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Dwarven army axe (hatchet) detail

The dwarven army axe is a tool that serves as a steel hatchet, steel pickaxe, needle, tinderbox, chisel, knife, and low-level slash one-handed weapon, in one item. It has no requirements to wield. Players can receive it from Major Mary Rancour who is located in Burthorpe and asking for "free stuff". She can also replace it should players lose it. Although this is a members-only item, non-members may still claim it and benefit from the +3 bonus from activities listed below by having it in their inventory.

Its damage is a bit higher than that of the Iron longsword, but its hit bonus is lower with the speed and damage type the same. This cannot be added to the tool belt and if it is equipped, the player will use this tool instead of the pickaxe or hatchet in the tool belt even if it is higher tier than the army axe.

When cutting a normal tree with the army axe, players have a chance of receiving a wooden knot. This can be crafted into an unfinished brooch. When mining copper or tin ore using the axe, players can receive an uncut lapis lazuli gem. This can be cut into a lapis lazuli gem. The two can be then combined into a lapis lazuli brooch. The gem additionally can be used to create lapis lazuli rings, which can be enchanted into a ring of luck.

Combat Stats
RequirementsDwarven army axe equipped
Attack MeleeMain hand slot
Fast (3.0s)
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses

Bonus experience[]

With this item, bonus experience will be given all throughout RuneScape. Every action listed below will grant 3 more experience when the axe is wielded or in your inventory.

Icon Skill Resource types
Mining-icon Mining copper and tin ore
Crafting-icon Crafting Soft leather items and Soft clay
Cooking-icon Cooking Anything, except cheese
Hunter-icon Hunter Polar kebbits and Crimson swifts
Woodcutting-icon Woodcutting Normal logs and Oak logs
Firemaking-icon Firemaking Normal and Oak logs
Fletching-icon Fletching Adding Bronze and Iron arrowheads



  • Before the Evolution of Combat, this weapon used to have a special attack named Cyclone attack, which cost 100% of the special attack bar. It was guaranteed to deal 90 damage against monsters and 55 damage against players. The special attack was not reinstated with the Legacy Mode update.
  • Previously, it was possible for the Dwarven army axe to switch to "pickaxe" and "mace" forms as a stab and crush weapon, which changed its appearance.
  • Its name is a reference to the Swiss Army Knife, a special pocket knife that houses a variety of different everyday tools such as scissors, a corkscrew, and even a can opener.
  • Originally, the axe was given out to all members by Larry the Lumberjack and Moe the Miner. Later, it was given to all players after saving the people in the mine during the Troll Warzone tutorial sub-quest 'Machinery Of War' from Linza, one of the miners.