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Elder pyre logs detail

Elder pyre logs may be used during the Shades of Mort'ton minigame, the Legacy of Seergaze quest or at the Columbarium to cremate the remains of Loar, Phrin, Riyl, Asyn and Fiyr shades, as well as Vyre corpses and Tortured souls. They require level 95 Firemaking to light and grant 550 Firemaking experience when used to cremate a shade.


Elder pyre logs Elder pyre logs
Firemaking-Make-X GE icon
60 XP-20,633
Firemaking Firemaking level95
P2P icon Members onlyYes
Elder logsElder logs18,8358,835
Sacred oil (1)Sacred oil (1)44,41717,668
Total price26,503


To make elder pyre logs, players must first obtain 4 doses of sacred oil. Sacred oil is created from olive oil during the Shades of Mort'ton quest or minigame. Once the sacred oil has been obtained players will need to use four doses of it on some elder logs. These logs will then become elder pyre logs and the player will be granted 16 Firemaking experience.


Once a player has obtained the elder pyre logs, they may be placed on one of the funeral pyres around the edges of Mort'ton along with a set of shade remains (Loar, Phrin, Riyl, Asyn, Fiyr remains or tortured souls). When the player lights the pyre, the spirit of the shade is released with a short animation, and a shade key or a small sum of coins will be added to the player's inventory or money pouch. The type and colour of the key depends on which type of shade remains are used, with higher level shades leaving higher level keys.

After the Legacy of Seergaze quest, pyre logs may also be used to cremate vyre corpses in the Columbarium under the Paterdomus temple.


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  • When placed on a funeral pyre with a vyre corpse on top, they have the same appearance as magic pyre logs. This may be an oversight.