RuneScape Wiki
Feldip Hills Civil War
Ogre and Goblin Artwork
An ogre and a goblin engaged in combat.
Beginning End
Early Fourth Age Early to mid-Fourth Age
Feldip Hills
Flight of goblins from the Feldip Hills; diaspora of goblin tribes; elven kingdom raids
Ogres of Gu'Tanoth Various goblin tribes
Ogre chieftains and Shamans Goblin Generals
Likely few Likely high
Concurrent war
Wars on Yu'biusk
Previous war
Gielinorian God Wars
Next war
Battle of the Plain of Mud, Jogre War
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The Feldip Hills Civil War was a major conflict between Bandosians living in the Feldip Hills near the beginning of the Fourth Age. After the establishment of the Edicts of Guthix, Bandos was banished and returned to Yu'biusk where he destroyed the realm in blind fury by invoking massive wars. Meanwhile, his remaining followers on Gielinor were left without guidance, causing them to fall into a bloody civil war.[1] Soon enough, the much more powerful ogres united against the weaker goblins living in the area and effectively began a mass genocide of the goblins, prompting them to retreat north.[2] Only goblins and ogres were involved in the war.[3]

It was at this point that King Baxtorian and his Cadarn Clan began to settle in what is now Kandarin, having crossed the Galarpos Mountains. After establishing peace treaties with the Tree Gnome Stronghold and local human tribes, the elves approached the ogres, but quickly left the Feldip Hills after realising the warring nation could not be reasoned with.[1] Although the elves soon established a stable kingdom, they suffered on a small scale due to raids from the goblins fleeing northwards, which apparently lasted several decades.[4] Eventually, the goblin tribes, minus the Dorgeshuun, all came together in what is now Hemenster where the scarce food and constantly diminishing living space triggered the events that would lead to the Battle of the Plain of Mud around the middle of the Fourth Age.


  1. ^ a b Exploration of the Eastern Realm, "Lletya", RuneScape. "Firstly the Elves approached the Ogres and their kin to the south. Unfortunately without Bandos' guidance which had held these races together for millennia, the nation had fallen into a bloody civil war. Making any form of a treaty with each side useless."
  2. ^ Settlement of the East, "Lletya", RuneScape. "Although at this time the Elves, Gnomes and Humans were living in peace, to the south, the war between the Ogres and their Goblin neighbours degenerated into an attempt at genocide of all Goblin races by the Ogres. This started a mass exodus of the Goblin races, they started to emigrate to the north along the coast moving through the lands not yet settled by the Elves."
  3. ^ Mod John A. "Lore Campfire - Q&A." 17 April 2014. RuneScape Lore Discussion Forums.
  4. ^ Settlement of the East, "Lletya", RuneScape. "Although the Goblin races were busy guarding their backs to the south and did not have the resources to start a war on two fronts, this did not stop them from forays for supplies into the Elven lands. [...] Within a few decades of 'The break out', the Elves had created many thriving settlements and a vast network of roads, despite the constant raiding from the Goblins."