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This article is about the quest reward. For the quest item, see Expensive spices (Let Them Eat Pie).

Expensive spices detail

Expensive spices is a necklace rewarded from the Let Them Eat Pie quest. The special ability of this necklace allows an extra 50 life points restored for every piece of food eaten. The necklace does not need to be equipped for the special ability to work, it only needs to be in a player's inventory. This necklace does not work with restorative items, such as Saradomin brews, beer, or purple sweets, as they have restorative effects as well as healing effects.

The item is always kept on death. If lost a spare one can be received by talking to Nails Newton in Taverley near the lodestone.

Combat Stats
RequirementsExpensive spices equipped
NoneNeck slot
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses


To determine if the necklace is worth carrying in an inventory slot, here are three equations:

  • Life points restore without necklace =
  • Life points restore with necklace worn =
  • Life points restore with necklace in inventory =


is number of inventory spaces available for food
is life points restored by the food players plan on bringing with them.

This effect will work on every bite of food, e.g. it will heal an additional 100 life points for any pies, it also work with the stackable magnetic minnow. For baron shark and juju gumbo, this increases the amount healed by 50 only once for the initial bite and has no effect on the heal over time effect; therefore, eating a baron shark with the necklace would heal 2,050 life points, followed by 50 life points every second for 10 seconds.

One more suggestion is to use this item with the bones to peaches or bones to bananas spells, as over time, the extra life will become worth the item slot. This is very useful on long trips to aviansie, ankou, or bloodveld.

This table displays the number of food items a player must be carrying for it to be worth taking the expensive spices in an inventory slot over just bringing another piece of food:

Fish Number





with necklace

Magnetic minnow Magnetic minnow - 100 150
Trout Trout 9 375 425
Salmon Salmon 14 625 675
Tuna Tuna 16 750 800
Lobster Lobster 25 1200 1250
Cake Cake 8 999 1149
Chocolate cake Chocolate cake 10 1248 1398
Swordfish Swordfish 29 1400 1450
Desert sole Desert sole 30 1450 1500
Catfish Catfish 31 1500 1550
Monkfish Monkfish 33 1600 1650
Beltfish Beltfish 34 1650 1700
Shark Shark 41 2000 2050
Great white shark Great white shark 43 2100 2150
Rocktail Rocktail 47 2300 2350
Blue blubber jellyfish Blue blubber jellyfish 16 2250 2400
Sailfish Sailfish 49 2400 2450
Summer pie Summer pie 25 2374 2474
Rocktail soup Rocktail soup 51 2500 2550
Sailfish soup Sailfish soup 53 2600 2650

These numbers do not include the necklace itself e.g. players must bring 32 monkfish & necklace to equal having 33 monkfish - both heal a total of 52,800 life points.

A general rule is to divide the number of life points restored by a food item by 50 and then add 1 to find when spices should be brought. Using food that is consumed in multiple bites like cakes and pies do not follow this rule.

This does not take into account things like the decreased cost of the food and the ability to heal more per click which can be particularly useful in hard fights, such as against bosses or other players.


  • Items with multiple bites gain the most from the necklace. A cake normally heals a total of 999 in three bites but will heal 1149 with the necklace. A chocolate cake normally heals a total of 1,248 in three bites but will heal 1,398 with the necklace. However, if a lot of healing may be needed in a short time, a cake with its three bites may take too long to be useful.
  • Expensive spices don't provide a life point bonus to the cornucopia.
  • In the Rewards menu, the Expensive spices is referred to as Spice pouch, and is labelled to give +10 healing, instead of the actual +50.