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Father Urhney chathead

Father Urhney is an irritable Saradominist priest who lives as a hermit in the Lumbridge Swamp, in a shack that he built himself.[1] He moved out to the shack five months ago so he could spend two years in silent meditation and prayer.[2] However, every time somebody speaks to him, he must begin his two years of meditation and prayer all over again, something which happens on a weekly basis. As such, he is rather irritable, especially as many try to claim he is behind on his non-existent mortgage payments.[3] Despite his self-imposed exile, he has recently visited Lumbridge to take a chalice from his bank account.[4] He has a low opinion of Father Aereck who he trained for the priesthood alongside, considering him inept.[2][5]

When a restless ghost haunts Lumbridge cemetery, Father Aereck sends an adventurer to Father Urhney to seek his aid. Rather than end his exile and help out though, he hands over a ghostspeak amulet, having kept a small supply of them.[6] He is also targeted by the Thieves' Guild, who are short on funds and seek to rob him of his chalice. A new recruit for the Guild sets the outside of his house on fire, steals his key, and takes his chalice from its secured case.

He can be contacted at random using the NPC Contact spell, believing the spellcaster to be Saradomin. When told to leave the swamp and do something useful, he decides to remain and meditate on what the message means instead.



  • His shack has been moved a total of three times. Originally, it was located on the east side of the swamp but it was moved to the west side of the swamp when an opening was made in the Lumbridge graveyard. It was then rotated 180 degrees so that the entrance faced north rather than south during the Advisors and Objectives update, and finally it was moved south of the Zanaris shack in a hidden update.
  • Before Buyers and Cellars was released, Urhney had the Pickpocket option, but when players chose to do that they did not receive anything.
  • When pickpocketed outside of quests, the chat box will say 'You don't want to dip into those pockets without good reason. They're holy...and filthy.'
  • Aereck and Urhney may be a reference to the comic double act Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise.


  1. ^ Father Urhney, "Buyers and Cellars", RuneScape. "Oh, no! My house... that I built with my own two hands!"
  2. ^ a b Father Urhney, "The Restless Ghost", RuneScape. "Oh. The silly fool. I leave town for five months and he's already having problems. *sigh* Well, I can't go back and exorcise it - I vowed not to leave this place until I've spent a full two years praying and meditating. I'll tell you want I can do, though - take this amulet."
  3. ^ Jagex. Postbag 2 - "Transcript:Magic, Hans and Bankers!", Letter 1, by Father Urnhey. RuneScape Postbags from the Hedge.
  4. ^ Chief Thief Robin, "Buyers and Cellars", RuneScape. "The chalice is no longer being held by the bank. Seems that the owner withdrew it a couple of days ago and wandered off in the direction of Lumbridge Swamp... a wild-haired old man with a bad temper."
  5. ^ Father Urhney, "The Restless Ghost", RuneScape. "Yeah. Even when we were trainee priests he kept getting stuck up bell ropes."
  6. ^ Father Urhney, "The Restless Ghost", RuneScape. "How careless can you get? Those things aren't easy to come by, you know! It's a good job I've got a spare."