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Explorer's ring 3 detail

The explorer's ring 3 is a reward from the beginner, easy and Medium Lumbridge achievements. It is obtained by talking to Ned in Draynor Village, and may be retrieved by speaking with him again - charges on the ring will be unaffected if lost, unless the recharge time is passed between losing it and retrieving it.

Combat Stats
RequirementsCabbage teleport
NoneRing slot
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses


Reward When worn When operated At all times
Explorer's ring 1 Explorer's ring 1
Explorer's ring 2 Explorer's ring 2
Explorer's ring 3 Explorer's ring 3
  • An additional run replenishment charge per day (3 total)
  • Cabbageport - Unlimited teleports to the Falador farm cabbage patch.
Explorer's ring 4 Explorer's ring 4
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  • The ring received a small, hidden graphical update on 9 June 2010.
  • Ned calls the cabbage-port the dual cabbageway - a reference to a type of road used today (the dual carriageway).
  • The cabbage teleport only teleports to a specific cabbage patch in the cabbage field.
  • The Explorer's rings are currently the only rings that provide a prayer bonus.
  • Cabbage-port is useful for mining on Crandor. There are a lot of rocks on Crandor and it is not a popular mining spot. Players with cabbage-port and who have completed the Dragon Slayer quest can mine on Crandor and use cabbage-port to go to the Entrana Deposit Box in Port Sarim.
  • The Explorer's rings 1, 2 and 3 resemble each other and appear to be made of bronze, silver and gold, respectively; however, the explorer ring 4 looks more different and is probably meant to be platinum.
  • The inventory icon disappears while using the ring's low-alchemy.