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Ectophial detail

The ectophial is a teleportation reward for completing the Ghosts Ahoy quest. It is described as 'a bright green vial of ectoplasm' and the Ectofuntus is said to be the source of its power. When used, the Ectophial provides an instant teleport to the Ectofuntus, outside of Port Phasmatys. Multiple Ectophials can be claimed without cost from Velorina in the northern-most house in Port Phasmatys (a Ghostspeak amulet or the cramulet is required to be able to speak to her, unless the Hard Morytania achievements have been completed). As with most teleports, it cannot be used beyond level 20 Wilderness.

Because the Ectophial is free, can be regained unlimited times, takes only one inventory slot, needs only one click to activate, and the player cannot be damaged during its animation, it is also popular as an emergency teleport. Further, since it is always kept on death, even a death from poison or disease immediately after teleporting should not present too much difficulty.


The Ectophial's teleport animation

The Ectophial is also a valued teleportation item because it provides the only fast transport to the Port Phasmatys area, where there's a bank and a charter ship. An allotment, a herb patch and a flower patch are also nearby, making the Ectophial a valuable tool for farmers. Furthermore, a fairy ring (code ALQ) is not far from the farming area, providing quick access to Zanaris and the fairy network if the player doen't yet have the TokKul-Zo. The Ectophial can also be used to save charges in the Drakan's medallion, since teleporting to the Ectofuntus first before operating the Drakan's medallion allows one to teleport with the medallion free of charge.


  • Although the ectophial teleport description states "You empty the ectoplasm onto the floor...", it can not be refilled from the pool of slime, which is ectoplasm.
  • Trying to use the ectophial on the Ectofuntus makes the nearby ghost disciples angry, but this wouldn't happen when it was empty.
  • Before an update on 1 December 2014, players could only possess one Ectophial at time.
  • On 5 January 2009, the Ectophial's teleport animation was updated to make it similar to the animation of many other teleports, only with a green teleport spiral instead of blue. On the same date, the Ectophial was also given the destroy option instead of the drop option.
  • An update on 10 February 2009 added a feature wherein the Ectophial automatically refilled itself after use, instead of needing to be manually refilled. Players who wished to leave their Ectophial empty could simply walk away from the Ectofuntus immediately upon arrival in order to interrupt the refilling. However, an update on 30 April 2018 later made it so the Ectophial does not empty upon teleporting.
  • Before an update on 7 February 2012, the Ectophial was never kept on death.