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RuneScape Wiki
Fire Strike
Fire Strike icon
Release date 24 May 2001 (Update)
Members No
Level Magic 13
Spellbook Normal,
Type Combat

Fire weakness icon Fire

Damage 124
Runes 1Fire1Air
Fire strike
Click animation for full size

Fire Strike, a free-to-play magic spell, is the weakest fire spell in the standard spellbook. This spell requires one Fire rune and one Air rune to cast. The base damage of this spell is 124, and it scales up to 326 at 34 Magic.

This is one of the few attack methods that can damage Salarin the Twisted.


1Air rune1Fire rune249
Combo runes
1Fire rune1Dust rune1,144
1Air rune1Lava rune1,056
1Smoke rune1,011
1Air rune1Steam rune1,089
1Fire rune1Mist rune1,322
1Fire runeStaff of air159
1Air runeStaff of fire90
1Air runeSteam battlestaff90
Elemental battlestaff0
1Air runeMystical staff (75)90
1Air runeLava battlestaff90
1Fire runeAvernic wandTome of frost159

When using a Staff of light, the average cost is 22.75.


This spell was discovered by an ancient human named Jack, who is also the Magic Guild's founder.

The spell was discovered by hitting an air rune with a fire rune together (while the same runes are also the requirements to do this spell).

