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This article is about the teleport tablet. For the teleport spell, see Falador Teleport.

Falador teleport detail

The Falador teleport tablet is a members-only item that can be used by any player to teleport to Falador. Players can create this item on an eagle lectern, a teak eagle lectern, or a mahogany eagle lectern. One of the key items in the study is the lectern. Each lectern is capable of creating different magic spells. If you have soft clay, and the runes required for the spell in your inventory, then you will 'craft' the spell. ... Item: Eagle lectern; Uses: Ability to make Enchant sapphire, Varrock, Falador and Lumbridge teleport; Item: Teak eagle lectern; Uses: Ability to make Enchant sapphire, Varrock, Falador, Lumbridge, Camelot and Ardougne teleport; Item: Mahogany eagle lectern; Uses: Ability to make Enchant sapphire, Varrock, Falador, Lumbridge, Camelot, Ardougne, Watchtower and House teleport. if they have at least level 37 Magic. They need 1 law rune, 3 air runes, 1 water rune, and 1 soft clay to do so, granting 48 Magic experience.

This tablet can be made and used regardless of the player's current spell book. The user does not need the relevant magic level to use the tablet, which shares the same rule with all tablets not including Ardougne tablet, House tablet, and Watchtower teleport.

The item's graphics were changed in a hidden update on 9 June 2009. The update consisted of making the F without the second line, to making a larger F. Now though, the teleport F on the tablet is of a bigger size than of other teleport-tablets.

Teleport Tablet

A player breaking a Falador teleport tablet


Making Falador teleport tablets is a common way of making money among members. The following table shows profit when making Falador Teleport tablets with no staff, with an air rune supplying staff, with a water rune supplying staff or tome of frost, and with an air rune supplying staff and a tome of frost.

Runes Air Staff Water Staff Air Staff with Tome of Frost
1102 coins 1372 coins 1127 coins 1397 coins
3Air rune1Water rune1Law rune865
Combo runes
1Water rune1Law rune3Dust rune3,550
3Air rune1Law rune1Mud rune1,708
1Water rune1Law rune3Smoke rune3,628
3Air rune1Law rune1Steam rune1,839
1Law rune3Mist rune4,059
3Air rune1Law runeStaff of water840
1Water rune1Law runeStaff of air595
3Air rune1Law runeMud battlestaff840
3Air rune1Law runeSteam battlestaff840
1Law runeElemental battlestaff570
3Air rune1Water rune0.9Law runeLaw staff808
3Air rune1Law runeMystical staff (75)840
1Law runeAvernic wandTome of frost570


Falador teleport Falador teleport
Magic-Make-X GE icon
48 XP-2,386
Magic Magic level37
P2P icon Members onlyYes
Soft claySoft clay1419419
Law runeLaw rune1570570
Air runeAir rune390270
Water runeWater rune12525
Total price1,284

See also[]

Calculators/Tablet - profit (or loss) from creating a Magic tablet on a lectern in a Player-owned house.


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