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A Fire spirit is a common phenomenon that can appear while adding logs to a bonfire or a portable brazier. They are unique to the player; only the player receiving the fire spirit event will be able to see it. It is possible for multiple fire spirits to be active for the player.

When a spirit appears, the player can click on it to collect a reward. Reward amounts are based on the type of logs used: the better the log type, the higher the reward. Multiple, different rewards may be acquired from a single spirit. However, players should note that the spirits will only last for 50 seconds before disappearing, so players must pay attention in order to spot them. Charms are usually obtained, though numbers and types may vary. A crystal tinderbox gives quintuple the chance of spawning a fire spirit while training Firemaking on bonfires while it's equipped in the weapon slot. If the Fairy Fire perk from Memorial to Guthix is enabled, a divine fire spirit will spawn instead.

Wearing a Firemaking cape or variant thereof improves the rewards obtained from fire spirits.

Obtainable rewards[]


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Copper oreCopper ore1–2 (noted)Uncommon337–674
Tin oreTin ore1–2 (noted)Uncommon116–232
Iron oreIron ore1–2 (noted)Common449–898
Silver oreSilver ore(noted)Uncommon138
Gold oreGold ore3–5 (noted)Uncommon1,761–2,935
Mithril oreMithril ore2–4 (noted)Uncommon394–788
Adamantite oreAdamantite ore(noted)Rare227
Runite oreRunite ore(noted)Very rare1,419

Firelighters (m)[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Blue firelighterBlue firelighter1Uncommon412
Red firelighterRed firelighter1Uncommon431
White firelighterWhite firelighter1Uncommon440
Purple firelighterPurple firelighter1Uncommon599
Green firelighterGreen firelighter1Uncommon418


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Air runeAir rune5–220Common450–19,800
Fire runeFire rune2–120Common318–19,080
Chaos runeChaos rune4–20Common608–3,040
Body runeBody rune20–80Common960–3,840
Cosmic runeCosmic rune2–12Uncommon824–4,944
Law runeLaw rune6–10Uncommon3,420–5,700
Death runeDeath rune2–6Rare464–1,392
Mind runeMind rune10–40Rare190–760


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Uncut opalUncut opal1Common177
Uncut jadeUncut jade1Common315
Uncut red topazUncut red topaz1Common346
Uncut sapphireUncut sapphire1Uncommon809
Uncut emeraldUncut emerald1Uncommon2,555
Uncut rubyUncut ruby1Uncommon1,842
Uncut diamondUncut diamond1Rare4,843
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Rare12,077


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Coins 1000Coins50–2,200Varies50–2,200
Gold charmGold charm1–3CommonNot sold
Green charmGreen charm1–7CommonNot sold
Crimson charmCrimson charm1–4CommonNot sold
Blue charmBlue charm1–2UncommonNot sold
AshesAshes1–6 (noted)Common95–570


  • On the day of release of bonfires, a bug allowed free-to-play players to receive members-only items, such as charms, as rewards from the spirit. This was fixed a few hours after release.
  • On the day of release of bonfires, a bug caused players to only get one type of reward. This was fixed a few hours after release.