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This article is about the dungeon under the mountain. For the quest, see Eagles' Peak.
Eagles' Peak Dungeon
Eagles' Peak Dungeon
Release date 28 November 2006 (Update)
Kingdom Kandarin
Members Yes
Main music Where Eagles Lair
Levels 1
Strongest monster Kebbit (only during Eagles' Peak)
Dwarf multicannon allowed Allowed
Quests taking place here Eagles' Peak
Inhabitants Giant eagles
Eagles' Peak Dungeon map

The Eagles' Peak Dungeon is found within the Eagles' Peak mountain and requires partial completion of the Eagles' Peak quest to enter. During the quest the player helps out Nickolaus, who is located within the dungeon. In the dungeon players can use the eagle transport system to ride the hunter eagles to Rellekka Hunter area, Uzer Hunter area, and Feldip Hunter area. After the Back to my Roots quest, the player can also ride a Karamjan Jungle Eagle to the jade vine maze in Karamja. Alternatively, the quickest way to access the Eagles' Peak Dungeon is via the Eagles' Peak lodestone.

