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Fight Kiln
Elder Kiln
Release date 14 February 2012 (Update)
Members Yes
Location TzHaar City
Participants 1
Skills involved Combat
Reward currency None
In spotlight rotation No
Hiscores No
Tutorial No
Custodians TokHaar-Hok
Music unlocked Tzhaar Supremacy I-III
Developers Seb D
TokHaar-Hok chathead

The Fight Kiln is a combat minigame wherein waves of TokHaar are fought for the sole sake of combat and the TokHaar's amusement. It's a tougher and improved sequel to the TzHaar Fight Cave minigame, and is extremely difficult to complete for the average player.

Entering the Fight Kiln requires having done The Elder Kiln, as well as a one-time payment of a fire cape. After this, the kiln may be played as many times as desired for the rewards - a choice of a TokHaar-Kal or an uncut onyx.

Obtaining all unique drops will unlock the title, Kal-Haar-Xil [Name].

Unlike the typical 63 waves of the Fight Cave, the Fight Kiln only has 37 waves. While there is no combat level pattern to be followed for each wave, the waves are always the same between attempts, and the monsters always spawn in the same location. To reach the end of the minigame, players must fight a total of 7 TokHaar-Jad - who function in much the same way as the standard TzTok-Jad - before being faced with their final challenge; the gigantic Har-Aken.

Fight Kiln overhead

An overhead view of the Kiln arena.

There are several safespots in the Fight Kiln that can be used to lure and trap the TokHaar. Be aware, however, that the cave will slowly fill with lava, submerging the safespots and forcing the player to use the low wall in the middle of the area for luring. Lava will fill the cave after waves 10, 20, 30 and 34. By the time the final boss fight with Har-Aken commences, only a square-shaped piece of land will be available.

Every alternate wave will also cause lava crystals to spawn in the Kiln, which can be used to gain bonuses such as temporary invincibility or full prayer and life point restoration. Use them to the fullest to survive the waves - especially the 7 TokHaar-Jads and Har-Aken.

Unlike the Fight Cave, players are allowed to bring a familiar into the arena. Like the Fight Cave, players are able to save their progress at the end of each wave.


Name Level First Wave Count Life points Attack style Max hit Weakness Notes
100 1 20 4,000 Attack-icon Melee 384 Water weakness icon Water spells By far the weakest creature in this minigame, it hardly does any damage and can be killed quickly. Using magic to kill it is recommended.
140 1 8 7,000 Ranged-icon Ranged 576 Crush weakness icon Crush Using melee to kill it is recommended.
200 1 46 7,500 Attack-icon Melee,
Ranged-icon Ranged
547 (ranged) 547 (melee) Crush weakness icon Crush Using melee to kill it is recommended, and it should also be the first priority to kill in most cases (unless it is trapped).
160 4 27 6,000 Magic-icon Magic,
Attack-icon Melee
480 (melee)
1008 (magic)
Bolt weakness icon Bolts It attacks with magic and melee (when in melee range). Always stand at least a square away from one. Using ranged to kill it is recommended.
120 5 8 6,000 Attack-icon Melee 1117 (melee)
~20% of max life points (special)
Water weakness icon Water spells

It needs to be hit with either a rune or dragon pickaxe anywhere between 2-5 times to remove its armour. After the armour has been removed, it can be damaged. Dreadnips or a combat familiar can deal damage through the armour. It attacks with an accurate melee attack and sometimes uses a special attack that hits for consistently high damage. Luring and trapping it is recommended before trying to break its armour. Using magic to kill it is recommended. It tends to use the special attack more if you protect from melee.

The TokHaar-Dill's special attack is able to hit through the invulnerability crystal.

Pickaxes in your tool belt will also work at chipping away at the armour, but will require a melee weapon equipped in order to do so.

400 8 23 15,000 Magic-icon Magic,
Attack-icon Melee

1080 (magic)

528 (melee)

Bolt weakness icon Bolts It should be dealt with as soon as possible since it hits very accurately even when praying against its attack style. Using ranged to kill it is recommended.
300 17 30 9,000 Attack-icon Melee 2000 Water weakness icon Water spells It has high strength, so trapping it or using the appropriate protection prayer is recommended. Using magic to kill it is recommended. It is surprisingly weak against dreadnips.
180 22 5 8000 Attack-icon Melee 864 Water weakness icon Water spells It is not as dangerous as its combat level suggests, but nevertheless it should be trapped before killing it (use Protect from Melee otherwise). Using magic to kill it is recommended.
780 10 7 40,000 Attack-icon Melee,
Ranged-icon Ranged,
Magic-icon Magic
12250 Zero weakness icon Nothing Similar to TzTok-Jad, it is strongly advised to switch prayers to block its attacks. Small amounts of damage (~100) will be dealt through prayer, however, so healing between prayer switches is recommended to keep life points high. It is recommended to eliminate other monsters before facing TokHaar-Jad. If that is counterproductive, make sure that other monsters do not interfere with the fight. They do not summon any Yt-Mej-Kot.



800 37 1 150,000 Attack-icon Melee,
Ranged-icon Ranged,
Magic-icon Magic

1094 (magic and ranged)

820 (melee)

Head:Zero weakness icon Nothing
Ranged tentacles:Slash weakness icon Slash
Magic tentacles: Thrown weakness icon Thrown
The final boss of the Fight Kiln, it attacks with numerous magic and ranged tentacles. It can only be defeated by killing its head, which emerges every 72 seconds for 27 seconds. The tentacles can be attacked, but the head will appear regardless. Onslaught in combination with obsidian armour and Crystal (magic) is an effective way to damage the head, but it's also dangerous, as Onslaught can potentially kill the caster. So it is crucial to wear high defence armour during onslaught to minimise damage from tentacles, allowing Onslaught to be sustained longer on Har-Aken.


In some waves you can obtain lava crystals, which grant certain "power-ups" usable only in the Fight Kiln. Only one crystal can be activated at a time, so the effects cannot be combined. When a crystal is used, the appropriate stat is boosted to 150% (148 at 99) while the other combat stats are reduced to 50% (49 at 99).

It is recommended to pick up the following crystals: Invulnerability, Constitution and Restoration. Others will just occupy inventory space and they are likely to be not needed throughout the cave. Picking magic crystal is only advised if experienced enough.

Invulnerability crystal should be used on wave 36. Constitution crystals are recommended to save for Har'Aken and restoration crystals are useful whenever your life points and prayers are low.

Crystal Effect Waves
Crystal (invulnerability) Invulnerability Offers complete invulnerability for 30 seconds. It does not work when TokHaar- Ket-Dill uses its special attack, as the damage dealt by it is typeless. Damage will still be received if the crystal is activated after a monster has already done its attack animation. 1, 13, 25
Crystal (restoration) Restoration Fully restores prayer points and life points. 3, 15, 27
Crystal (magic) Magic Boosts Magic by 50% for 3.5 minutes but also significantly reduces Defence, Strength, and Ranged. At level 99 Magic, the level is boosted to 148, giving a staggering 147% magic damage boost and allowing spells to frequently hit much higher than before. 5, 17, 29
Crystal (ranged) Ranged Boosts Ranged by 50% for 3.5 minutes but also significantly reduces Defence, Strength, and Magic. 7, 19, 31
Crystal (strength) Strength Boosts Strength by 50% for 3.5 minutes but also significantly reduces Defence, Ranged, and Magic. 9, 21, 33
Crystal (constitution) Constitution Boosts Constitution by 50% (rounded down to the nearest hundred) for 3.5 minutes. The Constitution boost also affects Saradomin brews and the Unicorn stallion's healing aura scrolls. When the Constitution crystal wears off, the user is healed to full health. 11, 23, 35


Interactive map[]


12 TokHaar-Hur, 2 TokHaar-Xil, 1 TokHaar-Tok-XilNone
21 TokHaar-Hur, 2 TokHaar-Xil, 2 TokHaar-Tok-XilCrystal (invulnerability)
31 TokHaar-Hur, 1 TokHaar-Xil, 3 TokHaar-Tok-XilNone
42 TokHaar-Mej, 3 TokHaar-Tok-XilCrystal (restoration)
51 TokHaar-Ket-Dill, 1 TokHaar-Xil, 3 TokHaar-Tok-XilNone
62 TokHaar-Mej, 1 TokHaar-Xil, 3 TokHaar-Tok-XilCrystal (magic)
71 TokHaar-Mej, 1 TokHaar-Xil, 4 TokHaar-Tok-XilNone
81 TokHaar-Ket-Zek, 2 TokHaar-Tok-XilCrystal (ranged)
96 TokHaar-Tok-XilNone
101 TokHaar-Jad, 1 TokHaar-Tok-XilCrystal (strength)
114 TokHaar-MejNone
122 TokHaar-Mej, 2 TokHaar-Tok-XilCrystal (constitution)
131 TokHaar-Ket-Zek, 2 TokHaar-MejNone
142 TokHaar-Ket-Zek, 2 TokHaar-MejCrystal (invulnerability)
152 TokHaar-Ket-Zek, 1 TokHaar-Tok-XilNone
162 TokHaar-Ket-Zek, 2 TokHaar-Mej, 1 TokHaar-Tok-XilCrystal (restoration)
172 TokHaar-Ket-Zek, 1 TokHaar-Mej, 1 TokHaar-Yt-MejKot, 1 TokHaar-Tok-XilNone
182 TokHaar-Ket-Zek, 1 TokHaar-Mej, 1 TokHaar-Yt-MejKot, 2 TokHaar-Tok-XilCrystal (magic)
191 TokHaar-Ket-Dill, 8 TokHaar-MejNone
201 TokHaar-Ket-Zek, 1 TokHaar-JadCrystal (ranged)
2112 TokHaar-HurNone
221 TokHaar-Yt-MejKot, 2 TokHaar-Ket, 2 TokHaar-HurCrystal (strength)
232 TokHaar-Yt-MejKot, 1 TokHaar-Ket, 2 TokHaar-HurNone
244 TokHaar-Yt-MejKot, 1 TokHaar-Tok-XilCrystal (constitution)
251 TokHaar-Ket-Zek, 2 TokHaar-Yt-MejKot, 2 TokHaar-Tok-XilNone
262 TokHaar-Ket-Zek, 2 TokHaar-Yt-MejKot, 1 TokHaar-Tok-XilCrystal (invulnerability)
271 TokHaar-Ket-Zek, 2 TokHaar-Yt-MejKot, 2 TokHaar-Ket, 1 TokHaar-Tok-XilNone
281 TokHaar-Ket-Zek, 6 TokHaar-Ket-DillCrystal (restoration)
296 TokHaar-Yt-MejKotNone
303 TokHaar-Yt-MejKot, 1 TokHaar-JadCrystal (magic)
314 TokHaar-Tok-XilNone
324 TokHaar-Yt-MejKotCrystal (ranged)
334 TokHaar-Ket-ZekNone
341 TokHaar-Yt-MejKot, 1 TokHaar-Jad, 1 TokHaar-Tok-XilCrystal (strength)
351 TokHaar-Ket-Zek, 1 TokHaar-Yt-MejKot, 1 TokHaar-Jad, 1 TokHaar-Tok-XilNone
362 TokHaar-JadCrystal (constitution)
371 Har-AkenNone


TokHaar-Kal-Ket equipped

A TokHaar-Kal-Ket, one of the three capes awarded from completing the Fight Kiln

Upon victory in the Fight Kiln, players are prompted to choose reward between a TokHaar cape — a TokHaar-Kal-Ket, TokHaar-Kal-Xil or TokHaar-Kal-Mej — or an uncut onyx. Players are only able to choose the cape(s) equivalent to the combat style(s) they used most during the minigame. For example, if someone primarily uses melee, they will only get a choice between a TokHaar-Kal-Ket and an onyx, but if someone uses all three combat styles in roughly equivalent amounts, they will have a choice between all three capes and an onyx. It's also possible to have a choice of two capes and an onyx if two styles were used roughly the same amount over the third style.

The TokHaar-Kal capes are some of the best in the game, possessing a damage bonus of 31 in their respective combat styles.

The kiln can be played multiple times to get all four rewards. Completing the Kiln once is also a requirement for the completionist cape. Players may also choose to trade in a set of all three TokHaar-Kal with Tzhaar-Mej-Jeh in the central plaza to receive the enhanced fire cape cosmetic override. This will destroy all three capes and is irreversible. Unlocking the enhanced fire cape override is a requirement for the master quest cape.

If a player has a full inventory while choosing a reward, or clicks away from the reward chatbox, they will be transported outside of the Fight Kiln and will have to go back in and talk to TokHaar-Hok again to claim their reward (provided at least 1 free inventory slot is available). The Fight Kiln cannot be played again until a reward is chosen.

Har-Aken may rarely drop the Volcanic shard, which is used to unlock its pet version: Shrimpy.


  • Kiln Fighter (RuneScore 20) - Complete the Fight Kiln.
  • Three's A Kiln (RuneScore 15) - Claim the enhanced fire cape override, by giving a TokHaar-Kal-Ket, TokHaar-Kal-Xil, and TokHaar-Kal-Mej cape to TzHaar-Mej-Jeh.



  • Upon completing the Fight Kiln, the following message appears in your Adventurer's Log: "I defeated many waves of TokHaar, before vanquishing the mighty Har'Aken and conquering the Fight Kiln."
  • An Early bird lamp was obtained by players who reached wave 30 of the minigame within two weeks of its release.
  • Completing the kiln nets 166,779 total experience with 125,402 going to combat styles and 41,377 going to Constitution.
  • On 9 February 2015, Jagex added a spawn timer for the Fight Kiln in fast and slow speeds in response to player feedback due to waves spawning slowly.
  • The Fight Kiln was considerably buffed after the update of 13 June 2016 due to the monsters being weaker than the Fight Cave itself. The same update also allowed players to use Surge, Escape, and Barge in the Kiln.
  • A later update introduced the option to toggle off the cutscenes in the Kiln.