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For the mechanics of combat degradation, see Equipment degradation.
For degradation in general, see Degradation.
For Invention charges, see Charge pack.

Prices listed are the maximum prices (ignoring any Smithing level discounts) for a full recharge unless otherwise stated.

Items are split into three main groups:

  • Armour stand: equipment repairable using an armour stand
    • Armour stand items are further split into repair groups
  • Other repairables: equipment that is repairable, but not using an armour stand
  • Dust: items that degrade to dust and are not repairable

Expected usage time[]

Common charge amounts are given here with three time values for how long it will last before degrading fully.

  • Minimum time uses the maximum drain rate (1 charge per tick = 100 per minute)
  • Average combat uses a value of 30 charges per minute
  • Intense combat uses a value of 60 charges per minute
Charges Average combat Intense combat Minimum time
30,000 16.7 hours (1000 min) 8.3 hours (500 min) 5 hours (300 min)
60,000 33.3 hours (2000 min) 16.7 hours (1000 min) 10 hours (600 min)
72,000 40 hours (2400 min) 20 hours (1200 min) 12 hours (720 min)
100,000 55.6 hours (3333.3 min) 27.8 hours (1666.7 min) 16.7 hours (1000 min)

Armour stand[]

Items repairable on an armour stand can also be repaired by Bob in Lumbridge, Tindel Marchant in Port Khazard, Dunstan in Burthorpe, or the Squire on the Void Knights' Outpost. Using an armour stand provides a discount of 0.5% per Smithing level (including boosts and assists).

Each of the following subsections cover one 'repair group': if you are carrying many items from one group, and you use one of them on the armour stand, it will ask you if you want to repair all of those items.

All items in this section degrade to a 'broken' state, which cannot be used until repaired. This is usually shown by the item's name being appended by "(broken)".

Ancient equipment[]

Items in this group are mostly dropped by Nex. Being in this group also causes the item to protect from the four major God Wars Dungeon factions (Saradomin, Zamorak, Armadyl, Bandos).

All items in this group use 2 charges per hit, giving them an effective charge amount of 30,000.

Item Charges Repair cost
Pernix cowl Pernix cowl 60,000 500,000
Pernix body Pernix body 60,000 2,000,000
Pernix chaps Pernix chaps 60,000 1,000,000
Pernix gloves Pernix gloves 60,000 200,000
Pernix boots Pernix boots 60,000 100,000
Torva full helm Torva full helm 60,000 500,000
Torva platebody Torva platebody 60,000 2,000,000
Torva platelegs Torva platelegs 60,000 1,000,000
Torva gloves Torva gloves 60,000 200,000
Torva boots Torva boots 60,000 100,000
Virtus mask Virtus mask 60,000 500,000
Virtus robe top Virtus robe top 60,000 2,000,000
Virtus robe legs Virtus robe legs 60,000 1,000,000
Virtus gloves Virtus gloves 60,000 200,000
Virtus boots Virtus boots 60,000 100,000
Virtus wand Virtus wand 60,000 2,000,000
Virtus book Virtus book 60,000 1,000,000
Zaryte bow Zaryte bow 60,000[notes 1] 2,000,000
Ascension crossbow Ascension crossbow 60,000 2,000,000
Ascension crossbow (barrows) Ascension crossbow (barrows) 60,000 2,000,000
Ascension crossbow (shadow) Ascension crossbow (shadow) 60,000 2,000,000
Ascension crossbow (Third Age) Ascension crossbow (Third Age) 60,000 2,000,000
Ascension crossbow (blood) Ascension crossbow (blood) 60,000 2,000,000
Off-hand Ascension crossbow Off-hand Ascension crossbow 60,000 2,000,000
Off-hand Ascension crossbow (barrows) Off-hand Ascension crossbow (barrows) 60,000 2,000,000
Off-hand Ascension crossbow (shadow) Off-hand Ascension crossbow (shadow) 60,000 2,000,000
Off-hand Ascension crossbow (Third Age) Off-hand Ascension crossbow (Third Age) 60,000 2,000,000
Off-hand ascension crossbow (blood) Off-hand ascension crossbow (blood) 60,000 2,000,000
  1. ^ The zaryte bow only degrades with auto-attacks.

Ports armour[]

Items in this group are made in the Player-owned port minigame, and were released as part of the initial update; the gloves and boots were added with the Arc part 2. The cape, ring, and weapons are in the general group. Instead of Smithing, the repair cost of Death Lotus gear is based on your Crafting level, and seasinger's gear is based on your Runecrafting level; these can also be repaired for the corresponding trade good at the relevant crafting station in the port (half of the creation cost for a full repair).

Item Charges Repair cost Alternative repair
Superior Death Lotus hood Superior Death Lotus hood 72,000 600,000 Lacquer 20
Superior Death Lotus chestplate Superior Death Lotus chestplate 72,000 2,400,000 Lacquer 50
Superior Death Lotus chaps Superior Death Lotus chaps 72,000 1,200,000 Lacquer 30
Superior Death Lotus tekoh Superior Death Lotus tekoh 72,000 300,000 Lacquer 10
Superior Death Lotus tabi Superior Death Lotus tabi 72,000 300,000 Lacquer 10
Superior seasinger's hood Superior seasinger's hood 72,000 600,000 Chi 20
Superior seasinger's robe top Superior seasinger's robe top 72,000 2,400,000 Chi 50
Superior seasinger's robe bottom Superior seasinger's robe bottom 72,000 1,200,000 Chi 30
Superior seasinger aonori Superior seasinger aonori 72,000 300,000 Chi 10
Superior seasinger asari Superior seasinger asari 72,000 300,000 Chi 10
Superior tetsu helm Superior tetsu helm 72,000 600,000 Plate 20
Superior tetsu body Superior tetsu body 72,000 2,400,000 Plate 50
Superior tetsu platelegs Superior tetsu platelegs 72,000 1,200,000 Plate 30
Superior tetsu kote Superior tetsu kote 72,000 300,000 Plate 10
Superior tetsu kogake Superior tetsu kogake 72,000 300,000 Plate 10


This group consists entirely of drygore weaponry. These can also be repaired using chitin scraps.

All items in this group use 2 charges per hit, giving them an effective charge amount of 30,000.

Item Charges Repair cost Alternative repair
Drygore longsword Drygore longsword 60,000 3,000,000 Chitin scraps 10,000
Drygore longsword (barrows) Drygore longsword (barrows) 60,000 3,000,000 Chitin scraps 10,000
Drygore longsword (shadow) Drygore longsword (shadow) 60,000 3,000,000 Chitin scraps 10,000
Drygore longsword (Third Age) Drygore longsword (Third Age) 60,000 3,000,000 Chitin scraps 10,000
Drygore longsword (blood) Drygore longsword (blood) 60,000 3,000,000 Chitin scraps 10,000
Drygore mace Drygore mace 60,000 3,000,000 Chitin scraps 10,000
Drygore mace (barrows) Drygore mace (barrows) 60,000 3,000,000 Chitin scraps 10,000
Drygore mace (shadow) Drygore mace (shadow) 60,000 3,000,000 Chitin scraps 10,000
Drygore mace (Third Age) Drygore mace (Third Age) 60,000 3,000,000 Chitin scraps 10,000
Drygore mace (blood) Drygore mace (blood) 60,000 3,000,000 Chitin scraps 10,000
Drygore rapier Drygore rapier 60,000 3,000,000 Chitin scraps 10,000
Drygore rapier (barrows) Drygore rapier (barrows) 60,000 3,000,000 Chitin scraps 10,000
Drygore rapier (shadow) Drygore rapier (shadow) 60,000 3,000,000 Chitin scraps 10,000
Drygore rapier (Third Age) Drygore rapier (Third Age) 60,000 3,000,000 Chitin scraps 10,000
Drygore rapier (blood) Drygore rapier (blood) 60,000 3,000,000 Chitin scraps 10,000
Off-hand drygore longsword Off-hand drygore longsword 60,000 1,500,000 Chitin scraps 5,000
Off-hand drygore longsword (barrows) Off-hand drygore longsword (barrows) 60,000 1,500,000 Chitin scraps 5,000
Off-hand drygore longsword (shadow) Off-hand drygore longsword (shadow) 60,000 1,500,000 Chitin scraps 5,000
Off-hand drygore longsword (Third Age) Off-hand drygore longsword (Third Age) 60,000 1,500,000 Chitin scraps 5,000
Off-hand drygore longsword (blood) Off-hand drygore longsword (blood) 60,000 1,500,000 Chitin scraps 5,000
Off-hand drygore mace Off-hand drygore mace 60,000 1,500,000 Chitin scraps 5,000
Off-hand drygore mace (barrows) Off-hand drygore mace (barrows) 60,000 1,500,000 Chitin scraps 5,000
Off-hand drygore mace (shadow) Off-hand drygore mace (shadow) 60,000 1,500,000 Chitin scraps 5,000
Off-hand drygore mace (Third Age) Off-hand drygore mace (Third Age) 60,000 1,500,000 Chitin scraps 5,000
Off-hand drygore mace (blood) Off-hand drygore mace (blood) 60,000 1,500,000 Chitin scraps 5,000
Off-hand drygore rapier Off-hand drygore rapier 60,000 1,500,000 Chitin scraps 5,000
Off-hand drygore rapier (barrows) Off-hand drygore rapier (barrows) 60,000 1,500,000 Chitin scraps 5,000
Off-hand drygore rapier (shadow) Off-hand drygore rapier (shadow) 60,000 1,500,000 Chitin scraps 5,000
Off-hand drygore rapier (Third Age) Off-hand drygore rapier (Third Age) 60,000 1,500,000 Chitin scraps 5,000
Off-hand drygore rapier (blood) Off-hand drygore rapier (blood) 60,000 1,500,000 Chitin scraps 5,000


This group contains items not in any other group; it is the largest group. It contains Barrows equipment, noxious and seismic weaponry, Achto raids armour, and many other items.

Item Charges Repair cost Alternative repair
Ahrim's hood Ahrim's hood 100,000 180,000
Ahrim's robe top Ahrim's robe top 100,000 270,000
Ahrim's robe skirt Ahrim's robe skirt 100,000 240,000
Ahrim's staff Ahrim's staff 100,000 300,000
Golden Ahrim's hood Golden Ahrim's hood 100,000 180,000
Golden Ahrim's robe top Golden Ahrim's robe top 100,000 270,000
Golden Ahrim's robe skirt Golden Ahrim's robe skirt 100,000 240,000
Golden Ahrim's staff Golden Ahrim's staff 100,000 300,000
Akrisae's hood Akrisae's hood 100,000 180,000
Akrisae's robe top Akrisae's robe top 100,000 270,000
Akrisae's robe skirt Akrisae's robe skirt 100,000 240,000
Akrisae's war mace Akrisae's war mace 100,000 300,000
Golden Akrisae's hood Golden Akrisae's hood 100,000 180,000
Golden Akrisae's robe top Golden Akrisae's robe top 100,000 270,000
Golden Akrisae's robe skirt Golden Akrisae's robe skirt 100,000 240,000
Golden Akrisae's war mace Golden Akrisae's war mace 100,000 300,000
Dharok's helm Dharok's helm 100,000 180,000
Dharok's platebody Dharok's platebody 100,000 270,000
Dharok's platelegs Dharok's platelegs 100,000 240,000
Dharok's greataxe Dharok's greataxe 100,000 300,000
Golden Dharok's helm Golden Dharok's helm 100,000 180,000
Golden Dharok's platebody Golden Dharok's platebody 100,000 270,000
Golden Dharok's platelegs Golden Dharok's platelegs 100,000 240,000
Golden Dharok's greataxe Golden Dharok's greataxe 100,000 300,000
Guthan's helm Guthan's helm 100,000 180,000
Guthan's platebody Guthan's platebody 100,000 270,000
Guthan's chainskirt Guthan's chainskirt 100,000 240,000
Guthan's warspear Guthan's warspear 100,000 300,000
Golden Guthan's helm Golden Guthan's helm 100,000 180,000
Golden Guthan's platebody Golden Guthan's platebody 100,000 270,000
Golden Guthan's chainskirt Golden Guthan's chainskirt 100,000 240,000
Golden Guthan's warspear Golden Guthan's warspear 100,000 300,000
Karil's coif Karil's coif 100,000 180,000
Karil's top Karil's top 100,000 270,000
Karil's skirt Karil's skirt 100,000 240,000
Karil's crossbow Karil's crossbow 100,000 300,000
Golden Karil's coif Golden Karil's coif 100,000 180,000
Golden Karil's top Golden Karil's top 100,000 270,000
Golden Karil's skirt Golden Karil's skirt 100,000 240,000
Golden Karil's crossbow Golden Karil's crossbow 100,000 300,000
Torag's helm Torag's helm 100,000 180,000
Torag's platebody Torag's platebody 100,000 270,000
Torag's platelegs Torag's platelegs 100,000 240,000
Torag's hammer Torag's hammer 100,000 300,000
Golden Torag's helm Golden Torag's helm 100,000 180,000
Golden Torag's platebody Golden Torag's platebody 100,000 270,000
Golden Torag's platelegs Golden Torag's platelegs 100,000 240,000
Golden Torag's hammer Golden Torag's hammer 100,000 300,000
Verac's helm Verac's helm 100,000 180,000
Verac's brassard Verac's brassard 100,000 270,000
Verac's plateskirt Verac's plateskirt 100,000 240,000
Verac's flail Verac's flail 100,000 300,000
Golden Verac's helm Golden Verac's helm 100,000 180,000
Golden Verac's brassard Golden Verac's brassard 100,000 270,000
Golden Verac's plateskirt Golden Verac's plateskirt 100,000 240,000
Golden Verac's flail Golden Verac's flail 100,000 300,000
Corrupted defender Corrupted defender 100,000 100,000
Blighted rebounder Blighted rebounder 100,000 100,000
Tainted repriser Tainted repriser 100,000 100,000
Sunspear (melee) Sunspear (melee) 30,000[notes 1][notes 2] 600,000
Sunspear (magic) Sunspear (magic) 30,000[notes 1][notes 2] 600,000
Sunspear (ranged) Sunspear (ranged) 30,000[notes 1][notes 2] 600,000
Linza's helm Linza's helm 100,000 500,000
Linza's cuirass Linza's cuirass 100,000 2,000,000
Linza's greaves Linza's greaves 100,000 1,000,000
Linza's hammer Linza's hammer 60,000[notes 2] 1,500,000
Linza's shield Linza's shield 60,000[notes 2] 750,000
Superior leviathan ring Superior leviathan ring 100,000 600,000 Koi Scales 50
Superior reefwalker's cape Superior reefwalker's cape 100,000 600,000 Pearls 50
Seasinger kiba Seasinger kiba 60,000[notes 2] 2,500,000 Gemstone kaseki 2
Seasinger makigai Seasinger makigai 60,000[notes 2] 1,250,000 Gemstone kaseki 1.05[notes 3]
Tetsu katana Tetsu katana 60,000[notes 2] 2,500,000 Tengu tsuba 2
Tetsu wakizashi Tetsu wakizashi 60,000[notes 2] 1,250,000 Tengu tsuba 1.05[notes 4]
Wyvern crossbow Wyvern crossbow 60,000[notes 2] 4,125,000
Ripper claw Ripper claw 60,000[notes 2] 2,500,000
Off-hand ripper claw Off-hand ripper claw 60,000[notes 2] 1,250,000
Camel staff Camel staff 60,000[notes 2] 4,125,000
Mizuyari Mizuyari 60,000[notes 5] 3,750,000
Blade of Avaryss Blade of Avaryss 60,000 1,500,000
Blade of Nymora Blade of Nymora 60,000 1,500,000
Dragon Rider lance Dragon Rider lance 60,000 1,500,000
Shadow glaive Shadow glaive 60,000 1,500,000
Off-hand shadow glaive Off-hand shadow glaive 60,000 1,500,000
Wand of the Cywir elders Wand of the Cywir elders 60,000 1,500,000
Achto Primeval Mask Achto Primeval Mask 100,000[notes 6] 1,600,000
Achto Primeval robe top Achto Primeval robe top 100,000[notes 6] 3,200,000
Achto Primeval robe legs Achto Primeval robe legs 100,000[notes 6] 2,400,000
Achto Primeval Gloves Achto Primeval Gloves 100,000[notes 6] 400,000
Achto Primeval Boots Achto Primeval Boots 100,000[notes 6] 400,000
Achto Tempest Cowl Achto Tempest Cowl 100,000[notes 6] 1,600,000
Achto Tempest Body Achto Tempest Body 100,000[notes 6] 3,200,000
Achto Tempest Chaps Achto Tempest Chaps 100,000[notes 6] 2,400,000
Achto Tempest Gloves Achto Tempest Gloves 100,000[notes 6] 400,000
Achto Tempest Boots Achto Tempest Boots 100,000[notes 6] 400,000
Achto Teralith Helmet Achto Teralith Helmet 100,000[notes 6] 1,600,000
Achto Teralith Cuirass Achto Teralith Cuirass 100,000[notes 6] 3,200,000
Achto Teralith Leggings Achto Teralith Leggings 100,000[notes 6] 2,400,000
Achto Teralith Gauntlets Achto Teralith Gauntlets 100,000[notes 6] 400,000
Achto Teralith Boots Achto Teralith Boots 100,000[notes 6] 400,000
Noxious longbow Noxious longbow 60,000[notes 2] 4,500,000
Noxious longbow (barrows) Noxious longbow (barrows) 60,000[notes 2] 4,500,000
Noxious longbow (shadow) Noxious longbow (shadow) 60,000[notes 2] 4,500,000
Noxious longbow (Third Age) Noxious longbow (Third Age) 60,000[notes 2] 4,500,000
Noxious longbow (blood) Noxious longbow (blood) 60,000[notes 2] 4,500,000
Noxious scythe Noxious scythe 60,000[notes 2] 4,500,000
Noxious scythe (barrows) Noxious scythe (barrows) 60,000[notes 2] 4,500,000
Noxious scythe (shadow) Noxious scythe (shadow) 60,000[notes 2] 4,500,000
Noxious scythe (Third Age) Noxious scythe (Third Age) 60,000[notes 2] 4,500,000
Noxious scythe (blood) Noxious scythe (blood) 60,000[notes 2] 4,500,000
Noxious staff Noxious staff 60,000[notes 2] 4,500,000
Noxious staff (barrows) Noxious staff (barrows) 60,000[notes 2] 4,500,000
Noxious staff (shadow) Noxious staff (shadow) 60,000[notes 2] 4,500,000
Noxious staff (Third Age) Noxious staff (Third Age) 60,000[notes 2] 4,500,000
Noxious staff (blood) Noxious staff (blood) 60,000[notes 2] 4,500,000
Seismic wand Seismic wand 60,000[notes 2] 3,000,000
Seismic wand (barrows) Seismic wand (barrows) 60,000[notes 2] 3,000,000
Seismic wand (shadow) Seismic wand (shadow) 60,000[notes 2] 3,000,000
Seismic wand (Third Age) Seismic wand (Third Age) 60,000[notes 2] 3,000,000
Seismic wand (blood) Seismic wand (blood) 60,000[notes 2] 3,000,000
Seismic singularity Seismic singularity 60,000[notes 2] 1,500,000
Seismic singularity (barrows) Seismic singularity (barrows) 60,000[notes 2] 1,500,000
Seismic singularity (shadow) Seismic singularity (shadow) 60,000[notes 2] 1,500,000
Seismic singularity (Third Age) Seismic singularity (Third Age) 60,000[notes 2] 1,500,000
Seismic singularity (blood) Seismic singularity (blood) 60,000[notes 2] 1,500,000
Malevolent kiteshield Malevolent kiteshield 60,000[notes 2] 1,500,000
Merciless kiteshield Merciless kiteshield 60,000[notes 2] 1,500,000
Vengeful kiteshield Vengeful kiteshield 60,000[notes 2] 1,500,000
Kalphite defender Kalphite defender 100,000 1,500,000
Kalphite rebounder Kalphite rebounder 100,000 1,500,000
Kalphite repriser Kalphite repriser 100,000 1,500,000
Seren godbow Seren godbow 60,000 4,800,000
Staff of Sliske Staff of Sliske 60,000 4,800,000
Zaros godsword Zaros godsword 60,000 4,800,000
Arcane blood necklace Arcane blood necklace 60,000[notes 7] 1,000,000 Blood rune 3,000
Blood rune 2,400 in Drakan's crypt
Blood amulet of fury Blood amulet of fury 60,000[notes 7] 1,000,000 Blood rune 2,000
Blood rune 1,600 in Drakan's crypt
Brawler's blood necklace Brawler's blood necklace 60,000[notes 7] 1,000,000 Blood rune 3,000
Blood rune 2,400 in Drakan's crypt
Farsight blood necklace Farsight blood necklace 60,000[notes 7] 1,000,000 Blood rune 3,000
Blood rune 2,400 in Drakan's crypt
  1. ^ a b c The Sunspear styles can be interchanged freely, retaining current charge amount.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao These items all consume 2 charges per hit, effectively halving their charge amount.
  3. ^ A gemstone kaseki restores 95% of a seasinger makigai.
  4. ^ A tengu tsuba restores 95% of a tetsu wakizashi.
  5. ^ These items are untested so it is unknown if they consume 1 or 2 charges per hit.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Raids gear does not degrade when used against raids bosses.
  7. ^ a b c d Blood necklaces degrade to a drained version, which retains equipment bonuses but loses the blood necklace passive.

Other repairables[]

These items are repairable, but not using an armour stand. They are usually repaired using specific items or at a specific NPC. Unless otherwise stated, repairs listed are for a 100% repair.

Crystal equipment[]


Standard and attuned crystal armour degrades into a broken state when fully degraded. The armour parts are only repairable with Tarddian crystal Tarddian crystals; the values listed are for a full repair.

Item Charges Tarddian crystal
Crystal helm Crystal helm 100,000 15
Crystal body Crystal body 100,000 50
Crystal legs Crystal legs 100,000 34
Crystal gloves Crystal gloves 100,000 2
Crystal boots Crystal boots 100,000 2
Attuned crystal helm Attuned crystal helm 100,000 15
Attuned crystal body Attuned crystal body 100,000 50
Attuned crystal legs Attuned crystal legs 100,000 34
Attuned crystal gloves Attuned crystal gloves 100,000 2
Attuned crystal boots Attuned crystal boots 100,000 2

Weaponry and shields[]

Standard and attuned crystal weaponry and shields all consume 2 charges per hit in combat, except when used in Prifddinas, where they use 1 charge per hit.

Standard and attuned crystal equipment can be repaired (using coins) by:

Upon fully degrading, the item reverts to a seed, which can be re-made into the weapon. Standard crystal equipment can be re-made for the same price as a 100% repair by the above NPCs, but attuned equipment will have to be recreated using Harmonic dust Harmonic dust at the singing bowl in the Ithell section of Prifddinas - standard crystal equipment can also be re-made using dust.

The creation cost begins at 1,000,000, but reduces by 200,000 with each subsequent creation until the price is 200,000.

The repair cost listed is for a 100% recharge (even though attuned can't really get a 100% recharge) at the minimum price.

Item Charges Seed Repair cost Harmonic dust
Crystal bow Crystal bow 50,000 Crystal weapon seed 200,000 750
Crystal chakram Crystal chakram 50,000 Crystal weapon seed 200,000 750
Off-hand crystal chakram Off-hand crystal chakram 50,000 Crystal weapon seed 200,000 375
Crystal dagger Crystal dagger 50,000 Crystal weapon seed 200,000 750
Off-hand crystal dagger Off-hand crystal dagger 50,000 Crystal weapon seed 200,000 375
Crystal halberd Crystal halberd 50,000 Crystal weapon seed 200,000 750
Crystal staff Crystal staff 50,000 Crystal weapon seed 200,000 750
Crystal wand Crystal wand 50,000 Crystal weapon seed 200,000 750
Crystal orb Crystal orb 50,000 Crystal weapon seed 200,000 375
Crystal deflector Crystal deflector 50,000 Crystal armour seed 200,000 375
Crystal shield Crystal shield 50,000 Crystal armour seed 200,000 375
Crystal ward Crystal ward 50,000 Crystal armour seed 200,000 375
Attuned crystal bow Attuned crystal bow 50,000 Attuned crystal weapon seed 200,000 2,000
Attuned crystal chakram Attuned crystal chakram 50,000 Attuned crystal weapon seed 200,000 2,000
Off-hand attuned crystal chakram Off-hand attuned crystal chakram 50,000 Attuned crystal weapon seed 200,000 1,000
Attuned crystal dagger Attuned crystal dagger 50,000 Attuned crystal weapon seed 200,000 2,000
Off-hand attuned crystal dagger Off-hand attuned crystal dagger 50,000 Attuned crystal weapon seed 200,000 1,000
Attuned crystal halberd Attuned crystal halberd 50,000 Attuned crystal weapon seed 200,000 2,000
Attuned crystal staff Attuned crystal staff 50,000 Attuned crystal weapon seed 200,000 2,000
Attuned crystal wand Attuned crystal wand 50,000 Attuned crystal weapon seed 200,000 2,000
Attuned crystal orb Attuned crystal orb 50,000 Attuned crystal weapon seed 200,000 1,000
Attuned crystal deflector Attuned crystal deflector 50,000 Attuned crystal armour seed 200,000 1,000
Attuned crystal shield Attuned crystal shield 50,000 Attuned crystal armour seed 200,000 1,000
Attuned crystal ward Attuned crystal ward 50,000 Attuned crystal armour seed 200,000 1,000

Obsidian armour[]

Obsidian armour only degrades when taking hits (not when dealing hits) within TzHaar and TokHaar areas. In those areas, each hit has a 50% chance of draining a charge, but this can be reduced to 20% by donating tokkul at the Fight Cauldron. It does not degrade when used outside of those areas. Obsidian armour is repaired using obsidian shards.

Item Charges Shards to repair
Obsidian warrior helm Obsidian warrior helm 4,000 40
Obsidian mage helm Obsidian mage helm 4,000 40
Obsidian ranger helm Obsidian ranger helm 4,000 40
Obsidian platebody Obsidian platebody 4,000 40
Obsidian platelegs Obsidian platelegs 4,000 40
Obsidian plateskirt Obsidian plateskirt 4,000 40
Obsidian gloves Obsidian gloves 4,000 40
Obsidian boots Obsidian boots 4,000 40
Obsidian kiteshield Obsidian kiteshield 4,000 40

Dyed items[]

These items are variants of the tier 90 degrade-to-dust items that have been dyed with barrows, shadow, third-age, or blood dye. This makes them repairable using their basic material.

All items in this section degrade to a 'broken' state, which cannot be used until repaired. This is usually shown by the item's name being appended by ", broken" in the brackets.

The amount each scale/energy repairs is the fraction of the creation cost rounded down to the next whole percentage. For example, bodies should be repaired with 42 items, but 1/42 = 2.38%, which is rounded to 2%, making the bodies actually require 50 items to repair.

Item Charges Repair method Effective cost
Malevolent helm (barrows) Malevolent helm (barrows) 100,000 Use 15 Malevolent energy malevolent energy on it 5,530,740
Malevolent helm (shadow) Malevolent helm (shadow) 100,000 Use 15 Malevolent energy malevolent energy on it 5,530,740
Malevolent helm (Third Age) Malevolent helm (Third Age) 100,000 Use 15 Malevolent energy malevolent energy on it 5,530,740
Malevolent helm (blood) Malevolent helm (blood) 100,000 Use 15 Malevolent energy malevolent energy on it 5,530,740
Malevolent cuirass (barrows) Malevolent cuirass (barrows) 100,000 Use 50 Malevolent energy malevolent energy on it 18,435,800
Malevolent cuirass (shadow) Malevolent cuirass (shadow) 100,000 Use 50 Malevolent energy malevolent energy on it 18,435,800
Malevolent cuirass (Third Age) Malevolent cuirass (Third Age) 100,000 Use 50 Malevolent energy malevolent energy on it 18,435,800
Malevolent cuirass (blood) Malevolent cuirass (blood) 100,000 Use 50 Malevolent energy malevolent energy on it 18,435,800
Malevolent greaves (barrows) Malevolent greaves (barrows) 100,000 Use 34 Malevolent energy malevolent energy on it 12,536,344
Malevolent greaves (shadow) Malevolent greaves (shadow) 100,000 Use 34 Malevolent energy malevolent energy on it 12,536,344
Malevolent greaves (Third Age) Malevolent greaves (Third Age) 100,000 Use 34 Malevolent energy malevolent energy on it 12,536,344
Malevolent greaves (blood) Malevolent greaves (blood) 100,000 Use 34 Malevolent energy malevolent energy on it 12,536,344
Sirenic mask (barrows) Sirenic mask (barrows) 100,000 Use 15 Sirenic scale Sirenic scales on it 10,480,830
Sirenic mask (shadow) Sirenic mask (shadow) 100,000 Use 15 Sirenic scale Sirenic scales on it 10,480,830
Sirenic mask (Third Age) Sirenic mask (Third Age) 100,000 Use 15 Sirenic scale Sirenic scales on it 10,480,830
Sirenic mask (blood) Sirenic mask (blood) 100,000 Use 15 Sirenic scale Sirenic scales on it 10,480,830
Sirenic hauberk (barrows) Sirenic hauberk (barrows) 100,000 Use 50 Sirenic scale Sirenic scales on it 34,936,100
Sirenic hauberk (shadow) Sirenic hauberk (shadow) 100,000 Use 50 Sirenic scale Sirenic scales on it 34,936,100
Sirenic hauberk (Third Age) Sirenic hauberk (Third Age) 100,000 Use 50 Sirenic scale Sirenic scales on it 34,936,100
Sirenic hauberk (blood) Sirenic hauberk (blood) 100,000 Use 50 Sirenic scale Sirenic scales on it 34,936,100
Sirenic chaps (barrows) Sirenic chaps (barrows) 100,000 Use 34 Sirenic scale Sirenic scales on it 23,756,548
Sirenic chaps (shadow) Sirenic chaps (shadow) 100,000 Use 34 Sirenic scale Sirenic scales on it 23,756,548
Sirenic chaps (Third Age) Sirenic chaps (Third Age) 100,000 Use 34 Sirenic scale Sirenic scales on it 23,756,548
Sirenic chaps (blood) Sirenic chaps (blood) 100,000 Use 34 Sirenic scale Sirenic scales on it 23,756,548
Tectonic mask (barrows) Tectonic mask (barrows) 100,000 Use 15 Tectonic energy Tectonic energy on it 19,113,795
Tectonic mask (shadow) Tectonic mask (shadow) 100,000 Use 15 Tectonic energy Tectonic energy on it 19,113,795
Tectonic mask (Third Age) Tectonic mask (Third Age) 100,000 Use 15 Tectonic energy Tectonic energy on it 19,113,795
Tectonic mask (blood) Tectonic mask (blood) 100,000 Use 15 Tectonic energy Tectonic energy on it 19,113,795
Tectonic robe top (barrows) Tectonic robe top (barrows) 100,000 Use 50 Tectonic energy Tectonic energy on it 63,712,650
Tectonic robe top (shadow) Tectonic robe top (shadow) 100,000 Use 50 Tectonic energy Tectonic energy on it 63,712,650
Tectonic robe top (Third Age) Tectonic robe top (Third Age) 100,000 Use 50 Tectonic energy Tectonic energy on it 63,712,650
Tectonic robe top (blood) Tectonic robe top (blood) 100,000 Use 50 Tectonic energy Tectonic energy on it 63,712,650
Tectonic robe bottom (barrows) Tectonic robe bottom (barrows) 100,000 Use 34 Tectonic energy Tectonic energy on it 43,324,602
Tectonic robe bottom (shadow) Tectonic robe bottom (shadow) 100,000 Use 34 Tectonic energy Tectonic energy on it 43,324,602
Tectonic robe bottom (Third Age) Tectonic robe bottom (Third Age) 100,000 Use 34 Tectonic energy Tectonic energy on it 43,324,602
Tectonic robe bottom (blood) Tectonic robe bottom (blood) 100,000 Use 34 Tectonic energy Tectonic energy on it 43,324,602

Polypore equipment[]

Polypore equipment is made from the drops of creatures in the Polypore Dungeon. The can be repaired for a fair fraction of the creation cost with the Crafting skill, by using the material on the item with a needle and some thread in the inventory. The staff requires Farming instead, and no needle or thread.

Polypore equipment does not lose charges if reclaimed from a gravestone.

Item Charges Degrades to... Repair with Effective cost
Fungal visor Fungal visor 30,000 Mycelium visor web 300 Fungal flake Fungal flakes 2,100
Fungal poncho Fungal poncho 30,000 Mycelium poncho web 2,500 Fungal flake Fungal flakes 17,500
Fungal leggings Fungal leggings 30,000 Mycelium leggings web 1,000 Fungal flake Fungal flakes 7,000
Grifolic visor Grifolic visor 30,000 Mycelium visor web 400 Grifolic flake Grifolic flakes 169,200
Grifolic poncho Grifolic poncho 30,000 Mycelium poncho web 3,500 Grifolic flake Grifolic flakes 1,480,500
Grifolic leggings Grifolic leggings 30,000 Mycelium leggings web 1,200 Grifolic flake Grifolic flakes 507,600
Ganodermic visor Ganodermic visor 30,000 Mycelium visor web 500 Ganodermic flake Ganodermic flakes 206,500
Ganodermic poncho Ganodermic poncho 30,000 Mycelium poncho web 5,000 Ganodermic flake Ganodermic flakes 2,065,000
Ganodermic leggings Ganodermic leggings 30,000 Mycelium leggings web 1,500 Ganodermic flake Ganodermic flakes 619,500
Polypore staff Polypore staff 3,000[notes 1] Polypore stick 3,000 Polypore spore Polypore spores and 15,000 Fire rune Fire runes 2,397,000
  1. ^ The polypore staff only degrades on auto-attacks with the Polypore Strike spell active - 1 charge per cast.

Dungeoneering rewards[]

Degradable Dungeoneering rewards can be repaired at the rewards trader either with coins, or with significantly less coins and some Dungeoneering tokens. All repair costs are reduced by 5% if Daemonheim aura 3 has been earned.

While the exact charge value is not available (unlike others), it is likely they are also 60,000 charges with a double degrade mechanic. The empirical data from experimentation gives 30,000 charges.

Item Charges Repair cost (coins only) Repair cost (tokens and coins)
Gravite 2h sword Gravite 2h sword 30,000 1,000,000 100,000 and Dungeoneering token 6,500
Gravite longsword Gravite longsword 30,000 1,000,000 100,000 and Dungeoneering token 6,500
Off-hand gravite longsword Off-hand gravite longsword 30,000 500,000 50,000 and Dungeoneering token 3,250
Gravite rapier Gravite rapier 30,000 1,000,000 100,000 and Dungeoneering token 6,500
Off-hand gravite rapier Off-hand gravite rapier 30,000 500,000 50,000 and Dungeoneering token 3,250
Gravite chargebow Gravite chargebow 30,000 1,000,000 100,000 and Dungeoneering token 6,500
Gravite knife Gravite knife 30,000 1,000,000 100,000 and Dungeoneering token 6,500
Off-hand gravite knife Off-hand gravite knife 30,000 500,000 50,000 and Dungeoneering token 3,250
Gravite staff Gravite staff 30,000 1,000,000 100,000 and Dungeoneering token 6,500
Gravite wand Gravite wand 30,000 1,000,000 100,000 and Dungeoneering token 6,500
Gravite orb Gravite orb 30,000 500,000 50,000 and Dungeoneering token 3,250
Chaotic claw Chaotic claw 30,000 2,000,000 200,000 and Dungeoneering token 20,000
Off-hand chaotic claw Off-hand chaotic claw 30,000 1,000,000 100,000 and Dungeoneering token 10,000
Chaotic crossbow Chaotic crossbow 30,000 2,000,000 200,000 and Dungeoneering token 20,000
Off-hand chaotic crossbow Off-hand chaotic crossbow 30,000 1,000,000 100,000 and Dungeoneering token 10,000
Chaotic kiteshield Chaotic kiteshield 30,000 2,000,000 200,000 and Dungeoneering token 20,000
Chaotic longsword Chaotic longsword 30,000 2,000,000 200,000 and Dungeoneering token 20,000
Off-hand chaotic longsword Off-hand chaotic longsword 30,000 1,000,000 100,000 and Dungeoneering token 10,000
Chaotic maul Chaotic maul 30,000 2,000,000 200,000 and Dungeoneering token 20,000
Chaotic rapier Chaotic rapier 30,000 2,000,000 200,000 and Dungeoneering token 20,000
Off-hand chaotic rapier Off-hand chaotic rapier 30,000 1,000,000 100,000 and Dungeoneering token 10,000
Chaotic spear Chaotic spear 30,000 2,000,000 200,000 and Dungeoneering token 20,000
Chaotic staff Chaotic staff 30,000 2,000,000 200,000 and Dungeoneering token 20,000
Eagle-eye kiteshield Eagle-eye kiteshield 30,000 2,000,000 200,000 and Dungeoneering token 20,000
Farseer kiteshield Farseer kiteshield 30,000 2,000,000 200,000 and Dungeoneering token 20,000
Lucky chaotic claw Lucky chaotic claw 30,000 2,000,000 200,000 and Dungeoneering token 20,000
Lucky off-hand chaotic claw Lucky off-hand chaotic claw 30,000 1,000,000 100,000 and Dungeoneering token 10,000
Lucky chaotic crossbow Lucky chaotic crossbow 30,000 2,000,000 200,000 and Dungeoneering token 20,000
Lucky off-hand chaotic crossbow Lucky off-hand chaotic crossbow 30,000 1,000,000 100,000 and Dungeoneering token 10,000
Lucky chaotic kiteshield Lucky chaotic kiteshield 30,000 2,000,000 200,000 and Dungeoneering token 20,000
Lucky chaotic longsword Lucky chaotic longsword 30,000 2,000,000 200,000 and Dungeoneering token 20,000
Lucky off-hand chaotic longsword Lucky off-hand chaotic longsword 30,000 1,000,000 100,000 and Dungeoneering token 10,000
Lucky chaotic maul Lucky chaotic maul 30,000 2,000,000 200,000 and Dungeoneering token 20,000
Lucky chaotic rapier Lucky chaotic rapier 30,000 2,000,000 200,000 and Dungeoneering token 20,000
Lucky off-hand chaotic rapier Lucky off-hand chaotic rapier 30,000 1,000,000 100,000 and Dungeoneering token 10,000
Lucky chaotic spear Lucky chaotic spear 30,000 2,000,000 200,000 and Dungeoneering token 20,000
Lucky chaotic staff Lucky chaotic staff 30,000 2,000,000 200,000 and Dungeoneering token 20,000
Lucky eagle-eye kiteshield Lucky eagle-eye kiteshield 30,000 2,000,000 200,000 and Dungeoneering token 20,000
Lucky farseer kiteshield Lucky farseer kiteshield 30,000 2,000,000 200,000 and Dungeoneering token 20,000
Ancient defender Ancient defender 100,000 660,000 66,000 and Dungeoneering token 66,000
Ancient lantern Ancient lantern 100,000 660,000 66,000 and Dungeoneering token 66,000
Ancient repriser Ancient repriser 100,000 660,000 66,000 and Dungeoneering token 66,000

Fist of Guthix rewards[]

Degradable Fist of Guthix rewards can be repaired by Reggie with Fist of guthix tokens.

Charges are unverified, but based on the degrade time stated in newsposts, they each likely have 30,000 charges.

Item Charges Repair cost
Combat hood Combat hood ? Fist of guthix token 5
Combat robe top Combat robe top ? Fist of guthix token 15
Combat robe bottom Combat robe bottom ? Fist of guthix token 10
Druidic mage hood Druidic mage hood ? Fist of guthix token 10
Druidic mage top Druidic mage top ? Fist of guthix token 30
Druidic mage bottom Druidic mage bottom ? Fist of guthix token 20
Battle hood Battle hood ? Fist of guthix token 25
Battle robe top Battle robe top ? Fist of guthix token 150
Battle robe bottom Battle robe bottom ? Fist of guthix token 100
Adamant spikeshield Adamant spikeshield ? Fist of guthix token 5
Adamant berserker shield Adamant berserker shield ? Fist of guthix token 10
Rune spikeshield Rune spikeshield ? Fist of guthix token 20
Rune berserker shield Rune berserker shield ? Fist of guthix token 30


Item Charges Degrades to... Repair method Effective cost
Anti-dragon shield (mole) Anti-dragon shield (mole) 500[notes 1] Anti-dragon shield Use a Clingy mole Clingy mole on it 11,432
Royal crossbow Royal crossbow 30,000[notes 2] Broken Use any 4 royal crossbow parts Royal frameRoyal bolt stabiliserRoyal sightRoyal torsion spring
If broken, bring it and one of each part to Thurgo
357,584 (one of each)
Lava whip Lava whip 60,000 Wyrm spike Use 5 Abyssal whip Abyssal whips or Whip vine Whip vines on it
Or, use 2.5 Abyssal vine whip Abyssal vine whips on it
Whips: 359,700
Vines: 428,035
Staff of darkness Staff of darkness 60,000 Wyrm heart Use 2 Staff of light Staves of light on it 3,684,290
Strykebow Strykebow 60,000 Wyrm scalp Use 5 Dark bow Dark bows on it 387,220
Refined Anima Core helm of Seren Refined Anima Core helm of Seren 100,000 Anima Core helm of Seren Use 1 of each essence: Serenic essenceSliskean essenceZamorakian essenceZarosian essence 14,591,468
Refined Anima Core body of Seren Refined Anima Core body of Seren 100,000 Anima Core body of Seren Use 3 of each essence: Serenic essenceSliskean essenceZamorakian essenceZarosian essence 43,774,404
Refined Anima Core legs of Seren Refined Anima Core legs of Seren 100,000 Anima Core legs of Seren Use 2 of each essence: Serenic essenceSliskean essenceZamorakian essenceZarosian essence 29,182,936
Refined Anima Core helm of Sliske Refined Anima Core helm of Sliske 100,000 Anima Core helm of Sliske Use 1 of each essence: Serenic essenceSliskean essenceZamorakian essenceZarosian essence 14,591,468
Refined Anima Core body of Sliske Refined Anima Core body of Sliske 100,000 Anima Core body of Sliske Use 3 of each essence: Serenic essenceSliskean essenceZamorakian essenceZarosian essence 43,774,404
Refined Anima Core legs of Sliske Refined Anima Core legs of Sliske 100,000 Anima Core legs of Sliske Use 2 of each essence: Serenic essenceSliskean essenceZamorakian essenceZarosian essence 29,182,936
Refined Anima Core helm of Zamorak Refined Anima Core helm of Zamorak 100,000 Anima Core helm of Zamorak Use 1 of each essence: Serenic essenceSliskean essenceZamorakian essenceZarosian essence 14,591,468
Refined Anima Core body of Zamorak Refined Anima Core body of Zamorak 100,000 Anima Core body of Zamorak Use 3 of each essence: Serenic essenceSliskean essenceZamorakian essenceZarosian essence 43,774,404
Refined Anima Core legs of Zamorak Refined Anima Core legs of Zamorak 100,000 Anima Core legs of Zamorak Use 2 of each essence: Serenic essenceSliskean essenceZamorakian essenceZarosian essence 29,182,936
Refined Anima Core helm of Zaros Refined Anima Core helm of Zaros 100,000 Anima Core helm of Zaros Use 1 of each essence: Serenic essenceSliskean essenceZamorakian essenceZarosian essence 14,591,468
Refined Anima Core Body of Zaros Refined Anima Core Body of Zaros 100,000 Anima Core Body of Zaros Use 3 of each essence: Serenic essenceSliskean essenceZamorakian essenceZarosian essence 43,774,404
Refined Anima Core Legs of Zaros Refined Anima Core Legs of Zaros 100,000 Anima Core Legs of Zaros Use 2 of each essence: Serenic essenceSliskean essenceZamorakian essenceZarosian essence 29,182,936
Emberkeen boots Emberkeen boots 100,000 Steadfast boots Use 2 Steadfast scale Steadfast scales on them 26,563,384
Flarefrost boots Flarefrost boots 100,000 Glaiven boots Use 2 Glaiven wing-tip Glaiven wing-tips on them 15,816,820
Hailfire boots Hailfire boots 100,000 Ragefire boots Use 2 Ragefire gland Ragefire glands on them 1,157,052
TokKul-Zo TokKul-Zo 4,000[notes 3] Empty[notes 4] Pay TzHaar-Mej-Ak or TzHaar-Mej-Jeh 50,000 Tokkul Tokkul N/A
Amulet of souls Amulet of souls 100,000 Broken Use 2 Onyx Onyx on it 4,615,068
Deathtouch bracelet Deathtouch bracelet 100,000 Broken Use 2 Onyx Onyx on it 4,615,068
Reaper necklace Reaper necklace 100,000 Broken Use 2 Onyx Onyx on it 4,615,068
Ring of death Ring of death 100,000 Broken Use 2 Onyx Onyx on it 4,615,068
  1. ^ Only degrades when absorbing dragonfire.
  2. ^ Likely 60,000 charges, double degrade; empirical data from experimentation gives 30,000 charges.
  3. ^ The TokKul-Zo only degrades when fighting TzHaar, TokHaar, or other creatures in the Fight Caves, Kiln, or Cauldron. Charges are lost for each hit you deal (it ignores hits you take).
  4. ^ The fully degraded TokKul-Zo is wearable, but has no benefits or stat bonuses until recharged.

Degrade to dust[]

The following items degrade to dust and cannot be repaired.

Item Charges
Superior rock-shell helm Superior rock-shell helm 100,000
Superior rock-shell plate Superior rock-shell plate 100,000
Superior rock-shell legs Superior rock-shell legs 100,000
Superior rock-shell boots Superior rock-shell boots 100,000
Superior rock-shell gloves Superior rock-shell gloves 100,000
Superior spined helm Superior spined helm 100,000
Superior spined body Superior spined body 100,000
Superior spined chaps Superior spined chaps 100,000
Superior spined boots Superior spined boots 100,000
Superior spined gloves Superior spined gloves 100,000
Superior skeletal helm Superior skeletal helm 100,000
Superior skeletal top Superior skeletal top 100,000
Superior skeletal bottoms Superior skeletal bottoms 100,000
Superior skeletal boots Superior skeletal boots 100,000
Superior skeletal gloves Superior skeletal gloves 100,000
Death Lotus hood Death Lotus hood 60,000
Death Lotus chestplate Death Lotus chestplate 60,000
Death Lotus chaps Death Lotus chaps 60,000
Seasinger's hood Seasinger's hood 60,000
Seasinger's robe top Seasinger's robe top 60,000
Seasinger's robe bottom Seasinger's robe bottom 60,000
Tetsu helm Tetsu helm 60,000
Tetsu body Tetsu body 60,000
Tetsu platelegs Tetsu platelegs 60,000
Leviathan ring Leviathan ring 100,000
Reefwalker's cape Reefwalker's cape 100,000
Malevolent helm Malevolent helm 100,000
Malevolent cuirass Malevolent cuirass 100,000
Malevolent greaves Malevolent greaves 100,000
Sirenic mask Sirenic mask 100,000
Sirenic hauberk Sirenic hauberk 100,000
Sirenic chaps Sirenic chaps 100,000
Tectonic mask Tectonic mask 100,000
Tectonic robe top Tectonic robe top 100,000
Tectonic robe bottom Tectonic robe bottom 100,000
Ascension grips Ascension grips 100,000
Celestial handwraps Celestial handwraps 100,000
Razorback gauntlets Razorback gauntlets 100,000
Primeval Mask Primeval Mask 100,000[notes 1]
Primeval robe top Primeval robe top 100,000[notes 1]
Primeval robe legs Primeval robe legs 100,000[notes 1]
Primeval Gloves Primeval Gloves 100,000[notes 1]
Primeval Boots Primeval Boots 100,000[notes 1]
Tempest Cowl Tempest Cowl 100,000[notes 1]
Tempest Body Tempest Body 100,000[notes 1]
Tempest Chaps Tempest Chaps 100,000[notes 1]
Tempest Gloves Tempest Gloves 100,000[notes 1]
Tempest Boots Tempest Boots 100,000[notes 1]
Teralith Helmet Teralith Helmet 100,000[notes 1]
Teralith Cuirass Teralith Cuirass 100,000[notes 1]
Teralith Leggings Teralith Leggings 100,000[notes 1]
Teralith Gauntlets Teralith Gauntlets 100,000[notes 1]
Teralith Boots Teralith Boots 100,000[notes 1]
  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Raids gear does not degrade when used against raids bosses.

Augmented degrade-to-dust items[]

Augmented tier 85 and 90 power armour (refined anima core, tectonic, sirenic, malevolent) can be augmented using Invention. Unlike normal augmented items, they degrade in exactly the same way their unaugmented variants, and don't use the universal Invention charge pack.

They can be trained and siphoned as normal while the item has charges remaining. Once the charges run out, the item will retain its bonuses until it reaches level 10, where it becomes tier 1 and can only be disassembled. Additionally, the augmented refined anima core items return the unaugmented base anima core item when disassembled (i.e. the Augmented Refined Anima Core Body of Zaros returns the Anima Core Body of Zaros).

Item Charges Returns when disassembled
Augmented Refined Anima Core Body of Seren Augmented Refined Anima Core Body of Seren 100,000 Anima Core body of Seren
Augmented Refined Anima Core Legs of Seren Augmented Refined Anima Core Legs of Seren 100,000 Anima Core legs of Seren
Augmented Refined Anima Core Body of Sliske Augmented Refined Anima Core Body of Sliske 100,000 Anima Core body of Sliske
Augmented Refined Anima Core Legs of Sliske Augmented Refined Anima Core Legs of Sliske 100,000 Anima Core legs of Sliske
Augmented Refined Anima Core Body of Zamorak Augmented Refined Anima Core Body of Zamorak 100,000 Anima Core body of Zamorak
Augmented Refined Anima Core Legs of Zamorak Augmented Refined Anima Core Legs of Zamorak 100,000 Anima Core legs of Zamorak
Augmented Refined Anima Core Body of Zaros Augmented Refined Anima Core Body of Zaros 100,000 Anima Core Body of Zaros
Augmented Refined Anima Core Legs of Zaros Augmented Refined Anima Core Legs of Zaros 100,000 Anima Core Legs of Zaros
Augmented malevolent cuirass Augmented malevolent cuirass 100,000
Augmented malevolent greaves Augmented malevolent greaves 100,000
Augmented sirenic hauberk Augmented sirenic hauberk 100,000
Augmented sirenic chaps Augmented sirenic chaps 100,000
Augmented tectonic robe top Augmented tectonic robe top 100,000
Augmented tectonic robe bottom Augmented tectonic robe bottom 100,000

Augmented dyed degrade-to-dust items[]

Much like the above section augmented dyed degrade-to-dust sets (malevolent, tectonic, and sirenic sets dyed with barrows, shadow, third-age, or blood dye) use the degrade system of the parent items and do not use the Invention charge pack system. Unlike the above, when the charges completely deplete, they revert to their broken, unaugmented parent item. They can then be repaired with the relevant material and re-augmented with a new augmentor.

Augmented dyed weapons use the normal Invention charge pack system.

Item Charges
Augmented Malevolent cuirass (barrows) Augmented Malevolent cuirass (barrows) 100,000
Augmented Malevolent cuirass (shadow) Augmented Malevolent cuirass (shadow) 100,000
Augmented Malevolent cuirass (Third Age) Augmented Malevolent cuirass (Third Age) 100,000
Augmented Malevolent cuirass (blood) Augmented Malevolent cuirass (blood) 100,000
Augmented Malevolent greaves (barrows) Augmented Malevolent greaves (barrows) 100,000
Augmented Malevolent greaves (shadow) Augmented Malevolent greaves (shadow) 100,000
Augmented Malevolent greaves (Third Age) Augmented Malevolent greaves (Third Age) 100,000
Augmented Malevolent greaves (blood) Augmented Malevolent greaves (blood) 100,000
Augmented Tectonic robe top (barrows) Augmented Tectonic robe top (barrows) 100,000
Augmented Tectonic robe top (shadow) Augmented Tectonic robe top (shadow) 100,000
Augmented Tectonic robe top (Third Age) Augmented Tectonic robe top (Third Age) 100,000
Augmented Tectonic robe top (blood) Augmented Tectonic robe top (blood) 100,000
Augmented Tectonic robe bottom (barrows) Augmented Tectonic robe bottom (barrows) 100,000
Augmented Tectonic robe bottom (shadow) Augmented Tectonic robe bottom (shadow) 100,000
Augmented Tectonic robe bottom (Third Age) Augmented Tectonic robe bottom (Third Age) 100,000
Augmented Tectonic robe bottom (blood) Augmented Tectonic robe bottom (blood) 100,000
Augmented Sirenic hauberk (barrows) Augmented Sirenic hauberk (barrows) 100,000
Augmented Sirenic hauberk (shadow) Augmented Sirenic hauberk (shadow) 100,000
Augmented Sirenic hauberk (Third Age) Augmented Sirenic hauberk (Third Age) 100,000
Augmented Sirenic hauberk (blood) Augmented Sirenic hauberk (blood) 100,000
Augmented Sirenic chaps (barrows) Augmented Sirenic chaps (barrows) 100,000
Augmented Sirenic chaps (shadow) Augmented Sirenic chaps (shadow) 100,000
Augmented Sirenic chaps (Third Age) Augmented Sirenic chaps (Third Age) 100,000
Augmented Sirenic chaps (blood) Augmented Sirenic chaps (blood) 100,000

Dominion Tower gloves[]

Goliath, swift, and spellcaster gloves are all obtainable in the Dominion Tower. All three sets only degrade when hit by a damaging attack - hits dealt (abilities or otherwise), and blocked hits (shield hitsplats) do not degrade the gloves. This means they generally last longer than their charge amount suggests.

Item Charges
Goliath gloves (black) Goliath gloves (black) 15,000
Goliath gloves (red) Goliath gloves (red) 15,000
Goliath gloves (white) Goliath gloves (white) 15,000
Goliath gloves (yellow) Goliath gloves (yellow) 15,000
Spellcaster gloves (black) Spellcaster gloves (black) 15,000
Spellcaster gloves (red) Spellcaster gloves (red) 15,000
Spellcaster gloves (white) Spellcaster gloves (white) 15,000
Spellcaster gloves (yellow) Spellcaster gloves (yellow) 15,000
Swift gloves (black) Swift gloves (black) 15,000
Swift gloves (red) Swift gloves (red) 15,000
Swift gloves (white) Swift gloves (white) 15,000
Swift gloves (yellow) Swift gloves (yellow) 15,000


The following items degrade to dust, but the number of charges are not verified. Based on the time factor given, it is most likely 6,000.

Item Charges
Morrigan's coif Morrigan's coif ?
Morrigan's leather body Morrigan's leather body ?
Morrigan's leather chaps Morrigan's leather chaps ?
Statius's full helm Statius's full helm ?
Statius's platebody Statius's platebody ?
Statius's platelegs Statius's platelegs ?
Statius's warhammer Statius's warhammer ?
Vesta's chainbody Vesta's chainbody ?
Vesta's longsword Vesta's longsword ?
Vesta's plateskirt Vesta's plateskirt ?
Vesta's spear Vesta's spear ?
Zuriel's hood Zuriel's hood ?
Zuriel's robe bottom Zuriel's robe bottom ?
Zuriel's robe top Zuriel's robe top ?
Zuriel's staff Zuriel's staff ?