All Life points: 10,000
Life points: 10,000
All Slayer experience: 363.8
Slayer experience: 363.8
All Combat experience: 766.3
Combat experience: 766.3
All Release date: 28 August 2007
Release date: 28 August 2007
All Combat level: 102
Combat level: 102
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 6227
NPC ID: 6227
Flight Kilisa is one of the aviansie bodyguards of Kree'arra, along with Wingman Skree and Flockleader Geerin. She uses melee attacks with a max hit of 365. She is usually a problem for rangers, as their armour does not defend well against her attacks. Fortunately, she does not focus on a single player for long and will frequently switch her focus to other players within the room. She also features in the Missing, Presumed Death quest where, alongside Flockleader Geerin, she provided information regarding Armadyl, the aviansie race and the Empyrean Citadel during the quest.