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Fortunate bakami jar detail

A fortunate bakami jar is the result of successfully catching a fortunate bakami, requiring 90 Hunter. Catching a fortunate bakami grants 675 Hunter experience.

Fortunate bakami jars can be sold to Sensei Seaworth's Spirited Away shop on Tuai Leit for 20 chimes each, or looted for a variety of rewards.

Store locations[]

Spirited Away
Merchant Sensei Seaworth
Island Tuai Leit
Price sold at 200
Prices bought at
Base value 20
First upgrade 22
Second upgrade 24

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Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Arc gumboArc gumbo2–3CommonNot sold
Uncooked arc gumboUncooked arc gumbo1–3CommonNot sold
Iron oreIron ore1Common449
ChimesChimes25–100CommonNot sold