RuneScape Wiki
RuneScape Wiki
Summoning button
Summoning interface

The summoning screen for a summoning familiar.

Pet interface

The summoning screen for a pet.

The follower details interface displays information about a players currently summoned familiar or pet. The screen can be reached via the Summoning icon on the action bar.

This screen is only available when a pet or familiar is actually in use.

Familiar features Function
Summoning special move
Summoning spell points
Depletes when a familiar uses its special move. The amount of depletion varies from familiar to familiar. If at zero, the familiar will not be able to use its special attack.
Number of summoning points remaining
Summoning points left
Shows how many Summoning points the player has.
Familiar time
Time remaining
Shows how much time is left before the currently summoned familiar disappears.
Familiar attack button
Attack button
Instructs the familiar to attack the target that the player is engaged in combat with.
Cast button
Cast button
Casts a familiars special move, provided the respective scroll is stored in inventory or headgear.
BOB withdraw
Take button
If a familiar is carrying item(s), clicking this will transfer them into the inventory if there is enough room.
Give Beast of Burden items
Give Beast of Burden items button
If a familiar is capable of carrying item(s), clicking this will allow players to transfer items to the familiars inventory if there is enough room.
Renew familiar
Renew button
If a familiars timer is running low, players can use this button to renew the familiars timer, provided they have an unnoted pouch of the same type in their inventory. Renewing also heals the familiar if it has lost any life points.
Call button
Call button
If a follower is restricted by obstacles, this button calls them to the players side.
Dismiss button
Dismiss button
If a follower is no longer wanted, this button will dismiss it.
Pet features Function
Familiar hunger meter
Hunger meter
Shows how hungry a pet is, so that it can be fed before running away.
Familiar growth meter
Growth meter
Displays, in the form of a percentage, the size of a pet and when they will grow into the next form.