All Life points: 2,800
Life points1: 2,800
All Life points: 2,800
Life points2: 2,800
All Life points: 2,900
Life points3: 2,900
All Slayer experience: 50
Slayer experience: 50
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience: 0
All Combat experience: 128
Combat experience1: 128
All Combat experience: 65
Combat experience2: 65
All Combat experience: 129
Combat experience3: 129
All Release date: 4 July 2006
Release date: 4 July 2006
All Combat level: 39
Combat level1: 39
All Combat level: 39
Combat level2: 39
All Combat level: 40
Combat level3: 40
All Is members only: false
Is members only: false
All NPC ID: 4390
NPC ID1: 4390
All NPC ID: 4391
NPC ID2: 4391
All NPC ID: 4389
NPC ID3: 4389
Flesh crawlers are medium level monsters found on level 2 of the Stronghold of Security. They are considered good training for players with combat levels of 40+. They are quite inaccurate when mithril armour or higher is equipped, but when steel armour or lower is equipped, they can be a bit hard as they hit at a fast rate. They drop large numbers of herbs, including many high level ones. They also drop mostly green and gold charms but rarely crimson charms. For medium-level players, flesh crawlers offer an alternative to chaos druids, who also drop many herbs.
Their drops such as herbs, runes, and noted iron ores can be sold for a good quantity of money.
Due to the high accuracy and speed of the flesh crawlers' attacks, food is a necessity for weak players if they wish to stay for an extended period of time; conveniently, there is a fishing area located just outside of Gunnarsgrunn, close to the entrance of the Stronghold of Security. Salmon and trout can be caught and cooked here if a player does not wish to bring their own food from the bank. Players can cook their fish on the perpetual fire located in Peksa's helmet shop, as well as the two perpetual fires in Gunnarsgrunn Longhall. There is also a cooked meat spawn. Players up to level 60 in combat could bring between 1-3 lobsters or bass for slightly quicker healing.
Players between the combat levels of 60 to 80 may find flesh crawlers a solid source of experience, due to their low max hit and frequent drops. The level 39 crawlers have a maximum hit damage of 140; the accuracy of each hit directly increases in relation with the flesh crawlers' combat levels.
Players usually start training at level 39 flesh crawlers. In view of this, there is a small room with eight level 39 flesh crawlers in the Stronghold of Security, which makes them great for training at low levels. In contrast a high-levelled player will no longer find it beneficial to simply stand in the middle of the room, it is highly recommended that they go to level 3 of the Stronghold of Security.
These are also good for players as they will have a chance of receiving the "bottom half of sceptre" as a drop, one of four parts that make up the sought after skull sceptre. For free to play, flesh crawlers will usually drop a gem with the "bottom half of sceptre", and frequently drop body runes. For members, flesh crawlers often drop valuable herbs.
Charms (m)[]
No charm
Represents a 90% confidence range based on a sample of 35,969 kills. 1 charm is dropped at a time. Add data to the log (requires JavaScript).
Flesh crawlers have the same examine text as all of the kalphite monsters.
Before the Hitpoints/Constitution update, flesh crawlers had a max hit of 1, which would be equivalent to 10 after the update.
When you have the flesh crawlers as a Slayer task, and say in quick chat your current Slayer task, it will say: My current Slayer assignment is: Fleshcrawlers.
When a flesh crawler drops bottom of sceptre, they usually also drop an item from the rare drop table.
After the 15, September 2014 update, their chance of dropping runes was significantly reduced, along with that of many other monsters in an effort improve the value of runes, making them a much less profitable monster to kill; despite this they are still heavily botted.
An update raised the maximum life points of flesh crawlers to 7000, but did not change the experience awarded accordingly. This made them a poor source of xp due to the ratio of their xp reward to their high life points. However, a later update lowered their life points back to 2800 for the level 39 crawlers and 2900 for the level 40 crawlers.