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This article is about the quest. For the dungeon, see Elemental Workshop (dungeon). For other uses, see Elemental Workshop.
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The Elemental Workshop I is a quest in which you find a mysterious book in Seers' Village, guiding you along the discovery of a lost magical mineral - the elemental ore.

Official description[]

Hundreds of years ago, a mineral was found that had the ability to change the property of Magic.

The magicians, fearing the effect this may have on their profession, sealed this Workshop forever; or so they had hoped. See if you can rediscover the lost knowledge of elemental ore.


Start pointQuest map icon
Elemental Workshop I icon
The house south-west of the Seers' Village bank.
Member requirementP2P icon Members only
Official difficultyNovice Novice
Official lengthShort
RequirementsSkill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable.
Items requiredItems from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added.
Enemies to defeat

Bound under lock and key[]

Battered book detail

Head to Seers' Village and enter the house south-west of the bank, marked with the quest start icon. Search the bookcase on the east wall to receive a book titled The Elemental Shield.

The book talks about an ore that was found in the Fifth Age, which is able to absorb, transform and focus elemental energy. Due to the discovery, a workshop was created in Seers' Village, calling all craftsmen to invent new devices using this unique ore. After some time, the true potential of the ore was revealed and the workshop had to be closed down, along with the destruction of any and all details of the manufacturing processes.

Right-click and cut open the book to get a battered key, turning the tome into a slashed book. Enter the north building with the anvil icon, and use the key on the odd-looking wall with the strange crack. Climb down the stairs you can find there to enter a workshop.


Elemental Workshop I map

First, head into the northern chamber. There are two water controls to the east and west of the water wheel. Turn the eastern water control so that it displays green instead of red. Do the same with the western water control, then pull the lever near the water wheel to jump-start it. The water wheel should now start spinning.

You can find a piece of leather in one of the crates in the north-west corner of the central chamber. Next, head into the eastern chamber. Fix the bellows with a spool of thread and leather, then pull the lever next to it. The bellows should now start pumping air. 

Head back to the central chamber. Search the small boxes in the north-east corner to obtain a stone bowl. Fill it with lava from the lava trough in the southern chamber, then use it on the furnace to the east. The inside of the furnace should now glow orange.

Finally, head into the western cavern and attempt to mine an elemental rock. The rock springs to life, yells, and attacks you. Kill one of the purple-veined earth elementals, and pick up an elemental ore. Be aware that signs of the porter should be removed - as these will transport the ore to your bank. It is possible to kill another elemental to receive further ore drops if any ore is banked.

A lost art[]

Return to the southern chamber and use the elemental ore, along with four coal, on the furnace to obtain an elemental bar. If you receive the message "The furnace needs to be hotter in order to be of any use," return to the north and east rooms to ensure that the water wheel is spinning and the bellow is moving.

With the slashed book in your inventory, go back to the center and use the elemental bar on the workbench to make an elemental shield. If you are unable to craft the shield, destroy the slashed book and obtain a new one from the bookcase.

Congratulations, quest complete!


Elemental Workshop I reward
Music unlocked

Required for completing[]

Completion of Elemental Workshop I is required for the following:



  • Before the release of Elemental Workshop II, the quest was simply titled "Elemental Workshop". This suggests Jagex had not initially envisaged a quest series focussing on the workshop.