RuneScape Wiki
For the potion flask version, see Extreme magic flask.

Extreme magic detail

Extreme magic potions are made by players using the Herblore skill. They require a Herblore level of 91 to make. Drinking it will give the player a boost of 3 to 17 (15% + 3) Magic levels, which decreases over time.

A super magic potion (3-dose) and a ground mud rune are the ingredients required to create an extreme magic potion. Making an extreme magic potion gives 250 Herblore experience. It cannot be made with the assistance of other players.

An extreme magic potion along with an extreme attack, extreme defence, extreme ranging, and extreme strength, can be used with a clean torstol at 96 Herblore to make an overload potion.


Extreme magic (3) Extreme magic (3)
Herblore-Make-X GE icon
250 XP--
Herblore Herblore level91
P2P icon Members onlyYes
Super magic potion (3)Super magic potion (3)111,78711,787
Ground mud runesGround mud runes1868868
Total price12,655


[FAQ] • [doc]

Production costs[]

The data in this table is based on the Grand Exchange prices of the potion's ingredients. It is accurate assuming all tradeable ingredients are bought off the Grand Exchange.

Material cost Profit/loss Profit/xp
12,655* −12,655 −50.62**

* As ground mud runes are untradeable and required for this potion, the price of mud runes has been used for this calculation.
** However, the untradeable potion can still be used.


This potion can be made into an extreme magic flask by using at least six doses of it with a potion flask. Players do not need a specific level to turn potions into flasks, but since all untradeable potions must be made by the player, the flasks actually have the same level requirement as the potion itself.
