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Worlds Icon The official world for RC Running & ZMI Altar is world 36 (P2P).
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Dust rune detail

Dust runes are combination runes. They count as two separate runes: one earth rune and one air rune. Thus, any spell requiring one earth rune, one air rune or both will spend only one dust rune.

The value of 1 dust rune in Investment Credits in Mobilising Armies is 7 Investment Credits.

Runecrafting Dust runes[]

At Runecrafting level 10 or higher, they can be crafted in either of two ways:

Tiaras will not work in place of talismans while crafting combination runes. Players receive 8.3 experience for combining earth runes at an Air Altar and 9 for combining air runes at an Earth Altar.

Combinations have a 50% success rate (or 100%, if the player is wearing a binding necklace), and the talisman is consumed in the process (unless the player uses the Lunar spell Magic Imbue).


Members may purchase dust runes from Mage Training Arena north of Duel Arena (unlimited stock; trade minigame points).



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Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Elite Dark Mage984–10Common
Giant ant soldier701–3Common
Ork statue7110–50Common
Ogre statue7550Rare
Ourg statue7950Rare
Skeletal hand703Rare
Zombie hand753Rare
Goblin statue7010Uncommon


  • As with all combination runes, the greatest number needed for a spell is 30, for the Charge Orb spell series.
  • There was once a bug where you would use up 2 dust runes if you had more than one when using the teleport to house spell; this glitch has since been fixed.
  • The Dust rune's inventory icon, along with the other combination runes, was unaffected by the update on 9 June 2010. The other runes were slightly twisted.