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RuneScape Wiki
Fire Surge
Fire Surge icon
Release date 17 November 2009 (Update)
Members Yes
Level Magic 95
Spellbook Normal,
Type Combat

Fire weakness icon Fire

Damage 883
Runes 5Fire5Air
Fire surge
Click animation for full size

Fire Surge, a members-only magic spell, is the strongest fire spell, and tied with Air, Water, and Earth Surge for strongest combat spell in the standard spellbook. It requires five fire runes and five air runes to cast. The base damage of this spell is 883.


5Air rune5Fire rune1,245
Combo runes
5Fire rune5Dust rune5,720
5Air rune5Lava rune5,280
5Smoke rune5,055
5Air rune5Steam rune5,445
5Fire rune5Mist rune6,610
5Fire runeStaff of air795
5Air runeStaff of fire450
5Air runeSteam battlestaff450
Elemental battlestaff0
5Air runeMystical staff (75)450
5Air runeLava battlestaff450
5Fire runeAvernic wandTome of frost795


  • These spells were added to the spellbook in the 17 November 2009 update.
  • On 24 June 2010, all of the elemental spells received a graphical make-over.
  • Prior to the introduction of the EoC the spell was visually composed of a very large fire missile with four fire strike missiles.
  • With the Evolution of Combat update, the requirement of blood and death runes was removed.