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RuneScape Wiki
This article is about 2013 Festive Cryptic Clue Fest. For the others, see Cryptic Clue Fest.
Festive cracker detail

Festive Cryptic Clue Fest were daily puzzles which were posted on the forums in a special forum from 20 to 24 December 2013. The puzzles helped to discover what items were needed in the player's inventory and in what quantities. Players just needed to talk to the specified NPC with these items in their inventory to receive a festive cracker. Unlike other clue fests, they can be done in any order and after their release day, and some of the clues are members only. Additionally, only members are able to pull the festive cracker, although free to play can still receive them. Unlike the previous Cryptic Clue Fests, completing the Festive Cryptic Clue Fest will not unlock the rewards for the preceding Clue Fests; this is intentional as Jagex has stated that it is considered to be an event and therefore is not a continuation of the Cryptic Clue Fest series.

As with all clues, you may obtain these items however you wish, including from others players and the Grand Exchange.

If you have more than the specified number of each required item in your inventory, or the items are noted, you will not receive the proper response for the event.


First Clue: 20 December[]


The truth can be seen when one learns of a knightly passing.
X4 X3 X27
H1|1|8 P1|4|1 P1|4|1
P1|15|4 P1|3|7 H1|1|4
P1|1|2 P1|6|1 H1|1|5
P1|1|2 H1|1|8 H1|1|2
P1|1|1 P1|6|4 P1|7|4
P1|1|2 H1|1|8 P1|1|2
P1|6|1 P1|6|1
P1|11|1 H1|1|4
P1|1|2 H1|1|4

Bring your items to:
Soran chathead


The columns each refer to an item required and the number needed, as is done with all Clue fests. The first paragraph, the quote, refers to the death of Sir Owen during the Death of Chivalry quest. One "learns" of the event by using the wiki page, in this case examining the formatting of the Official RuneScape Wiki page for the Death of Chivalry quest.

"H1" refers to Heading 1. "P1" refers to Paragraph 1.

A 1 follows every H1, as there is only one word, but there are more words in the first paragraph. thus, the second number refers to the word number. The last number of each set refers to the letter.

Using this method, you can go down each column defining the letters of the items needed.

The items must be brought to a resident of Varrock.


The items needed are as follows:

Bring them to Soran, emissary of Zaros, south of the Varrock west bank.

Second Clue: 21 December[]


In the UK Christmas often means lots of fancy murder mysteries appearing on TV, so what better puzzle then for you to solve our own murder report!

Coroner’s Report #2512: Examination of victim reveals that the cause of death was suffocation. Although evidence is limited early indications are that the patient was smothered underneath 4 counts of a tall fur cap usually worn by military personnel. The victim was a known deviant, having been incarcerated previously on 6 counts of a-salting swimmers. No real motive has been identified but we do know that the victims 2 prized wind coronets are unaccounted for.

Bring your items to:
Runestax chathead


"A tall fur cap usually worn by military personnel" is a reference to the bearskin worn as part of some ceremonial military uniforms.

"A-salting swimmers..." refers to something salty and aquatic.

A coronet is a headpiece typically worn by nobles. Wind is another name for one of the four classical Greek elements.

The items must be brought to a resident of Taverley.


The items needed are as follows:

Take these to Runestax, located east of the pub in Taverley.

Third Clue: 22 December[]


From left to right you will need 5 and 12 and 3

1. Parent of soil
2. A medieval prison
3. Unholy beast
4. Combat level deception
5. Grandma's other son
6. A room of green outside
7. A collection of shared knowledge
8. A holy battleground
9. A defeated god
10. Beneath snow covered ruins
11. What once was and is no more
12. To defy a god
13. A large blue body

14. An armoured defender
15. A skill for the resourceful
16. A jolly fat man's steed
17. A guardian of the dead
18. A siegely beast
19. Insidious Deity
20. A Mahjarrat necessity
21. The lord of disco

Bring your items to:
Sparky (NPC) chathead


1. Parent of soil - An alternative name for Gaia, counterpart of the Sky Father
2. A medieval prison - Involved in a certain skill/minigame
3. Unholy beast - To a greater or lesser extent
4. Combat level deception - Some people chose not to train a particular combat stat
5. Grandma's other son - Your father's brother
6. A room of green outside - Found in a POH
7. A collection of shared knowledge - You're reading one!
8. A holy battleground - Where two gods fought ...
9. A defeated god - ... and one of them lost
10. Beneath snow covered ruins - A man was looking for a rift here
11. What once was and is no more - The historical name for the Wilderness
12. To defy a god - Lack of reverence
13. A large blue body - A body of water

14. An armoured defender - Have a lifespan of roughly 20 seconds
15. A skill for the resourceful - A production skill
16. A jolly fat man's steed - They fly without wings
17. A guardian of the dead - Harold's buddy
18. A siegely beast - The race of a creature that fought in the Battle of Lumbridge.
19. Insidious deity - A god who favours the shadows
20. A Mahjarrat necessity - Once every five hundred years
21. The lord of disco - With an afro and a partyhat

All of the item names have two words. The items must be brought to a resident of Ardougne.

Festive Cryptic Clue Fest Crossword


The items needed are as follows:

Take these to Sparky in The Poison Arrow, the pub in southeast Ardougne.

Fourth Clue: 23 December[]


The jolly fat man = Lava rune Air rune Mind rune Mist rune Air rune

6x Body rune Dust rune Chaos rune Body rune Chaos rune Earth rune Air rune Mist rune Nature rune Fire rune Air rune Astral rune

4x Blood rune Steam rune Air rune Water rune

10x Death rune Chaos rune Steam rune Body rune Dust rune

Bring your items to:
Faruq chathead


Each Rune represents a letter. You are given a hint for a 'jolly fat man' with 5 letters, which is SANTA. Doing some puzzling and trial-and-error, you can discover the following runes to be associated with the following letters:

  • Lava rune = S
  • Air rune = A
  • Mind rune = N
  • Mist rune = T
  • Body rune = C
  • Dust rune = H
  • Chaos rune = O
  • Earth rune = L
  • Nature rune = E
  • Fire rune = B
  • Astral rune = R
  • Blood rune = G
  • Steam rune = U
  • Water rune = M
  • Death rune = P

The items must be brought to a resident of Al Kharid.


The items needed are as follows:

Take these to Faruq in Al Kharid, north of the palace. If you have trouble buying clean guam from the Grand Exchange, grimy guam is often more available.

Final Clue: 24 December[]


FCCF Day 5 sudoku
  • Arrow shaft 1 x A5
  • Feather x E3
  • Gold ore x C7
  • Spirit shards x H8

Bring your items to:
Doomsayer chathead


The puzzle is in the form of a Sudoku puzzle. One of each number 1-9 must appear in each 3x3 box; there must be no duplicates in the lines horizontally or vertically in order for the puzzle to be solved correctly. To do this puzzle, try drawing the graph you see in the image; then try solving it.

The items must be brought to a resident of Lumbridge.


The items needed are as follows:

Take these to the Doomsayer in Lumbridge, North of the lodestone.

