? (edit)The shadowy remains of a long departed soul.A shadowy sort of entity, kind of creepy looking.Fiyr ShadeFiyr Shadow? (edit)? (edit)12501249Versions: 2
Defined properties:
All Life points: 7,000
Life points: 7,000
All Slayer experience: 43
Slayer experience: 43
All Combat experience: 661
Combat experience: 661
All Release date: 18 October 2004
Release date: 18 October 2004
All Combat level: 98
Combat level: 98
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 1250
NPC ID1: 1250
All NPC ID: 1249
NPC ID2: 1249
Fiyr Shades lurk behind the silver door in the Mort'tonshade catacombs dungeon. They initially appear as very dark moving shadows on the ground and then rise from the depths to attack or retaliate. They are combat level 98 and their primary weakness is magic. Like all shades, they have a special attack that deals moderate damage and has a chance of draining one's Strength level. On occasion they have also been known to leave their catacombs to attack trekkers and ramblers in the town above their dark burial place. Their remains can be cremated with magic pyre logs, requiring a Firemaking level of 80. The Salve amulet and Salve amulet (e) work well on this shade.
With the update of the Shades of Mort'tonminigame, their remains boasted a street price of 10k each, although the current G.E. price is: 2,971 coins. This was due to the addition of the necromancer kit, used to upgrade Dagon'hai robes, and shade skulls, a cosmetic attachment to elemental staves, which are obtained by unlocking Shade Chests with Gold Keys from their cremated remains.
Other fiyr shades (called Shade ingame) can be found in Temple Trekking, attempting to break into the houses of the three unafflicted people in Mort'ton.
When encountered during a Trek, they are simply named 'Shade'. They still drop Fiyr remains when killed.
In the Trek or Ramble, if they manage to break the door or the player opens the door for them, they will say "Your time has come, _______." or " It is over!, _______."
For about a week after the release of the Evolution of Combat, these monsters retained their pre-EoC stats. This made them have high combat levels, with low life points and damage, and a weakness to crush. Their stats were changed to the levels they had in the combat beta with the release of the Ariane quests.