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Enhanced ancient staff (red) detail

The Enhanced ancient staff is an improved version of the Enhanced ancient staff which can be obtained by using an ancient staff on the Clay golem in Uzer after completing the Elite Desert tasks. It can be recoloured into blue, green, and yellow or back to its original colour at a one time cost of 6,000 Loyalty points by using it on Xuan in Burthorpe/Varrock or Dilwyn in Prifddinas. Ancient staves that have already been recoloured can be enhanced without losing their colour.

This staff has the symbol of Zaros at its head, but despite this it does not give protection in the God Wars Dungeon.

If a player loses an Enhanced ancient staff in the Wilderness, it is possible to for the player to run back and reclaim it.

Combat Stats
RequirementsEnhanced ancient staff (red) equipped
50 Magic
Magic Magic2h slot
Average (3.6s)
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses


Name Levels Cost Accuracy (Tier) Notes
Staff of Sliske Staff of Sliske 92 Magic 816,692,650 2577 (92)
Noxious staff Noxious staff 90 Magic 165,149,827 2458 (90)
Superior Zuriel's staff Superior Zuriel's staff 88 Magic 23,421,675 2343 (88)
  • Has a special attack, Miasmic Barrage, consumes 100% adrenaline and 100 charges on the staff (0.1% of maximum charge). A magic attack is launched at the opponent dealing up to 200% weapon damage, reduces their attack speed by a tick for 15 seconds, and halves their adrenaline gain for 15 seconds.
  • Degrades: has 100,000 charges of combat (a minimum of 16.7 hours), and when it runs out of charges degrades to dust.
Obliteration Obliteration 87 Magic 61,297,046 2287 (87)
Camel staff Camel staff 85 Magic 43,174,962 2178 (85)
  • Reduces an opponent's accuracy by 5%, and has a damage over time effect
  • Provides fire runes when wielded
  • Degrades: has 30,000 charges of combat (a minimum of 5 hours), and costs 4,125,000 coins to repair via a Repair NPC, or discounted at an armour stand
Staff of darkness Staff of darkness 85 Magic 39,751,481 2178 (85)
Staff of limitless air
Staff of limitless water
Staff of limitless earth
Staff of limitless fire
Staff of limitless lava
Staff of limitless mud
Staff of limitless steam
Staff of limitless air
Staff of limitless water
Staff of limitless earth
Staff of limitless fire
Staff of limitless lava
Staff of limitless mud
Staff of limitless steam
82 Magic 12,071,143
2023 (82)
Second-Age staff Second-Age staff 80 Magic 174,481,830 1924 (80)
  • Most accurate non-degrading staff outside of Daemonheim
Chaotic staff Chaotic staff 80 Magic
80 Dungeoneering
Dungeoneering token 200,000 1924 (80)
Attuned crystal staff Attuned crystal staff 80 Magic
50 Agility
Attuned crystal weapon seed and 2000 harmonic dust 1924 (80)
  • Has a chance (up to 12%, based on Agility level) to deal +25% damage
  • Degrades: has 50,000 charges of combat (double charges used outside of Prifddinas; a minimum of about 8 hours inside), and can be repaired by Eluned/Islwyn for a minimum of 200,000 coins
Zuriel's staff Zuriel's staff 78 Magic 12,452,747 1829 (78)
  • Degrades to nothing after 100,000 charges
  • Has a special attack, Miasmic Barrage, which deals up to 200% spell damage to the target whilst also temporarily reducing their attack speed and applying the Confuse effect
Sunspear (magic) Sunspear (magic) 78 Magic
River of Blood
Free after River of Blood quest
600,000 to reclaim
1829 (78)
Armadyl battlestaff Armadyl battlestaff 77 Magic 17,828,844 1783 (77)
  • Second most accurate non-degrading staff outside of Daemonheim, next to the Second-Age staff
  • Increases the damage of auto-attacks with Storm of Armadyl by 10%
  • Provides air runes when wielded
  • Has a special attack, Tempest of Armadyl, that deals rapid magic damage
Greater runic staff Greater runic staff 75 Magic
90 Runecrafting
25,000 Runespan points 1694 (75)
  • Can hold up to 1,000 casts of any single spell, including non-combat spells, saving inventory space
Staff of light Staff of light 75 Magic 1,842,145 1694 (75)
  • 1/8 chance to save all runes when autoattacking; this chance increases to 1/5 when wearing combat robes and 1/2 when wearing battle robes
  • Can cast the Slayer dart spell
  • Has a special attack, Power of Light, which reduces all incoming melee damage by 50% for one minute; effect lost if the staff is unequipped
Polypore staff Polypore staff 75 Magic 2,363,490 1694 (75)
  • Can cast Polypore Strike, which is available on any spell book
  • The charges for this spell (up to 3000) are stored in the staff, preserving inventory space
  • Each charge is effectively 799 coins (1 polypore spore and 5 fire runes)
  • Requires 80 Farming to recharge the staff; this is assistable


Name Levels Cost Accuracy (Tier) Notes
Wand of the praesul Imperium core Wand of the praesul and Imperium core 92 Magic 519,656,294 (wand)
403,732,158 (core)
2577 (92)
Seismic wand Seismic singularity Seismic wand and singularity 90 Magic 67,589,092 (wand)
153,199,328 (singularity)
2458 (90)
Elite seasinger kiba Elite seasinger makigai Elite seasinger kiba and makigai 88 Magic
92 Runecrafting
1 Seasinger kiba
1 Seasinger makigai
2 Seasinger weapon upgrade kit
15 Chi
2343 (88)
Wand of the Cywir elders Orb of the Cywir elders Wand of the Cywir elders and orb 85 Magic 18,908,508 (wand)
13,479,231 (orb)
2458 (90)
Seasinger kiba Seasinger makigai Seasinger kiba and makigai 85 Magic
92 Runecrafting
150 Chi
75 Koi Scales
2 Gemstone kaseki
2178 (85)
Virtus wand Virtus book Virtus wand and book 80 Magic 7,504,024 (wand)
7,862,184 (book)
1924 (80)
  • Book can be substituted by a shield for greater defensive stats, but at a cost to damage dealt
  • Degrades: has 30,000 charges of combat (a minimum of 5 hours), and costs 3,000,000 coins to repair via a Repair NPC, or discounted at an armour stand
Attuned crystal wand Attuned crystal orb Attuned crystal wand and orb 80 Magic
50 Agility
Attuned crystal weapon seed and 2000 harmonic dust 1924 (80)
  • Like other attuned crystal weapons, has a chance based on the user's agility level to deal 25% more damage on any given attack (12% at 99 agility)
  • Degrades: has 50,000 charges of combat (double charges used outside of Prifddinas; a minimum of about 8 hours inside), and can be repaired by Eluned/Islwyn for a minimum of 200,000 coins each
Abyssal wand Abyssal orb Abyssal wand and orb 75 Magic 273,696 (wand)
268,162 (orb)
1694 (75)
  • Highest levelled non-degrading dual wielding Magic weapons outside Daemonheim
  • 1/8 chance to save all runes when autoattacking; this chance increases to 1/5 when wearing combat robes and 1/2 when wearing battle robes
  • Can cast the Slayer dart spell