Easter eggs were dropped during the 2002 Easter event on 20 April 2002. Just like pumpkins, easter eggs are edible and they heal 200 to 900 life points when consumed, depending on your Constitution level.
Enter your Constitution level | name=skillstat_Constitution_level|type=int|value=1|range=9,99|size=4|sublist=calchealing |
name=healing|type=output |
let(minLevel, 45) let(healAmount, 0) let(healAmountOutOfCombat, 0) let(healOverTimeAmount, 0) let(healOverTimeDuration, 0) let(constitutionLevel, skillstat_Constitution_level)
let(pointsPerLevel, 25) if(healAmount){
let(pointsPerLevel, healAmount / minLevel)
if(constitutionLevel < minLevel){
let(heal, constitutionLevel * pointsPerLevel)
let(heal, minLevel * pointsPerLevel)
let(heal, floor(heal + 0.000001)) let(healing,"This will heal " + heal + " life points at level " + constitutionLevel + " in combat.")
let(healing, healing + " It will heal an additional " + healOverTimeAmount + " life points over " + healOverTimeDuration + " seconds.")
let(pointsPerLevelOutOfCombat, healAmountOutOfCombat / minLevel) if (constitutionLevel < minLevel){ let(healOutOfCombat, constitutionLevel * pointsPerLevelOutOfCombat) }{ let(healOutOfCombat, minLevel * pointsPerLevelOutOfCombat) } let(healOutOfCombat, floor(healOutOfCombat + 0.000001)) let(healing, healing + " It will heal " + healOutOfCombat + " life points while out of combat.")
Note that these items should not be confused with the Chocolate Eggs that were given as a reward during the 2008 Easter event, as they are two completely different items.
Easter eggs were often thought of as useless; and because of this fewer were kept, more were carelessly eaten and more were purposely eaten.
- The Easter egg has recently received a graphical update and is now much less colourful.
- Before free trade was reintroduced, Easters along with Pumpkins and Disks were used as currency to trade up for Partyhats.
- The Easter Egg was worth about 70,000,000 coins at the re-release of free trade, rose to a peak of 210,000,000 coins in June 2011, and have since fallen as low as 50,000,000 coins. Within 24 hours of its peaking, the Easter Egg's price fell to 140,000,000 coins.
- In the 2011 Easter Event, Jack Frost poked fun at the Easter Bunny, claiming that nobody even eats Easter Eggs - they just sit in players' banks. This is because Easter Eggs are discontinued and extremely valuable.
- Easter eggs can be turned into rotten food by a Ghast, thus making it one of two discontinued items that can be removed from the game without dropping or eating it.