Dungeoneering fragments may be obtained from level 70 Dungeoneering onward. 90 to 110 fragments are received at the end of every dungeon floor when dungeoneering, with a 1/2,500 chance[1] of receiving an additional 3,600 fragments when one is gained. At higher levels the amount of fragments is increased:
- At level 99, 2x the fragments drop.
- At level 120, 3x the fragments drop.
- At 200 million experience, 4x the fragments drop.
They may be combined at an inventor's workbench after purchasing the blueprints from Bryll Thoksdottir for 200,000 Dungeoneering tokens.
Fragments can also be obtained by killing NPCs in Elite Dungeons.
When the ability to gain the fragments is obtained, the following message is seen: As you are above level 70 in Dungeoneering you will now start to gather dungeoneering fragments in your currency pouch which can be used to make pieces of the Gorajan Trailblazer outfits.
When gaining fragments, the following message is seen: You have earned some dungeoneering fragments. They have been added to your currency pouch.
If enough fragments are already owned, the following is shown instead: You have gained all of the dungeoneering fragments you need to make all of the outfit pieces.
3,600 fragments are required to create each outfit piece; so 18,000 are needed to make one full outfit and 72,000 are required to make all four of the outfits, Frozen, Furnished, Abandoned, and Occult gorajan trailblazer outfits with no additional cost to combine the outfits to make the Warped gorajan trailblazer outfit. The fragments will be collected in the currency pouch. Assembling the fragments into outfit pieces will require level 20 Invention and 80 Dungeoneering. The outfit pieces created will be random, but players will not receive duplicate pieces.
Once all pieces have been obtained a message will be prompted: Your additional dungeoneering fragments have been removed now that you own all of the outfit pieces. No more fragments can be obtained after this.