because you will probably only get a couple of hits in before one of the lights burn out. Khighorahk uses magic and ranged attacks but it can also drain run energy which, in turn, impacts your ability to quickly light the burners to deal the optimum amount of damage. Note also that the beast uses a special attack. A blue sphere starts to encircles the boss. He then jumps up into the air and smashes down on the ground dealing high damage to the player(s) within melee distance. This attack can easily be avoided by simply running at least one square away during the attack and then returning to fight after it has hit the ground. Once the Night-gazer is nearly dead it will rejuvenate back to full life points and gain a stun attack. However, after this event all the burners stay lit and his combat combat level is slightly lowered.
Shadow-forger Ihlakhizan[]
Required level: 59
Recommended Protective Prayer: Melee
Floors: Abandoned 2
Reward: Kiteshield
Ihlakhizan has 3 types of attacks. The simplest is a standard melee attack if the player(s) is standing in range. The second type involves blobs of green acid spurting from him which can lower your defence stat. Protect from Ranged prayer helps reduce the amount of damage. You will be alerted to the most dangerous of his attacks when he begins to glow and rise up in the air and a warning note will be in your chat box. This attack can reduce over 800 life points as well as lowering your combat stats by 50%. If you are in direct line of this attack you will be hit, therefore when you get the warnings you should hide behind any of the 4 pillars or run to a corner of the room. While Ihlakhizan is not using this stat-draining attack and if you stay behind the pillars too long a shadow will rise up from the ground and deal you unblockable damage.
Flesh-spoiler Haasghenahk (m)[]
Weaknesses: Stab
Required level: 83
Recommeneded Protection Prayer: Magic
Floors: Occult
Reward: Platelegs
Haasghenakk is similar to the Kalphite Queen in terms of transformation. In his first form he melee attacks with his eye flying out of it's socket hitting you for damage. He also has a stomp attack in its first form. When his eye turns green he performs a magic attack which is a flesh-spoiling ability that hurts the player(s) every 15 seconds dealing a lot of damage. Players should keep their life points high at all times. Once killed in his first form, his body will explode and release Flesh-Spoiler spawns who are very accurate helpers, but Protect from Melee is useful against them. Once you kill the Flesh-spoiler the spawn will also die.
World-gorger Shukarhazh (m)[]
Weaknesses: Stab
Required level: 107
Recommeneded Protection Prayer: Range
Floors: Warped
Reward: Spear
Shukarhazh's body is made up of four parts: the main body and three eyes on the walls that are extensions to its body. They are the famished melee eye, range eye and mage eye. How many of these eyes are open determines the boss's main body's defence and thus how much damage he takes. The melee attack is used if all three wall eyes are open. The magic attack is used two eyes are open. The ranged attack is used if only one of the eyes are open. The main body has a stomp attack that will damage up to 25% of the player's maximum health.
The famished mage eye is weak to arrows, the ranger eye to slash and the warrior eye to fire spells. When an eye is defeated it will close and change its names to "Engorged eye" for 30 seconds after which they reopen with the message "The creature shifts and one of its many eyes opens." and will resume attacking the player(s). When a particular eye is closed the boss becomes more resistant to the combat style that of that eye.
Kal-Gerion demons[]
To'Kash the Bloodchiller[]
Weaknesses: Crush/Ranged/Magic
Required level: 17
Recommended Protection Prayer: Magic
Floors: Frozen
Reward: Gloves
Besides melee and magic attacks, this boss also has a special attack. When he shouts "DEEP FREEZE!" the player immediately becomes frozen. The player must be quickly rescued by one of their team or will take on a large amount of damage. For solo players, the Deep Freeze attack is less of a threat because the player will be freed almost immediately although still taking on some damage.
Har'Lakk the Riftsplitter[]
Weaknesses: Stab/Ranged/Magic
Required level: 35
Recommended Protection Prayer: Magic (optional)
Floors: Furnished
Reward: Rapiers
The Riftsplitter's main attacks are magic and melee. His melee attack is a single-target swipe at a player. However, if you stand too close, he releases another melee attack that disables all protection prayers. He will only use magic if protection prayers or deflection curses are being used, and his magic attack will drain prayer if the player is using Protect from Magic or Deflect Magic although it will deal less damage. He can open three types of portals within a 3x3 area, They are fire, miasma poison and stat draining. A fire portal increases damage over time, miasma portal can easily stack to give over 300 damage, and stat draining portal drains all stats not just combat. Poison can be voided by using any cure potion. As soon as he opens a portal run away from it's 3x3 area to avoid it's effects. He is weak against stab, ranged and magic attacks.
Bal'lak the Pummeller[]
Required level: 65
Prayer: Melee
Floors: Abandoned 2
Reward: Warhammers
Bal'lak uses a very fast magic and melee attack as well as a special attack that will damage everyone around him within melee range two times in one attack, whilst also briefly disabling their protection prayers. Bal'lak has very high life points and low defence but his defence rises over time causing him to take significantly less damage. His defence bar is at the top of the screen. To lower his defence the player must make him stand on one of the three green portals that he occasionally summons. If this is not possible, and the defence bar is full, the player can create a gatestone outside the room to teleport. It is recommended to avoid standing on or around the green portals at all costs since they will drain your defence and prayer and do damage.
Yk'Lagor the Thunderous (m)[]
Prayer: Melee
Required Level: 89
Floors: Occult
Reward: Battleaxes
When you enter this boss room there are 8 mages trying to absorb Yk'Lagor's power. After you kill 4 of the mages Yk'Lagor will shout "My turn!" and then breaks open the barrier surrounding him creating a shockwave that kills the remaining mages but doesn't harm the player. He has two special attacks, the first of which starts when he says, "Come closer!" He then drags the player toward him, healing 15% of his total health and momentarily stunning the player. His second special attack starts when he says "This is..." (jumps up into the air and then slam down hard) shouting "TRUE POWER!" causing the ground to crack dealing heavy damages and, in some cases, instantly killing any player caught in it. Since the player is unable to teleport out the room the only way to avoid these attacks is by hiding behind one of the pillars.
Kal'Ger the Warmonger (m)[]
Required level: 113
Floors: Warped
Reward: 2h swords
When a player enters the boss room,a Kal'Gerion General will teleport in and will either tell Kal'Ger that the floor has been infiltrated causing the general to be killed by Kal'Ger or he will inform Kal'Ger him that the floor is safe and be dismissed. The Warmonger then hops over a lava pit in the centre of the room and begins to attack the player(s). After taking some damage he will start attacking with a primal longsword. When his health is reduced he will hop back across the room and start attacking the player with a celestial catalytic staff. It is highly recommended to range or mage him despite the fact that there is a teleport orb players can use to get back and forth to each side. The reason is once you damage him further he will hop to the opposite side of the room and if the player(s) are on the maging side Kal'ger will launch everyone into the lava pit causing extensive damage. Continuing on the melee side of the room he will fight with a Primal 2h sword after which he hops back to the mage side and fights with a Sagittarian bow. Lastly, he will hop back onto the melee side and fight with a primal maul.
Astea Frostweb[]
Required level: 1
Recommended Protection Prayer: Protect from Magic, Protect from Summoning (m)
Floors: Frozen
Reward: Magic shoes and wands
Astea's regular attack is a magic attack that is similar to ice barrage except that the player is frozen for 5 seconds rather than 20. She also uses protection prayers that change randomly every 30 to 60 seconds. Like all bosses Astea's prayers are much stronger than a player's version. To counter the protective prayers it is advised to use more than 1 type of attack. Fighting Astea is much easier to do in a group vs solo. During the fight she will summon Ice spider (Dungeoneering) whose level is determined by the group and the floor. The limit is 6 spiders/player or 2 spiders/player when in a group. The spiders hit low but are very accurate. Good melee armour is advised if you decide to ignore them, and Protect from Summoning helps nullify their attacks. Upon Astea's death all of her spiders will instantly die with her.
Hobgoblin Geomancer[]
Required level: 23
Recommended Protection Prayer: None
Floors: Abandoned 1
Reward: Ranged boots
The Hobgoblin Geomancer is a magic-based monster who is able to cast several spells including snare, earth spells, weakening spells, and is able to teleport around the room.
Wearing ranged armour will help protect you from his magic attacks, although he can attack with melee by hitting you with his staff. His special attack disables your prayer, reduces your prayer points if prayer is in use, and heals him if you have prayer on, so it is recommended to fight him without prayers. A good strategy is to use ranged while entangled, and then quickly switch to melee when he teleports to your position. Freedom and Anticipation are useful abilities for this fight.
Lexicus Runewright[]
Required level: 39
Recommended protection prayer: Protect from Magic
Floors: Furnished
Reward: Magic hoods and orbs
Lexicus' boss room is a library in which he will teleport around when he takes on some damage. He has two spells which are Book Barrage and Almanac Army. When he shouts "Book Barrage" explosive books are summoned, 3 seconds later the books home in on the player and explode dealing high damage. To avoid them simply run away as they are slow moving. The "Almanac Army" summons books with 10 life points each that deal more damage than you would expect for their level, dealing up to 2000 magic, melee or ranged damage. A good amount of food is recommended since many small amounts of damage can add up. It is advised to use magic or range with this boos because when he is attacked with melee 1/3 of the damage reflects back onto the player. When in a group it may be helpful to have the lowest level player use a fast weapon such as a shortbow to kill the books.
Necrolord (m)[]
Required level: 77
Prayer: Magic
Floors: Occult
Reward: Ranged chaps and off-hand throwing knives
Necrolord stands behind a wall of zombie-hands thus ranged or magic is required to kill this boss. His basic attack is magic and Protect from Magic halves the amount of damage dealt to the player. He also uses a binding spell and an attack that halves running energy. These attacks can be avoided by running away from the targeted spot where you are standing. He frequently summons skeletons to fight with him at which point switching to Protect from Melee will help. Also bringing a powerful melee weapon is advised because they have very low defense and can prevent the player from attacking the Necrolord. When in a group, setting a gatestone outside can be helpful for teleporting out when too many skeletons are blocking the area around the Necrolord.
Blink (m)[]
Required level: 95
Prayer: Ranged/Magic
Floors: Warped
Reward: Longsword
Blink's room has 4 portals on each wall with 18 plates of sunken pillars. At first he cannot be attacked and deals heavy ranged and magic damage if he runs too close to the player(s).
Blink only runs from south to north and west to east. Players can see a yellow dot appear on the mini-map showing where he will start his next run. Players must click on a sunken pillar in his coming path to raise it in order to block and damage him. After he has been stopped he will fight using all three combat styles. He also has a special attack indicated when he shouts "Heeeeere it comes...". After a few seconds he shouts "Kapow!" and deals extreme damage to the player. This can be avoided by hiding behind a raised pillar. After taking on some damage he will teleport and begin running from the portals again. Repeat the process until he is finally defeated.
Skeletal Horde[]
Level: 23
Prayer: Magic
Floors: Abandoned
Reward: Full helm
You'll find a Divine skinweaver alone in this boss room but soon skeletons will start pouring out of tunnels in the walls. Begin killing skeletons and, when the Divine skinweaver tells you to block a hole block one of them. A tunnel must be blocked for every three skeletons you kill. Continue to kill 3 more until she tells you to block another one. If you block a hole when Divine skinweaver has not told you to you will take a large amount of damage, but if you stand on the platform with the skinweaver she will heal you. Protection prayers help when fighting mages and rangers as they do not follow you to the platform. Once you have blocked up all the holes kill the remaining skeletons and then talk to Divine skinweaver and she will reveal the exit ladder.
Unholy cursebearer[]
Required level: 29
Prayer: Protect from Melee/Magic
Floors: Abandoned
Reward: Mage staves
The Unholy cursebearer uses melee and occasionally casts spells. Use Protect from Melee and switch to Protect from Magic when he casts spells. Your stats will be drained slowly within his room regardless of Protection prayers, keep in mind that this will lower your Defence so it will hit higher and more accurately. You can restore your stats at the Unholy Font at the back of the room, but doing this will heal the cursebearer up to 1/4 of his life points and damage yourself as well. The Unholy Font can only be used once you get a message in your chat-box telling you that you can do so. If your magic is lowered below 32, you will be unable to teleport back out to your gatestone without using the Unholy Font first.
Skeletal trio (m)[]
Required level: 71
Prayer: Protect from Magic
Floors: Occult
Reward: Ranged shortbows
Three skeletons who use one individual attack style. It is recommended to use Protect from Magic and kill the skeletal archer first, then the skeletal sorcerer, and lastly the skeletal warrior. Using the entangle spell to hold the warrior is extremely useful and highly recommended. Alternatively, the warrior may be trapped behind the archer or the sorcerer. Each of the skeletons will use random protection prayers which change periodically.
Gravecreeper (m)[]
Required level: 71
Recommended Protection Prayer: Protect from Missiles
Floors: Occult
Reward: Chainbodies
The Gravecreeper fights with ranged when you are farther away, but when you get closer, it will use a combination of ranged and melee attacks. When you are fighting him, he will occasionally shout out "Buuurrnnnn!" Following this, a 3x3 puddle of purple liquid will spill out around him. Touching this will result in damage for as long as you stand on it; every time you take damage, you will lose 20 prayer points. This is only a sample of his true special attack, however. After a certain amount of damage, the Gravecreeper buries himself at a plinth. After this, a few of the plinths in the room begin to glow a purple colour, followed by the appearance of purple clouds. After this, all of the plinths will spew out the liquid, which has the same effect stated above. The clouds will spit out this liquid as well. You can cleanse the plinths before the special attack is finished if you want to; it will cost prayer points, but it will rid the plinth of the liquid and bring the Gravecreeper out of hiding. Be careful the moment he comes out, as the hazardous substance will still be covering most of the room. He will use this special attack three times throughout the fight.
Icy Bones[]
Required level: 1
Recommended Protection Prayer: Protect from Melee
Floors: Frozen
Reward: Vambraces and mainhand throwing knives
This boss has two special attacks. The first is creating ice spikes out of the ground that do damage if stood on and prevent movement, but they never appear in melee distance. The other is to freeze players, but this only works from a distance. When using ranged or magic, it is often worthwhile to stand next to him with Protect from Melee on to avoid the spikes and freeze spells. It should be noted that his melee attacks hit very hard, often, and even through prayer and good armour, so his ranged and magic attacks aren't as much of a threat in comparison. A good set-up is to use Protect from Melee and wear high magic defence armour. He is considered one of the hardest bosses to kill in a group, as he is usually a very high level and hits extremely high on all players at once, and he may do more damage than the players can replenish with food.
Luminescent icefiend[]
Required level: 5
Recommended Protection Prayer: Protect from Missiles
Floors: Frozen
Reward: Daggers
This boss uses magic and ranged to attack. His standard attacks usually involve throwing balls of ice, but it is easily countered by using Protect from Missiles. Every time a fifth of his health has been depleted, he will become invincible and icicles will begin to fall from the ceiling. To avoid them, the player must run across the room, preferably from corner to corner (note that you cannot teleport out of his room). Once the ice has melted, you can continue attacking the icefiend. If you are in a group, make sure your paths don't cross. If you get hit, it is difficult but not impossible to dodge the remaining icicles. The icicles will never kill you, so you should only heal after the bombardment is over. His icicle attack is the only thing that should cause any trouble in this battle.
Warped Gulega (m)[]
Required level: 95
Recommended Protection Prayer: Whatever you are weakest against
Floors: Warped
Reward: Magic tops
The Warped Gulega uses all three styles of attack efficiently, with a very powerful special attack. If you are hit by it, you will be left with one life point left. This attack is aimed at the floor beneath the player, and is indicated when the Gulega sticks its tentacle arms into the ground. After a few seconds, the tentacles will raise from the ground a small distance away, and slowly get closer until they reach the spot where the player is standing. This can be avoided by simply moving away from this spot before the attack hits.
The Warped Gulega naturally halves damage done by the player but, due to their history of fighting them, the Gorajo familiars are considerably more accurate and damaging than normal when fighting the Gulega. Coupled with the Bloodrager's scroll special, which lowers the opponent's defence considerably, this boss can be dealt with swiftly and with few problems.
Dreadnaut (m)[]
Required level: 95
Recommended Protection Prayer: Melee
Floors: Warped
Reward: Platebodies
Dreadnaut is a warped version of a Rammernaut. The only difference is that Dreadnaut does not "charge" at you as Rammernaut does. He uses a special attack similar to the Dragon scimitar's special that disables prayer for 5 seconds. He can also lower your Magic level by 10% of whatever he hits if you continually avoid him, as well as spawning orange globs similar to Gravecreeper's special attack that will damage you if stood on.
Army commanders[]
Required level: 35
Recommended Protection Prayer: Melee
Floors: Furnished
Reward: Mauls
This boss only fights with melee and is capable of hitting hard, even with good armour. If you are praying, Rammernaut will act more aggressively towards you. When he yells "CHARGE!!!",, he will run towards a player or group of players. He will stop upon hitting his target, who will be flung back a few squares and stunned, in addition to massive damage. If you can avoid him and get him to charge into a wall, he will stun himself momentarily, or if you have high enough magic, you can use a teleport to either a group gatestone or your own gatestone. Simply leave it outside the boss door and when he says "CHARGE!!!", teleport out and then re-enter when he is done charging. He also reduces your Defence after using his charge attack, but only by 1 level. One of the best ways to defeat him is to mage him from the edges of the room, dodging him should he charge, and using Protect from Melee. If you don't move, you can trap him in a corner until he charges again. Making good use of this method can allow you to defeat him using magic or ranged without taking damage. If you are attacking him with melee with fractite armour or higher, if you find it too difficult to avoid the charge attack when he does it, try turning off your prayer and attacking him without it. If you have food you should last the entire fight without dying and your armour should protect you enough to avoid more then taking a chance with avoiding the charge attack. This also allows the player more time to damage the boss and less time running around.
Required level: 45
Recommended Protection Prayer: Magic
Floors: Furnished
Reward: Longbows, Arrows
The Sagittare will be in a large room, with a spiral floor layout. He will have Protect from Missiles up during the whole fight, so you cannot range him. Each time a fifth of his health is lost or when he has only one Life Point remaining (similar to the Luminescent icefiend), he will teleport away and do an "Arrow Rain" special attack, which can be dodged. As soon as he says "Back off!", run several squares away from the space you are standing on to avoid the attack. His main attacks are split equally among ranged and magic. He has a normal, single-target Ranged attack and a Magic attack that targets all players. His other ranged-based attack targets multiple people and forces you to walk instead of run, while his secondary magic-based attack can freeze you in place momentarily. He can teleport away from you randomly as well. Protect from Magic is recommended against this boss because being able to move slowly is better than not moving at all. Magic will not hit very high or often and should only be used when you are frozen, although you will not need to move.
Dungeoneering bosses | |
Frozen | |
Abandoned 1 & 2 |
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Furnished |
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Abandoned 2 |
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Occult |
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Warped |
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