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Elite Skilling Outfit Bonanza is a Treasure Hunter promotion and may not currently be active.

Elite Skilling Outfit Bonanza is a Treasure Hunter promotion originally released in June 2016.

Available prizes[]

Day 1: Gorajan Trailblazer outfit pieces[]

Frozen gorajan trailblazer head
Frozen gorajan trailblazer body
Frozen gorajan trailblazer hands
Frozen gorajan trailblazer legs
Frozen gorajan trailblazer feet
Furnished gorajan trailblazer head
Furnished gorajan trailblazer body
Furnished gorajan trailblazer hands
Furnished gorajan trailblazer legs
Furnished gorajan trailblazer feet
Abandoned gorajan trailblazer head
Abandoned gorajan trailblazer body
Abandoned gorajan trailblazer hands
Abandoned gorajan trailblazer legs
Abandoned gorajan trailblazer feet
Occult gorajan trailblazer head
Occult gorajan trailblazer body
Occult gorajan trailblazer hands
Occult gorajan trailblazer legs
Occult gorajan trailblazer feet

If all items from an equipment slot are owned[]

Large fallen star (Dungeoneering)
Large XP lamp (Dungeoneering)

Day 2: Nature's Sentinel outfit pieces[]

Oaken sentinel helm
Oaken sentinel chest
Oaken sentinel trunks
Oaken sentinel branch
Oaken sentinel boots
Willow sentinel helm
Willow sentinel chest
Willow sentinel trunks
Willow sentinel branch
Willow sentinel boots
Maple sentinel helm
Maple sentinel chest
Maple sentinel trunks
Maple sentinel branch
Maple sentinel boots

If all items from an equipment slot are owned[]

Large fallen star (Woodcutting)
Large XP lamp (Woodcutting)

Day 3: Elite trapper outfit pieces[]

Jungle trapper head
Jungle trapper chest
Jungle trapper legguards
Jungle trapper arms
Jungle trapper boots
Arctic trapper head
Arctic trapper chest
Arctic trapper legguards
Arctic trapper arms
Arctic trapper boots
Desert trapper head
Desert trapper chest
Desert trapper legguards
Desert trapper arms
Desert trapper boots

If all items from an equipment slot are owned[]

Large fallen star (Fishing)
Large XP lamp (Fishing)

Day 4 and 5[]

All of the above.

Release history[]

Elite Skilling Outfit Bonanza (edit)
Start Date End Date Update/Promo
4 September 2018 5 September 2018 2nd Chance Tuesday
22 May 2018 23 May 2018 2nd Chance Tuesday
20 March 2018 2nd Chance Tuesday
15 February 2018 19 February 2018 Elite Skilling Outfit Bonanza (February 2018)
8 August 2017 2nd Chance Tuesday
5 July 2017 10 July 2017 Elite Skilling Outfit Bonanza
22 November 2016 2nd Chance Tuesday
9 June 2016 13 June 2016 Treasure Hunter - Elite Skilling Outfit Bonanza!

