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Exploration is a category of achievements that was released on 18 April 2017.


Achievements in this category[]

There are 500 achievements in this category (not counting subcategories).

# Name Members Description RuneScore
1 Ardougne Set Tasks - Easy Yes Given by Doctor Orbon in Ardougne Church for completing all Easy Tasks in Ardougne. 5
2 Ardougne Set Tasks - Medium Yes Given by the town crier in East Ardougne's market for completing all Medium Tasks in Ardougne. 10
3 Ardougne Set Tasks - Hard Yes Given by Aleck in Yanille for completing all Hard Tasks in Ardougne. 15
4 Ardougne Set Tasks - Elite Yes Given by Aleck in Yanille for completing all Elite Tasks in Ardougne. 25
5 Desert Set Tasks - Easy Yes Given by Grand Visier Hassan in Al Kharid Palace for completing all Easy Tasks in the Kharidian Desert. 5
6 Desert Set Tasks - Medium Yes Given by Zahur in Nardah for completing all Medium Tasks in the Kharidian Desert. 10
7 Desert Set Tasks - Hard Yes Given by Ali the Mayor in Pollnivneach for completing all Hard Tasks in the Kharidian Desert. 15
8 Desert Set Tasks - Elite Yes Given by Golem in Uzer for completing all Elite Tasks in the Kharidian desert. 25
9 Daemonheim Set Tasks - Easy Yes Given by Drangund, the Dungeoneering Tutor, in the camp for completing all Easy Tasks in Daemonheim. 5
10 Daemonheim Set Tasks - Medium Yes Given by Marmaros, the Rewards Trader, in the camp for completing all Medium Tasks in Daemonheim. 10
11 Daemonheim Set Tasks - Hard Yes Given by Talsar in the camp for completing all Hard Tasks in Daemonheim. 15
42 Varrock Set Tasks - Easy Yes Given by Rat Burgiss south of Varrock for completing all Easy Tasks in Varrock. 5
12 Daemonheim Set Tasks - Elite Yes Given by Thok in the camp for completing all Elite Tasks in Daemonheim. 25
43 Varrock Set Tasks - Medium Yes Given by Reldo in Varrock Palace's library for completing all Medium Tasks in Varrock. 10
13 Falador Set Tasks - Easy Yes Given by in for completing all Easy Tasks in Falador. 5
14 Falador Set Tasks - Medium Yes Given by the chemist in Rimmington for completing all Medium Tasks in Falador. 10
15 Falador Set Tasks - Hard Yes Given by Sir Vyvin's squire in Falador Castle for completing all Hard Tasks in Falador. 15
16 Falador Set Tasks - Elite Yes Given by Sir Vyvin's squire in Falador Castle for completing all Elite Tasks in Falador. 25
17 Fremennik Set Tasks - Easy Yes Given by the council workman on the bridge south of Rellekka for completing all Easy Tasks in the Fremennik Province. 5
18 Fremennik Set Tasks - Medium Yes Given by Yrsa in Rellekka for completing all Medium Tasks in the Fremennik Province. 10
19 Fremennik Set Tasks - Hard Yes Given by Advisor Ghrim in Miscellania for completing all Hard Tasks in the Fremennik Province. 15
20 Fremennik Set Tasks - Elite Yes Given by Advisor Ghrim in Miscellania for completing all Elite Tasks in the Fremennik Province. 25
21 Karamja Set Tasks - Easy Yes Given by Pirate Jackie the Fruit outside Brimhaven Agility Arena for completing all Easy Tasks in Karamja. 5
22 Karamja Set Tasks - Medium Yes Given by Kaleb Paramaya in Shilo Village for completing all Medium Tasks in Karamja. 10
23 Karamja Set Tasks - Hard Yes Given by any jungle forester north of the Kharazi Jungle for completing all Hard Tasks in Karamja. 15
24 Karamja Set Tasks - Elite Yes Given by any jungle forester north of the Kharazi Jungle for completing all Elite Tasks in Karamja. 25
25 Lumbridge Set Tasks - Beginner Yes Given by Explorer Jack in Lumbridge for completing all Beginner Tasks in Lumbridge. 5
26 Lumbridge Set Tasks - Easy Yes Given by Bob, the axe seller in Lumbridge, for completing all Easy Tasks in Lumbridge. 5
27 Lumbridge Set Tasks - Medium Yes Given by Ned in Draynor Village for completing all Medium Tasks in Lumbridge. 10
28 Lumbridge Set Tasks - Hard No Given by Ned in Draynor Village for completing all Hard Tasks in Lumbridge. 15
29 Menaphos Pyramid Scheme Yes Complete all achievements within Menaphos. 50
34 Seers' Village Set Tasks - Easy Yes Given by any seer in Seers' Village for completing all Easy Tasks in Seers' Village. 5
46 Wilderness Set Tasks - Easy Yes Given by Mr Ex, north of Edgeville bank, for completing all Easy Tasks in the Wilderness. 5
35 Seers' Village Set Tasks - Medium Yes Given by Stankers at the coal mine west of Seers' Village for completing all Medium Tasks in Seers' Village. 10
47 Wilderness Set Tasks - Medium Yes Given by Mandrith, in Edgeville bank, for completing all Medium Tasks in the Wilderness. 10
36 Seers' Village Set Tasks - Hard Yes Given by Sir Kay in Camelot for completing all Hard Tasks in Seers' Village. 15
37 Seers' Village Set Tasks - Elite Yes Given by Sir Kay in Camelot for completing all Elite Tasks in Seers' Village. 25
44 Varrock Set Tasks - Hard Yes Given by Vannaka in Edgeville Dungeon for completing all Hard Tasks in Varrock. 15
45 Varrock Set Tasks - Elite Yes Given by Vannaka in Edgeville Dungeon for completing all Elite Tasks in Varrock. 25
48 Wilderness Set Tasks - Hard Yes Given by Quercus, at the ditch north of the Grand Exchange, for completing all Hard Tasks in the Wilderness. 15
49 Wilderness Set Tasks - Elite Yes Given by Kolodion, in the Mage Arena bank, for completing all Elite Tasks in the Wilderness. 25
50 New Varrock Set Tasks - Easy Yes Given by Tiny Zemouregal in New Varrock square for completing all Easy Tasks in New Varrock. 5
51 New Varrock Set Tasks - Medium Yes Given by Tiny Zemouregal in New Varrock square for completing all Medium Tasks in New Varrock. 10
52 New Varrock Set Tasks - Hard Yes Given by Tiny Zemouregal in New Varrock square for completing all Hard Tasks in New Varrock. 15
53 New Varrock Set Tasks - Elite Yes Given by Tiny Zemouregal in New Varrock square for completing all Elite Tasks in New Varrock. 25
55 Arc - Salty Yes Fully explore what the Arc has to offer. 30
54 Wushanko Isles: The Arc Yes Complete the Arc journal. 50
2 Hide and Seek Yes Tan a zombie cowhide. 5
8 Wet and Wildy No Use a waka canoe to travel to the Wilderness. 10
2 Orbful Yes Craft and wield a spiritbloom orb. 25
2 Chaosteo Yes Offer some bones on the Chaos Altar in level 12 Wilderness. 5
13 Take Your Pick No Mine some copper in the mining spot to the south-east of Lumbridge Swamp. 5
5 Gods, Give Me Strength No Pray at Lumbridge church's altar with the Mystic Might prayer enabled. 15
1 Double-strength Weaksauce No Have the apothecary in Varrock make you a strength potion. 10
2 Champion! No Enter the Champions' Guild. 10
3 What Lies Below? Yes Take the Dagon-hai shortcut to the Chaos Altar. 10
4 With a Ten-foot Pole Yes Get a full complement of rats on your rat pole. 10
6 Repressed No Deposit 50 cursed memories at the cursed Divination energy rift. 5
5 Notatrivialtask No Persuade Noterazzo in the Bandit Camp to show you his goods. 10
10 Doyouthinkhesaurus Yes Catch a Black Salamander near the Boneyard. 10
26 Seagullible Yes Earn tier 10 reputation with the ports faction. 40
1 Birds of the Arc Yes Discover all the Arc birds. 25
5 Can't Make an Omelette No Escape from the spider lair in Varrock's sewers with some red spider eggs. 10
7 Unlocking Your Emotions No Perform the four emotes from the Stronghold of Security. 10
8 A Lick of Paint Yes Select a colour for a new kitten. 10
10 You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry Yes Enter the A Soul's Bane rift. 10
11 Return to Senntisten Yes Teleport to the Digsite using a digsite pendant. 10
12 Promised the Earth No Enchant an earth tiara on the Earth altar. 10
13 Royale With Thieve Yes Pickpocket a guard in the Varrock Palace's courtyard. 10
14 Like a Varrocket No Cast the Varrock Teleport spell. 10
15 Challenge Vannaka Yes Get a Slayer task from Vannaka. 10
3 Berries of the Arc Yes Discover all the Arc berries. 25
4 Kami Spirits of the Arc Yes Discover all the Arc kami spirits. 25
5 Castaways of the Arc Yes Discover all the Arc castaways. 25
1 Hand Exchange Yes Pickpocket one of New Varrock's many zombie inhabitants. 5
18 Engage Yes Use the hot-air balloon to travel from Varrock to somewhere else. 10
19 Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! No Get a cat training medal from Gertrude. 10
20 Dial V For Varrock Yes Dial to the fairy ring west of Varrock. 10
21 The Body Shop No Browse through Oziach's Armour Shop. 10
2 Essential Facilitator No Have Aubury teleport you to the Rune Essence mine. 5
4 Plank You Very Much Yes Make a plank at the sawmill. 5
3 Doing the Ironing No Mine some iron ore in the mining spot south-east of Varrock. 5
6 Jumping-off Point Yes Jump over the fence south of Varrock. 5
7 Lumbering Around No Chop down a dying tree in the Lumber Yard. 5
8 Read All About It No Buy a copy of the Varrock Herald. 5
9 Dog and Bone No Give a bone to one of Varrock's stray dogs (or to your pet stray dog if you have one). 5
10 Pot Stop No Make a bowl on the potter's wheel then fire it in the pottery oven, all in Barbarian Village. 5
11 On the Ragged Edge No Enter Edgeville Dungeon using the entrance to the south of Edgeville. 5
12 Relocation, Relocation, Relocation Yes Move your player-owned house portal by talking to the Varrock estate agent. 5
13 It Belongs in a Museum Yes Speak to Haig Halen after obtaining at least 50 Kudos. 5
14 Journey to the Centre of the Earth Altar No Enter the Earth Altar using an earth tiara or talisman. 5
6 Hail to the Duke, Baby No Speak to Horacio, the Duke of Lumbridge. 5
2 Doom! No Speak with the Doomsayer about the Warning System. 5
22 Just Add Water No Make some soft clay. 5
23 Very Potter No Make a pot on a potter's wheel. 5
17 Beware of Pigzilla No Visit Draynor Village market. 5
12 The Rules of Engagement No Find out about the Rules of Conduct from the town crier in Draynor. 5
16 Tower Power No Climb to the top of the Wizards' Tower. 5
3 Shrimpin' Ain't Easy No Catch some shrimp in the fishing spot to the east of Lumbridge Swamp. 5
1 A Grave Consideration No Look through Father Aereck's selection of gravestones. 5
20 The Fruit of the Sea No Sell a raw shrimp to Lumbridge's fishing shop. 5
14 Ring My Bell No Ring the bell in Lumbridge's church. 5
7 Window Shopping No Browse the Lumbridge's general store. 5
8 Grinding My Gears No Grind some flour in Lumbridge's mill. 5
19 Iron On No Mine some iron ore from the Al Kharid mining spot. 5
1 And It Was THIS Big! No Catch a pike in the river to the east of Lumbridge Castle. 5
3 Belter of a Smelter No Smelt a steel bar in the furnace in Lumbridge. 5
10 Arc - Flippers Yes Convince Flippers McGraw in the Port Sarim pub to join your crew. 5
14 Arc - Rewards Yes Collect your rewards for completing all Arc collections. 5
10 You Doity Rat No Kill a giant rat in Lumbridge Swamp. 5
11 It Was Dead Already! No Cut down a tree in Lumbridge Swamp. 5
9 Nowt Tool Look At No Search the shed in Lumbridge Swamp. 5
12 Camping Trip No Light a campfire using standard logs in Lumbridge Swamp. 5
4 Come In Here and Say That No Taunt the lesser demon in the Wizards' Tower. 5
14 What Is This Place? No Have Sedridor teleport you to the Rune Essence Mine. 5
15 Money Down the Drayn No Access the bank in Draynor Village. 5
12 Arc - Upgrading All of the Waiko Yes Purchase all tiers of upgrades in the Waiko reward shop. 30
11 Arc - Unlocking More Waiko Yes Purchase additional unlocks from the Waiko reward shop. 30
7 Eye on the Prize No Discover what the Wise Old Man is watching through his telescope. 5
2 Draaaaaiiiiiins... No Defeat a zombie in the sewers under the jailhouse. 5
6 Steel Justice No Smith a steel longsword on the anvil in the jailhouse sewers. 10
8 Willow the Wisp of Smoke No Light a willow log fire on top of the Lumbridge Castle's gatehouse. 10
2 A Meal Fit For a Duke No Cook a lobster on the range in Lumbridge Castle's kitchen. 10
4 Weeping Willow No Cut a willow tree east of Lumbridge Castle. 10
11 One Day, You Shall Be a Fork No Smelt a silver bar in the furnace in Lumbridge. 10
12 Made to Order No Craft a holy symbol in the furnace in Lumbridge. 10
3 Lovely With a Squeeze of Lemon No Catch a salmon in the river to the east of Lumbridge Castle. 10
10 Hi Ho, Silver No Mine some silver from the mining spot north of Al Kharid. 10
1 Everybody Loves Coal! No Mine some coal in the mining spot south-west of Lumbridge Swamp. 10
1 A Body in the Sewers No Smith a mithril platebody on the anvil in the jailhouse sewers. 15
2 Building Up Strength No Create an amulet of strength, performing each step in Lumbridge. 15
4 Blast and Hellfire No Cast Fire Blast at a training dummy in the Combat Academy in Lumbridge. 15
7 Are Yew As Fired Up As I Am? No Burn a yew log on the east gatehouse of Lumbridge Castle. 15
16 Artisan Crafting No Create a clay ring. 5
1 Cat's Bane Yes Do something to deal with New Varrock's stray cat problem. 10
2 The Good Stuff No Buy a stat-boosting beer from a waitress in the Rising Sun tavern. 5
3 Chain Store No Buy a black chainbody from Wayne's Chains, and try it on in the shop. 5
4 Sir Mitt No Climb to the top of the White Knights' Castle. 5
5 Family Values Yes Discover your family crest from Sir Renitee. 5
6 Sniffing Out the Mole No Enter the mole's lair under Falador Park. 5
8 Fill Yer Bucket No Fill a bucket from the pump north of the west Falador bank. 5
9 Elementary Medicine Yes Heal an elemental wizard by casting an appropriate elemental spell on him. 5
10 It's Not Wabbit Season Yes Kill a duck in Falador Park. 5
11 Stand and Deliver No Kill a highwayman on the road south of Falador. 5
15 Going Along With the 'Fro No Talk to Party Pete. 5
14 Disarm and Embark Yes Take the boat to Entrana. 5
1 Fruit of the Loom Yes Craft a fruit basket using the loom at the farm north of Port Sarim. 10
2 Is It So Hard to Walk Round? Yes Crawl under Falador's south wall. 10
4 Climbing the Walls Yes Grapple up, then jump off the north Falador wall. 10
5 It's Nothing Personal Yes Increase your reputation with the White Knights by killing a Black Knight. 10
6 Ice the Icy No Kill an ice giant in the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon. 10
8 They Have Families to Feed Yes Pickpocket a Falador guard. 10
9 Stoic Sweetcorn Guardian Yes Plant a scarecrow to protect your sweetcorn as it grows in the patch north of Port Sarim. 10
6 Arc I - Flag Fall Yes Complete the 'Flag Fall' miniquest. 10
7 Arc II - Head of the Family Yes Complete the 'Head of the Family' miniquest. 10
8 Arc III - Spiritual Enlightenment Yes Complete the 'Spiritual Enlightenment' miniquest. 10
9 Arc IV - Jed Hunter Yes Complete the 'Jed Hunter' miniquest. 10
15 Arc V - Eye for an Eye Yes Complete the 'Eye for an Eye' miniquest. 10
17 Arc VII - Tuai Leit's Own Yes Complete the 'Tuai Leit's Own' miniquest. 10
3 Pick One Yes Use a lockpick to open any ONE of New Varrock's treasure chests. 5
5 Trade Parade Yes Sell something to one of New Varrock's many shops. 5
12 Look Spiffy For Tiffy Yes Salute Sir Tiffy Cashien while wearing full initiate armour. 10
10 Do They Come in Other Colours? Yes Smith blurite crossbow limbs on Thurgo's anvil 10
3 These Aren't the Coins You're Looking For Yes Travel to Musa Point from Port Sarim for free (with a little help from Charos). 10
10 A Knight in the Darkness Yes Ascend the Dark Wizards' Tower while wearing full proselyte armour. 15
4 It Spoiled My View Yes Cut down a yew tree or a magic tree that you grew in Falador Park. 15
18 Arc VIII - Ghosts from the Past Yes Complete the 'Ghosts from the Past' miniquest. 10
19 Arc IX - Damage Control Yes Complete the 'Damage Control' miniquest. 10
20 Arc X - Final Destination Yes Complete the 'Final Destination' miniquest. 20
13 Arc - Ancient Eastern Tortle Portals Yes Activate all tortle portals on The Islands That Once Were Turtles. (X/3) 10
4 Ready, Deady, Cook Yes Cook some meat from an undead source (cow or chicken). 5
2 They Had a Gudrun Yes Find a way to silence Romeo, in Zemouregal's Study. 10
3 Pick Half Yes Use a lockpick to open HALF of New Varrock's treasure chests. 10
4 Scrying Game Yes Use Zemouregal's scrying pool to spy on the citizens of New Varrock. 10
2 Micro Brew Yes Whip up a batch of 'Zemouregal brew' for Tiny Zemouregal. 15
3 Pick All Yes Use a lockpick to open ALL of New Varrock's treasure chests. 15
4 South AND West Side Story Yes Infiltrate both the Black Arm Gang AND the Phoenix Gang in New Varrock. 15
1 Dark Imperator-ment Yes At the Loarnab museum exhibit, re-enact an event from your own history. 25
2 Guard is Dead Yes Defeat a New Varrock guard. 25
1 It Matches My Eyes Yes Dye a cape pink with pink dye from Betty in Port Sarim. 15
5 The Stonemasons Yes Enter the Mining Guild 15
7 The Mogre Mash Yes Kill a mogre at Mudskipper Point. 15
8 Why Oh Wyvern Yes Kill a skeletal wyvern in the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon. 15
1 When This Cavern's Rockin'... Yes Catch a rocktail in the Living Rock Caverns. 25
2 ...You'd Best Come A-cookin' Yes Cook a rocktail on a range in the Falador area. 25
6 A String and a Flare Yes Cast the String Jewellery spell while standing at the furnace in Falador. 25
3 Steel, Stud or Silk Salute Yes Perform the Salute emote in New Varrock while wearing level 20 armour. 25
21 Are You Being Served? Yes Talk to the chief servant at the servants' guild to find out about servants for your house. 5
23 They're Long and Pointy Yes Talk to Tindel Marchant about identifying swords on Kandarin's east coast. 5
6 What, a Melon? Yes Pick watermelons from the Farming patch north of Ardougne. 10
16 Are You Chicken? Yes Kill a swordchick in the Tower of Life. 10
15 Jackanory Yes Have Elsie tell you a story. 5
3 Have Your Cake and Eat It No Cook a chocolate cake from scratch in Lumbridge Castle's kitchen. 15
9 Where's The Beef? No Get Beefy Bill to bank something for you. 10
17 Sherpa's Delight No Catch a trout in the river to the east of Barbarian Village. 5
16 Limey Yes Mine some limestone near Paterdomus, the temple to the east of Varrock. 5
19 Stick the Knife In No Venture through the cobwebbed corridor in Varrock sewers. 5
1 The Essence of Magic Yes Have Wizard Cromperty teleport you to the essence mine. 5
2 Yoink! Yes Attempt to steal from any stall in Ardougne Market, or from any guard. 5
3 Silky Smooth Yes Sell silk to the silk trader in Ardougne for 60gp each by haggling. 5
4 Preaching to the Infected Yes Use the altar in West Ardougne's church. 5
20 Casting a Shadow Yes Throw a blissful shadow core into the Amlodd crater. 15
1 Assassin's Feed Yes Eagle-dive into a hay cart after completing Diamond in the Rough. 5
2 Touring Gear Yes Equip a full set of desert clothing while standing in the desert. 5
3 Memento Mori No View the Duel Arena scoreboard. 5
5 Don't You Dare Close Your Eyes Yes Use any of the magic carpets in the desert 5
5 Playing the Waiting Game Yes Enter the Castle Wars waiting room. 5
8 A Cat is For Life... Yes Talk to a civilian in West Ardougne about selling a cat. 5
9 Creator and Destroyer Yes Kill a unicow in the Tower of Life. 5
10 Red Revolution Yes Get a civilian to throw a tomato at the army recruiter in West Ardougne. 5
11 Going on a Summer Holiday Yes Sail from East Ardougne to Karamja. 5
14 A Gift from Khazard Yes Use the Summoning obelisk to the east of the Fight Arena. 5
16 Vial Deeds Yes Buy a water-filled vial from the general store run by Aemad and Kortan. 5
9 Seems Legit Yes Obtain five artefacts from Pyramid Plunder and sell them to Simon in one go. 5
10 Extra Cheese Yes Exchange pizazz points at the Mage Training Arena. 5
12 Wiggle Room No Perform the troubadour dance emote near the dancers outside the Citharede Abbey. 5
1 Faster than a Speeding Bullet Yes Ride an eagle to the desert (use a rope on Desert Eagle). 10
2 So Su Me Yes Solve an easy runedoku casket (Choose "examine lock" option rather than force or pick lock). 10
3 A Bridge Not Far Yes Cross the River Lum using a crossbow. 10
4 Heathen Idle Yes Pray at the Elidinis statuette in Nardah. 10
17 Star Seeker Yes Use the noticeboard near the Observatory to gather information about shooting stars. 5
18 Dukes of Khazard Yes Kill something on the Khazard Battlefield. 5
19 Don't Eat the Pointy Bit Yes Buy a skewered kebab from the Poison Arrow pub. 5
20 Bargain Hunter Yes View the Hunter equipment in Aleck's shop in Yanille. 5
22 No Time to Lose Yes Use a ring of duelling to teleport to Castle Wars. 5
1 A Visit to Charlie Yes Enter the Unicorn pen in Ardougne Zoo using the Fairy Rings. 10
7 Ardougne Express Yes Cast the Ardougne Teleport spell. 10
8 Taken for Granite Yes Mine granite at the quarry south of the Bandit Camp. 10
9 Unbeetleable Yes Create a spirit kalphite pouch at the obelisk south west of Pollnivneach. 10
4 Ug Thankee Kindly Yes Make an ugthanki kebab from raw ingredients in Nardah. 15
8 Arriving in Style Yes Travel to Castle Wars by hot-air balloon. 10
9 By the Bucketload Yes Claim buckets of sand from Bert in Yanille. 10
10 Meeting History, Again Yes After Meeting History, return to the past and talk to Sarah about Herblore. 10
11 Fearless Fishing Yes Catch a fish at the Fishing Platform using either a net or rod. 10
13 Green Fingers Yes Pickpocket the master farmer north of Ardougne. 10
14 A Natural Thief Yes Attempt to steal a nature rune from a chest in Ardougne. 10
15 The Coal Train Yes Mine some coal from the rocks east of Ardougne. 10
2 Shadow Boxing Yes Kill a shadow warrior in the Legends' Guild basement. 15
3 Just Like That Yes Enter the Magic Guild in Yanille. 15
12 Security through Obscurity Yes Use the deposit chest near the Bedabin Camp. 15
8 Say It, Don't Spray It Yes Hear one of Al the Camel's poems using a fully featured cramulet. 15
14 Open Sesame Yes Enter the Al Kharid Resource dungeon. 15
5 Nipped in the Bug Yes Use a dreadnip on the Kalphite Queen. 15
11 Ludikeris Yes Kill a scarab mage, locust rider or kalphite with the Keris dagger. 15
7 Enaqua Yes Fill a waterskin from the fountain of Enakhra's Temple. 15
6 Drafty in Here Yes Kill a dust devil in the Smoke Dungeon. 15
9 1001 Kharidian Spikes Yes Harvest spines from a cactus you grew yourself. 15
4 Nice View Yes Use the portal in the Magic Guild to teleport to Thormac's tower. 15
5 You're the Dirty Rascal Yes Be on the winning side in a game of Castle Wars. 15
7 Not on My Watch Yes Pickpocket a watchman in Yanille while wearing gloves of silence. 15
8 It Just Croaked Yes Kill a frogeel in the Tower of Life. 15
9 Get Your Stinking Hands Off Me Yes Have a zookeeper put you in Ardougne Zoo's monkey cage. 15
10 Vine-detta Yes Kill your own Wild jade vine after the Back to my Roots quest. 15
11 Living on a Prayer Yes Use the Air Guitar emote near the musician southeast of the monastery south of Ardougne. 15
12 Who Wants to Watch the Watchtower? Yes Cast the Watchtower Teleport spell 15
4 A, B, Cithara Yes Play the Holy Cithara while standing in the Citharede Abbey. 25
5 Ankle Support Yes Wear the ankh and the Scabaras mask while in the desert. 25
2 Room Service Yes Open the sarcophagus in the final room of Pyramid Plunder. 25
1 Staff on Stryke Yes Kill a Desert strykewyrm wearing a full slayer helmet and wielding an ancient staff. 25
16 A Flicker in Darkness Yes Use a crater to convert a memory of tier 2 or higher to energy. 5
10 A Road Less Travelled No Pass the guards guarding the Wilderness entrance. 5
7 Change of a Dress No Switch to another bind loadout. 5
13 Fashion Victim No Wear a full suit of any tier 1 armour (helm, body, legs, boots, gloves). 5
14 It's My Newt Yes Catch a red salamander from the Hunter area outside of Ourania Altar. 15
15 A Taste of the Exotic Yes Pick a papaya or coconut from the fruit tree patch near Tree Gnome Village. 15
16 Blood Bank Withdrawal Yes Attempt to steal blood runes from the chest in the Chaos Druid Tower's dungeon. 15
17 Artillery Strike Yes Use a catapult in a Castle Wars game after gaining the knowledge from the Catapult Construction quest. 15
1 Catching Some Rays Yes Catch a manta ray in the Fishing Trawler activity. 25


1 Catching Some Rays (Ironman) Yes Successfully cook a rocktail on the Witchaven dock. 25


2 Abyssal Valet Yes Have an abyssal titan familiar hold essence for you while runecrafting at Ourania Altar. 25
3 You Could Just Knock Yes Attempt to picklock the door to the basement in Yanille Agility Dungeon. 25
11 Invisible Ink No Use a ring of kinship on a fire within a dungeon. 5
2 It's Dangerous to go Alone No Complete a dungeon in a team of more than 1. 5


2 It's Dangerous to go Alone (Ironman) No Complete a medium dungeon in complexity mode 6. 5


1 Setting Up No Make a full suit of tier 1 armour (helm, body, legs, boots, gloves). 5
14 Sinking Fast Yes Complete a sinkhole. 5
6 Take It From the Top No Reset your current floor progress. 5
15 Tales of Old No Complete a Fremennik Saga (abridged or unabridged) after talking to Skaldrun. 5
4 The Lone Dungeoneer No Complete a dungeon, solo. 5
9 You're Not the Boss of Me No Defeat the boss on floor 1, solo. 5
28 Squishing Level I Yes Squish a corrupted scarab. 5
29 Squishing Level II Yes Squish 10 corrupted scarabs. (X/10) 10
30 Squishing Level III Yes Squish 50 corrupted scarabs. (X/50) 15
31 Squishing Level IV Yes Squish 100 corrupted scarabs. (X/100) 20
32 Squishing Level V Yes Squish 200 corrupted scarabs. (X/200) 25
13 'Phite For Your Right I Yes Complete a city quest from an inhabitant of Menaphos. 5
14 'Phite For Your Right II Yes Complete 10 city quests from an inhabitant of Menaphos. (X/10) 10
15 'Phite For Your Right III Yes Complete 50 city quests from an inhabitant of Menaphos. (X/50) 15
16 'Phite For Your Right IV Yes Complete 100 city quests from an inhabitant of Menaphos. (X/100) 20
1 Bring the Antipoisons Yes Kill a cave crawler in the Fremennik Slayer Dungeon. 5
2 Why Won't You Die? Yes Kill five rock crabs on the shore near Rellekka or on Waterbirth Island. 5
4 Assaulted Goodies Yes View the rewards in the Barbarian Assault tutorial. 5
6 Why Did the Lobster Blush? Yes Collect three seaweed from the shore north-east of Rellekka. 5
10 Endangered Species Yes Kill an adult black unicorn. 5
1 Fremennik History 101 Yes Learn the history of the Fremennik and the outerlanders from Chieftain Brundt. 10
2 Cool Story, Bro Yes Watch a shouting match between the Fremennik isles' tower guards. 10
12 Untouchable No Complete a floor without dying, solo. 5
3 And I Want It Now No Complete a complexity 6 floor solo in under 6 minutes. 10
12 Cache Box Yes Unlock a level 40+ chest. 10
10 Drink Me Yes Boost your Magic level with a self-made tier 2+ potion (from seed). 10
8 Nice to Meet You, Wall No Kill Rammernaut without getting charged, or make him stun himself. 10
6 Port Enter Yes Create and use a portent of passage V or above to attempt to pass through a skill door. 10
17 'Phite For Your Right V Yes Complete 200 city quests from an inhabitant of Menaphos. (X/200) 25
5 Feline Good Yes Restored the Grand Library's register of notable cat citizens of Menaphos. 25
6 Rock and Roll Yes Recovered the Grand Library's collection of valuable and unique gemstones. 25
3 Who's a Good Boy? Yes Interact with a pet rock. 10
4 Only Takes a Little Vial Yes Make three vials in the furnace building at Rellekka. 10
5 You Know You Want It! Yes Go to the Fossegrimen and charm her into accepting a raw bass. 10
6 Yak Attack Yes Wear yak-hide armour and kill an ice troll. 10
7 Fremmental Yes Make cheese in the dairy churn in Rellekka. 10
9 You Really Don't Need Any More Shoes Yes Look at Yrsa's options for recolouring your boots in her clothes shop in Rellekka. 10
10 Big Game Hunter Yes Successfully hunt a sabre-toothed kyatt. 10
1 Defeating Deadly Dagannoths Yes Kill three dagannoths in the first layer of the Waterbirth Island's dungeon. 15
2 Dress to Impress Yes Wear rockshell, spined or skeletal armour and have the locals use an honorific with your Fremennik name. 15
11 Spinal Trap Yes Set a spinebeam trap that you made yourself. 10
5 Tactical Retreat No Flee from any boss using a self-made gatestone. 10
7 Totem Pole Position Yes Hand in a total of 20 items in a single sinkhole. 10


7 Totem Pole Position (Ironman) Yes Enter the 6 resource dungeons with an entry requirement equal to or less than Dungeoneering level 35 within 6 minutes. 10


13 Up to the Gods No Sacrifice a frost dragon bone on a prayer altar from a dragon you killed yourself in a solo dungeon. 10
1 You Got Some Nice Drapes There No Complete a furnished floor solo on any complexity. 10
9 A Prayer Opportunity Yes Build a prayer altar in the starting room and fill up your prayer points from it. 15
11 Get Stuffed Yes Make a bouldabass & edicap potato from the raw ingredients and eat it in a boss fight. 15
6 Healing Factor Yes Use the Rapid Renewal prayer for 1 minute while in a dungeon. 15
3 The Graceful Barbarian Yes Complete the Barbarian Outpost Agility Course. 15
4 Runes on the Moon Yes Mine pure essence on Lunar Isle. 15
5 Pyre At Will Yes Make a barbarian pyre ship from arctic pine. 15
9 A Periodic Table Yes Get mahogany from your Etceterian subjects. 15
1 Jaws Breaker Yes Catch a shark with bare hands on Jatizso. 25
2 Limber Lumber Jumper Yes Complete the high-level section of the Barbarian Agility course while wearing an agile top. 25
3 Astronomical! Yes Craft at least 56 astral runes simultaneously, without using pouches or familiars. 25
4 Lawful Crafting No Craft some law runes while inside a dungeon. 15
1 Occult Classic Yes Complete an occult floor solo on any complexity. 15
5 Thanks for the Memories No Harvest memories from a tier 8 (or higher) spring. 15
10 The Wanderer No Imbue a catalytic wand on a runecrafting altar. 15
1 Any fin is Possible Yes Cook 1 of each type of fish. 25
6 Gulega-d to Rest Yes Kill the warped gulega, but avoid his 1 lifepoint attack in a solo dungeon. 25
4 In the Darkness Bind Them No Wear 4 bound items. 25
5 Leap of Faith Yes Jump the chasm in the Fremennik Slayer Dungeon to gain quick access to the pyrefiends. 25
6 No Smoke Without Pyre Yes Make a pyre ship from magic logs. 25
8 Potting With Otto Yes Make a Super Ranging Mix within Otto's house. 25
4 Put to Port in Port Sarim No Travel to Port Sarim via the dock east of Musa Point 5
6 Point of En-tree Yes Use the spirit tree to the north-east of the Grand Exchange. 10
7 Blinded With Science Yes Light a bullseye latern in the Chemist's. 10
3 Concentration Is Key Yes Mine concentrated gold in the Living Rock Cavern. 25
9 A Familiar Feeling Yes Recharge your Summoning points near Rellekka's gate. 5
6 Show That You Cairn Yes Explore Cairn Island to the west of Karamja. 5
7 Fruity Catch No Use the fishing spots north of the banana plantation. 5
9 TzHaar Wars Yes Attempt the TzHaar Fight Pit or Fight Cave. 5
10 It's a Jungle Ogre Yes Kill a jogre in the Pothole dungeon. 5
1 Just the Ticket Yes Claim a ticket from Brimhaven Agility Arena. 10
5 They Like Me! They Really Like Me! Yes Earn 100% favour in Tai Bwo Wannai. 10
8 Fairy Mountaineering Yes Use a fairy ring to appear on a mountaintop, near the windswept tree. 10
8 Beachcomber Yes Collect 5 seaweed from anywhere on Karamja. 5
16 Points of No Return Yes Cross the spiky pit using the stepping stones within Brimhaven Dungeon. 10
1 At One Plus Fifty-Five With Nature Yes Craft 56 nature runes simultaneously, without using pouches or familiars. 25
7 Goat Harralander? Yes Create a vial of combat potion from scratch in Nardah after killing a goat from the desert. 10
6 Arachnophagia Yes Cook a spider on stick. 10
18 Thank You, Madam Yes Charter the Lady of the Waves from Cairn Isle to Port Khazard. 10
11 That's Not a Knife... Yes Exchange gems for a machete. 10
12 Falling With Style Yes Use the gnome glider to travel to Karamja. 10
13 Scourge of Scurvy Yes Grow a healthy fruit tree in the patch near Brimhaven. 10
15 The Roots of All Evil Yes Chop the vines to gain deeper access to Brimhaven Dungeon. 10
17 Stairway to Haven Yes Climb the stairs within Brimhaven Dungeon. 10
8 Ten in a Row Yes Earn 75+ Slayer points from Lapalok. 25
19 The Nexus Has You No Visit to Ysondria at the Nexus to find out more. 5
15 In the Countyard No Enter the courtyard of Draynor Mansion. 5
11 Docking Out No Enter Al Kharid via its west gate. 5
17 Bless Is More No Have a clay ring blessed. 5
6 Not Waving But Drowning No Craft at least 100 water runes at once without needing an explorer's ring, pouches or familiars. 15
19 Shipping Out From the Shipyard Yes Charter a ship from the shipyard in the far east of Karamja. 10
7 Romancing the Stone Yes Mine a red topaz from a gem rock. 10
2 Play Dead, Doggy Yes Kill a Ket-Zek in the Fight Caves. 15
4 At One With Nature Yes Craft some nature runes. 15
5 Drop It Like It's Hot Yes Cook a Karambwam thoroughly. 15
6 Deadwing Yes Kill a Deathwing in the dungeon under Kharazi Jungle. 15
8 A Palm For Each Finger Yes Collect 5 palm leaves. 15
1 The Jack of Spades Yes Complete this Novice quest. 5
2 Crocodile Tears Yes Complete this Master quest. 25
4 'Phite Club Yes Complete this Master quest. 40
9 Only Going Forward. We Can't Find Reverse Yes Take an easy companion through an easy route of Temple Trekking. 5
7 Happy Hour Yes Give five locals a glass of cider in the Forester's Arms. 5
9 Yes, My Master Yes Be assigned a Slayer task in Shilo Village. 15
10 Can Opener Yes Kill a metal dragon in Brimhaven Dungeon. 15
2 The Power of Lava Yes Equip a TzHaar fire cape while standing in TzHaar. 25
4 It's a Snap Yes Buy a snapdragon from Pirate Jackie the Fruit and create a super restore potion in Brimhaven. 25
5 Crunchy Coating Yes Cook a shark over a sulphur pit. 25
7 Tread Carefully Yes Use the stepping stone across the river in Shilo Village. 25
1 Stick a Bork In Him, He's Done Yes Defeat Bork. 25
2 Nomadness Yes Speak to Zimberfizz about swapping your Soul Wars cape for one of a different colour. 25
3 Arandar-bout Way Yes Enter through the gates of the Arandar Pass while wearing only a full set of Mourner gear. 5
4 Blowing Your Own Trumpet Yes Get Gwir in Lletya to remind you about your previous adventures in the elven lands. 5
11 Casting Shadows Yes Kill a shadow in the Temple of Light with a shadow spell. 5
2 Driven, Underground Yes Navigate the Underground Pass, using the thieving shortcuts and talking to Klank on the way through about his gloves. 5
9 Fairy Liquid Yes Teleport to the fairy ring in the Poison Waste. 5
8 Leaf Me Alone Yes Attempt to pass a leaf trap. 5
7 Lime Ordeal Yes Mine limestone at the mountains of Arandar. 5
12 Sick and Twisted Yes Kill a warped terrorbird or tortoise in the Warped Poison Waste Dungeon. 5
10 Stand Still, Eluned! Yes Have Eluned or Ilfeen recharge a teleport crystal for you in Isafdar. 5
3 Double Jointed Yes Complete a large job at the sawmill. 25
4 It All Adze Up Yes Incinerate a log with your inferno adze, by cutting a tree in the Varrock Palace farming patch. 25
5 Mind Your Back Yes Get a member of the Dagon'hai's mind control spells to backfire on him. 25
6 Red, Red Pies of Summer Yes Bake a summer pie in the Cooking Guild from scratch. 25
7 Splitting Headache Yes Defeat a skeleton at Senntisten altar (or pray at Senntisten altar) with Soul Split enabled. 25
9 A Ton of Earth No Craft 100 earth runes simultaneously without aid from an explorer's ring, pouches or familiars. 25
1 Burning Bush Yes Pick poison ivy from your bush farming patch in Varrock. 15
2 But It Won't Warp You Anywhere Yes Use the pipe shortcut in Varrock Sewers, near the moss giants. 15
4 Put Your Smithing Hat On No Smith an adamant helm on the anvil in Varrock next to Aubury's Rune Shop. 15
6 Ashdale No Activate the lodestone in Ashdale. 5
5 The Motherlode Yes Use the Tirannwn lodestone. 5
6 Tyrassed to Impress Yes Equip a Tyras helm inside Tyras Camp. 5
9 Ex-posing Yourself No Ask Mr Ex in Edgeville to skull you. 5
1 Highway to the Danger Zone! No Enter the Wilderness by any means. 5
4 Take a Potato Chip...and Eat It! Yes View the recent wilderness kills on the death list noticeboard in Edgeville. 5
3 Taking the Subway Yes Enter the chaos tunnels from an entrance in the Wilderness. 5
7 Ten-uous Link No Reach a score of 10 using the strange switches in the Wilderness. 5
8 Unlocked and Loded No Teleport to the lodestone in the Wilderness. 5
6 Who Ate All the Pie? Yes Talk to Romily Weaklax and give him a wild pie. 15
7 Battle of the Elements Yes Craft an air battlestaff. 15
9 Changing Rooms Yes Give your player-owned house a fancy stone or tropical wood finish at the Varrock estate agent. 15
10 Keeping Tabs on Varrock Yes Make a Varrock Teleport tablet on a mahogany lectern. 15
11 Hand-Me-Downs Yes Obtain a new set of Family Crest gauntlets from Dimintheis. 15
13 Living on the Edge Yes Use the Home Teleport spell in the Ancient Magicks spellbook to teleport to Edgeville. 15
8 Intersceptre No Use the skull sceptre to teleport to Barbarian Village. 15
3 Lighten Up Yes Trade furs with the fancy dress seller for a spottier cape. 15
12 Mack Rolled Yes Catch a mackerel. 5
11 Draynor No Activate the lodestone in Draynor. 5
14 Falador No Activate the lodestone in Falador. 5
20 Port Sarim No Activate the lodestone in Port Sarim. 5
23 Taverley No Activate the lodestone in Taverley. 5
25 Varrock No Activate the lodestone in Varrock. 5
26 Wilderness Volcano No Activate the lodestone near the Wilderness Volcano. 5
8 Burthorpe No Activate the lodestone in Burthorpe. 5
5 Gnome Roaming Yes Exit Tirannwn through the Galarpos Mountains. 10
1 Harrowed Lands Yes Make harralander tar in the Poison Waste using tar sourced in Tirannwn. 10
10 Light Transit Yes Enter the Temple of Light using a teleport crystal. 10
9 Pretty and Witty and Dead Yes Create death runes from at least 20 pure essence whilst wearing a death tiara at the Death Altar. 10
4 Sharks are Good for the Elf Yes Bank a shark fished from the elven lands using the Elf Camp deposit chest. 10
18 Game of Tombs I Yes Adventure down a Shifting Tomb and successfully escape. 5
1 Reflax Actions Yes Pick five flax from the flax field. 5
5 Another String to Your Bow Yes Spin five bowstrings. 5
11 A Seer-ing Light Yes Pray at Seers' Village altar. 5
2 Why? Yes Walk clockwise around the big mysterious statue. 5
8 Jute Alors! Yes Plant some jute. 5
3 Stir, Galahad Yes Have Sir Galahad make you a cup of tea. 5
6 Bunch of Flours Yes Fill five pots with flour from the Sinclair Mansion. 5
9 Sinclair Swirling Yes Use the churn in the Sinclair Mansion garden. 5
17 Lumbridge No Activate the lodestone in Lumbridge. 5
5 Ardougne Yes Activate the lodestone in Ardougne. 5
9 Canifis Yes Activate the lodestone in Canifis. 5
10 Catherby Yes Activate the lodestone in Catherby. 5
15 Fremennik Province Yes Activate the lodestone in the Fremennik Province. 5
16 Karamja Yes Activate the lodestone on Karamja. 5
7 The Circle of Life Yes Use Pawya meat in a grenwall trap. 10
6 A Barrel of Staffs Yes Purchase a God staff from the Chamber guardian in the Mage Arena. 10
7 A Pizza the Loot No Create an anchovy pizza from scratch in the Bandit Camp and give it to Fat Tony. 10
1 Don't Axe for Permission Yes Loot a chest in the magic axe hut in the deep Wilderness. 10
2 Filthy Rich No Open the chest in the Lava Maze with a muddy key. 10
3 Hardcore Parkour Yes Complete a full lap of the Wilderness agility course. 10
4 Liquid Luck Yes Create a luck potion from scratch whilst in the Wilderness. 10
19 Game of Tombs II Yes Adventure down 10 Shifting Tombs and successfully escape. (X/10) 10
20 Game of Tombs III Yes Adventure down 50 Shifting Tombs and successfully escape. (X/50) 15
21 Game of Tombs IV Yes Adventure down 100 Shifting Tombs and successfully escape. (X/100) 20
22 Game of Tombs V Yes Adventure down 200 Shifting Tombs and successfully escape. (X/200) 25
2 It's a Slightly Magical Stick Yes Talk to Thormac the sorcerer about making mystic staves. 10
6 It's Only a Model Yes Teleport to Camelot. 10
7 Sniper Training Yes Kill one guard on each tower of the Ranging Guild using a regular shieldbow. 10
8 Arch Archer Yes Have the Ranging Guild judge congratulate you for acquiring over 1,000 archery tickets. 10
9 What, No Cuddly Toy? Yes Buy something from the ticket exchange in the Ranging Guild. 10
10 Familiar Fire Familiarity Yes Use a familiar to make a maple fire within Seers' Village. 10
11 At Least It Doesn't Need Walking Yes Get a pet fish from Harry. 10
18 Lunar Isle Yes Activate the lodestone in Lunar Isle. 5
19 Oo'glog Yes Activate the lodestone near Oo'glog. 5
21 Prifddinas Yes Activate the lodestone in Prifddinas. 5
22 Seers' Village Yes Activate the lodestone in Seers' Village. 5
27 Yanille Yes Activate the lodestone in Yanille. 5
28 Menaphos Yes Activate the lodestone in Menaphos. 5
2 Lodestone Network Free Area No Unlock all of the Free to Play Lodestones. 5
4 As Good As Renew Yes Farm and mix the ingredients for a prayer renewal potion entirely in Morytania. 25
3 The Short of It Yes String a magic shortbow in the Seers' Village bank. 15
4 Prayer of Attorney Yes Enter the Seers' Village courthouse with your Piety prayer turned on. 15
4 Plenty - potion - entiary Yes Make an extreme Ranging potion from scratch and drink it within the Ranging Guild. 25
1 It's a Trap! No, Wait, It's a Pie Yes Bake an admiral pie from scratch within Seers' Village/Catherby. 25
1 At Home on the Range Yes Teleport to the Ranging Guild. 15
2 See Yew at Five Yes Cut five sets of yew logs. 15
5 Beware of the Dog Yes Use the fairy ring in McGrubor's Wood. 15
6 Twisted Fire Starter Yes Burn a magic log in Seers' Village. 15
11 Island Hopper Yes Use the grapple shortcut to get from the water obelisk island to Catherby beach. 15
3 Lodestone Network Members' Area Yes Unlock all of the Members' Lodestones. 5
1 Lodestone Network Yes Unlock all of the Lodestones. 5
21 A Clean Slate Yes Cleanse the Corrupted Seren Stone with at least one crystal. 15
14 A Face in the Clouds Yes Bring mound of bacon, bread and a chocolate bar to Seren. 15
12 Because You're Iorwerth It Yes Defeat an Iorwerth warrior while under the influence of the Iorwerth prayer altar. 15
13 Cadarn Tootin' Yes Swap to the Ancient spellbook at the Cadarn grimoire, then defeat a Cadarn elf whilst using the Ancient spellbook. 15
18 Can I Have Some Morvran? Yes Complete a Morvran slayer assignment that has been both preferred and extended. 15
17 Disco Impling Yes Do a dance in the impling collector's house with at least ten other implings present. 15
10 Hefin And Puffin' Yes Take a shortcut on the Hefin Agility Course. 15
3 The Long of It Yes Make a magic shieldbow from scratch within the Seers' Village area. 25
17 The Higher, The Badder Yes Kill anything on the first floor (upstairs) of the Slayer Tower. 10
2 It's Only Wafer Thin Yes Cook a thin snail in Morytania[sic] 5
3 Dislike-Anthrope Yes Kill a werewolf in its human form using the wolfbane dagger whilst in Canifis. 5
11 Long Way From Home Yes Complete the Hefin Agility course with a light creature familiar summoned. 15
1 Sing-Along-a-Seren Verse 1 Yes During the Amlodd Voice of Seren : create a Titan's Constitution summoning scroll. 15
2 Sing-Along-a-Seren Verse 2 Yes During the Cadarn Voice of Seren : use a crystal bow to damage a Cadarn elf. 15

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