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For other uses, see Enchanted key.

Enchanted key (Making History) detail

The Enchanted key, also known as the Amserdrwys, is a quest item featured in the Making History. It is also used in the miniquest of the same name to locate additional rewards after completing the two quests and for a Medium Ardougne Task. After all the treasure has been found, the key can only be used to teleport the player to the past.


The key is first obtained during the Making History quest. After the quest is completed, additional treasures can be located using the key. Once all the treasure has been found, the key will melt. If the key is destroyed before completing all the treasures, another key can be obtained from Erin for 500 coins, if the second quest has not been started.

If the key dissolved after completing the Making History miniquest (i.e. by obtaining all the treasures), or if it was destroyed, then a replacement may be obtained from Jorral at the beginning of the quest.

Temperature readings[]

The Enchanted key changes temperature as the player moves about. Its temperature is based on the distance of the treasure from the player, measured in the number of steps (including diagonal steps) it would take to reach the treasure, ignoring any obstacles (this is the Chebyshev distance between the player and treasure). The warmer the key gets, the closer the player is to the treasure. Clicking "Feel Enchanted key" gives information on its temperature, consisting of two parts described below. It is like playing the game of hot and cold.

First part[]

The following table indicates the 8 possible temperature readings based on the distance to the treasure (measured as described above):

Distance Temperature description
More than 1000 squares It's freezing
701 to 1000 squares It's very cold
401 to 700 squares It's cold
101 to 400 squares It's warm
61 to 100 squares It's hot
31 to 60 squares It's very hot
5 to 30 squares Ouch! It's burning hot
Up to 4 squares The key is steaming

When a player receives the message "The key is steaming", he or she should use a spade to dig up the treasure. Note that, as indicated by the table, there is a 9 by 9 square region in which they may dig.


[FAQ] • [doc]


  • If the player logs out or loses connection before finding any of the mjolnirs, the key will be lost and will need to be paid for again.
  • The teleportation spell to the past uses the same animation that the completionist cape uses when the player doesn't have the requirements to take it from the museum.
  • Before an update on 24 September 2018, the key could be placed on the steel key ring.