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Flamtaer hammer detail

The Flamtaer hammer is an item that players can use during Shades of Mort'ton and the subsequent minigame. It is a replacement for the regular hammer when building the temple, and is approximately 75% faster.

This hammer is a known prize from looting silver chests in the Shades of Mort'ton minigame. Despite it looking worthless if you already have one, High Level Alchemy could be cast on it for a decent amount of coins.

Both Rasolo (south-east of Baxtorian Falls) and the general store of Mort'ton sell these for 13,000 coins.

This hammer is needed for the medium Morytania achievement, "Flamtaer Will Get You Everywhere".

Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Black key blackN/A1Rare
Black key brownN/A1Rare
Black key crimsonN/A1Rare
Black key purpleN/A1Rare
Black key redN/A1Rare
Shade Catacombs/RewardsN/A1Rare
Silver key blackN/A1Rare
Silver key brownN/A1Rare
Silver key crimsonN/A1Rare
Silver key purpleN/A1Rare
Silver key redN/A1Rare
Gold keyN/A1Uncommon
Shade Catacombs/RewardsN/A1Uncommon

Store locations[]

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Seller Location Cost Currency Base stock Members?


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