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Elite black armour set detail

The elite black armour set contains the Elite black armour. It is obtained by trading in Elite black full helm, Elite black platebody, and Elite black platelegs with a Grand Exchange clerk. This takes up only one inventory spot, as opposed to the three individual pieces, and can therefore be used to save bank space. There is no Elite black shield to complement this set.

The quest While Guthix Sleeps does not need to be completed to wear this armour, although a set is obtained during the quest.

Elite black armour equipped


Elite Black Armour Grand Exchange cost
Elite black full helmElite black full helm131,699 [graph]
Elite black platebodyElite black platebody101,251 [graph]
Elite black platelegsElite black platelegs93,847 [graph]
Total price326,797
[view] [talk]

Components and Bonuses[]

Main-hand Off-hand Attributes Style bonus
Style Dmg Acc Style Dmg Acc Defence Constitution Prayer Attack-icon Ranged-icon Magic-icon
Elite black full helm Elite black full helm - - - - - - 125 0 0 9 - -
Elite black platebody Elite black platebody - - - - - - 144 0 0 14 - -
Elite black platelegs Elite black platelegs - - - - - - 138 0 0 12 - -
Totals - - - - - - 407 0 0 35 - -