All Life points: 30,000
Life points: 30,000
All Combat experience: 2894.4
Combat experience: 2894.4
All Release date: 13 July 2015
Release date: 13 July 2015
All Combat level: 112
Combat level: 112
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 21361
NPC ID: 21361
Durable Jellyfish are monsters found in the canal puzzle in Raids. They can also be summoned by Yakamaru. When near other jellyfish, they will rapidly heal them for up to 5% of their maximum life points per heal. They can also heal Yakamaru for 5000 life points per heal and if all images of Yakamaru are defeated, Yakamaru is able to consume the jellyfish to heal all of his life points, resetting the fight. This is required to unlock the Rewind feat.