RuneScape Wiki

Enchant spells all use cosmic runes to make an item magical. For the enchant orb group of spells, a player needs to travel to the appropriate obelisk and cast the spell on that. Similarly with the jewellery spells, the player must have a piece of jewellery to cast the spell on. The only spells of this type that are available to Free players are the gem enchant spells (up to level 4) when used on amulets.

Icon Spell Magic Level Runes Required Experience Notes
Enchant Crossbow Bolt icon Enchant Crossbow Bolt 4 Varies Varies Enchants any type of tipped bolts, up to level 87 Magic required.
Lvl-1 Enchant icon Lvl-1 Enchant 7 1Cosmic1Water 17.5 Enchants sapphire and opal jewellery.
Lvl-2 Enchant icon Lvl-2 Enchant 27 1Cosmic3Air 37 Enchants emerald and jade jewellery.
Lvl-3 Enchant icon Lvl-3 Enchant 49 1Cosmic5Fire 59 Enchants ruby and topaz jewellery.
Charge Water Orb icon Charge Water Orb 56 3Cosmic30Water1Unpowered Orb 56 Creates a water orb, spell must be cast on Obelisk of Water deep in the Taverley Dungeon.
Lvl-4 Enchant icon Lvl-4 Enchant 57 1Cosmic10Earth 67 Enchants diamond jewellery.
Charge Earth Orb icon Charge Earth Orb 60 3Cosmic30Earth1Unpowered Orb 70 Creates an earth orb, spell must be cast on the Earth Obelisk in Edgeville Dungeon.
Charge Fire Orb icon Charge Fire Orb 63 3Cosmic30Fire1Unpowered Orb 73 Creates a fire orb, spell must be cast on Obelisk of Fire deep in the Taverley Dungeon.
Charge Air Orb icon Charge Air Orb 66 3Cosmic30Air1Unpowered Orb 76 Creates an air orb, spell must be cast on Obelisk of Air in Edgeville Dungeon.
Lvl-5 Enchant icon Lvl-5 Enchant 68 1Cosmic15Earth15Water 78 Enchants dragonstone jewellery.
Lvl-6 Enchant icon Lvl-6 Enchant 87 1Cosmic20Fire20Earth 97 Enchants onyx and hydrix jewellery.

Enchanting gold jewellery[]

Gold jewellery is made with the Crafting skill. Items show in italics are Member's only.

Icon Spell Magic Level Jewellery class Enchanted Result
Ring Necklace Bracelet Amulet
Lvl-1 Enchant icon Lvl-1 Enchant 7 Sapphire Ring of recoil Games necklace Bracelet of clay Amulet of magic
Lvl-2 Enchant icon Lvl-2 Enchant 27 Emerald Ring of duelling Necklace of binding Castlewars bracelet Amulet of defence or Amulet of nature
Lvl-3 Enchant icon Lvl-3 Enchant 49 Ruby Ring of forging Digsite pendant Inoculation brace Amulet of strength
Lvl-4 Enchant icon Lvl-4 Enchant 57 Diamond Ring of life Phoenix necklace Forinthry bracelet Amulet of power
Lvl-5 Enchant icon Lvl-5 Enchant 68 Dragonstone Ring of wealth Skills necklace Combat bracelet Amulet of glory
Lvl-6 Enchant icon Lvl-6 Enchant 87 Onyx Ring of stone Berserker necklace Bracelet of regeneration Amulet of fury
Lvl-6 Enchant icon Lvl-6 Enchant 87 Hydrix Ring of death Reaper necklace Deathtouch bracelet Amulet of souls

Enchanting silver jewellery[]

Silver jewellery is made with the Crafting skill and available to Member's only.

Icon Spell Magic Level Jewellery class Enchanted Result
Ring Necklace Bracelet Amulet
Lvl-1 Enchant icon Lvl-1 Enchant 7 Opal Ring of metamorphosis Featherfingered necklace Headhunter's sacrifice Amulet of bountiful harvest
Lvl-2 Enchant icon Lvl-2 Enchant 27 Jade Ring of respawn Traveller's necklace Flamtaer bracelet Botanist's amulet
Lvl-3 Enchant icon Lvl-3 Enchant 49 Topaz Columbarium ring Necklace of gluttony Headhunter's thrill Enlightened amulet

Enchanting Crossbow Bolts[]

Gem-tipped crossbow bolts can be enchanted starting at level 4, with stronger bolts requiring higher levels.

Icon Spell Bolts created Magic Level Runes Required Experience Effect
Opal bolts (e) 5 Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Opal) Opal bolts (e) 4 1Cosmic2Air 9 Lucky Lightning: Extra damage
Sapphire bolts (e) 5 Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Sapphire) Sapphire bolts (e) 7 1Cosmic1Mind1Water 17 Clear Mind: Prayer siphon
Jade bolts 5 Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Jade) Jade bolts (e) 14 1Cosmic2Earth 19 Earth's Fury: Opponent knockdown
Pearl bolts (e) 5 Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Pearl) Pearl bolts (e) 24 1Cosmic2Water 29 Sea Curse: Extra (water-based) damage
Emerald bolts (e) 5 Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Emerald) Emerald bolts (e) 27 1Nature1Cosmic3Air 37 Magical Poison: Greater chance of poison
Topaz bolts 5 Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Red Topaz) Topaz bolts (e) 29 1Cosmic2Fire 33 Down to Earth: Lowers target's Magic (other players only)
Ruby bolts (e) 5 Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Ruby) Ruby bolts (e) 49 1Blood1Cosmic5Fire 59 Blood Forfeit: -10% LP from self, -20% from target
Diamond bolts (e) 5 Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Diamond) Diamond bolts (e) 57 2Law1Cosmic10Earth 67 Armour Piercing: Ignore much of target's ranged defence
Dragon bolts 5 Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Dragonstone) Dragon bolts (e) 68 1Soul1Cosmic15Earth 78 Dragon's Breath: Dragonbreath damage
Onyx bolts (e) 5 Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Onyx) Onyx bolts (e)
Ascendri bolts (e)
87 1Death1Cosmic20Fire 97 Life Leech: Extra damage, LP siphon
Deathmark: Extra adrenaline gain