RuneScape Wiki
RuneScape Wiki
This article is about the useless prisoner files. For other uses, see File.

File (useless) detail

A useless File is found during Rocking Out in the Rock Island Prison. When searching the cabinets in the upstairs storage room, files for many different prisoners can be found. None of the prisoners' files are useful except for Wanda the Fish's file, which can be exchanged with the Locker Officer for the brooch. The same useless file is obtained from all 26 of the other prisoners' cabinets.

Many of the prisoners' names are references.

Name Reference
Ash the Loud-Mouthed Braggart A quote from Army of Darkness, a 1992 film
Burglars without prejudice
Curly the Stooge The Three Stooges, an American comedy act
Larry the Stooge
Mo the Stooge
Dr. Verystrangelove Dr. Strangelove, a 1964 film
Emu the Emo
Fnords (10 cases of) The neologism fnord, used to indicate irony
Gloomy the Cheerful
Henry the Psychotic Portrait-Painter Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, a 1986 movie
Imps with Crossbows
Jason the Malevolent
Kings (Yellow-clad only) The King in Yellow, a collection of horror short stories
Nothing Interesting Happens The message players receive when two items are used on each other without purpose
One of the Biggest Moles in the World (Ever) The Giant mole in Falador
Pictures of the Chief's wife
Q the Winged Serpent The Mesoamerican deity Quetzalcoatl, a winged serpent
Really Small Criminals
Sixty-seven Assyrian Assassins A quote from Monty Python's Life of Brian, a 1979 film
T the Pitier Mr. T, an American actor
Um the Bongo Um Bongo, a brand of British juice drinks
Vincent the Prince Vincent Price, a deceased American actor
Wanda the Fish A Fish Called Wanda, a 1988 film
X the Unknown X the Unknown, a 1956 film
Yobs, slobs, and mobs
Z-Files: Do not open! The science fiction TV series The X-Files